Demandas que a maternidade tardia exigirá dos gestores públicos para oferecer o suporte social necessário às crianças
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A definição do conceito de maternidade tardia diz respeito à gestação após os 35 anos de idade, sendo classificada como “idade materna avançada”. É notável que nas últimas décadas a maternidade em idade avançada tornou-se um fenômeno mais comum na sociedade. No entanto, a biologia humana não tem mudado tanto, de forma que a fase mais fértil das mulheres é até os 35 anos, então a necessidade de adiar a gravidez pode aumentar os riscos à saúde tanto da mãe quanto do bebê. Na faixa de idade de mães acima dos 35 anos, foi observado um aumento na frequência dos casos de prematuridade, óbitos fetais, anomalia congênita, Síndrome de Down, partos múltiplos, e uma queda nos índices Apgar e peso ao nascer. Na pesquisa bibliográfica e nos dados coletados percebe-se os potenciais desafios humanos e terapêuticos que esse padrão comportamental trará aos gestores públicos (em particular, do SUS e das redes municipais de atendimento). Este trabalho demonstra a importância da Atuária na estimação e projeção dos riscos macro sociais que precisamos mitigar e gerenciar. Há necessidade de aprofundar a metodologia e as estatísticas deste tema, mas com os dados e referências recolhidos, fica clara a urgência da presença de atuários. Para todos os grandes riscos da sociedade, os atuários precisam fincar sua presença. Também se mostra importante estudos sobre as consequências para a mãe como complemento ao tema, podendo ser elaborado com outras bases existentes no Datasus.
The definition of the concept of late motherhood concerns pregnancy after 35 years old, being classified as “advanced maternal age”. It is notable that in recent decades, motherhood at an advanced age has become a more common phenomenon in society. However, human biology has not changed much, so women's most fertile phase is until the age of 35, so the necessity of delaying pregnancy can increase the health risks for both mother and baby. In the age group of mothers over 35 years old, it was observed an increase in the frequency of cases of prematurity, fetal deaths, congenital anomalies, Down Syndrome, multiple births, and a drop in Apgar scores and birth weight. In the bibliographical research and in the collected data, we can see the potential human and therapeutic challenges that this behavioral pattern will bring to public managers (in particular, the SUS and municipal service networks). This work demonstrates the importance of Actuarial Science in estimating and projecting the macro social risks that we need to mitigate and manage. There is a need to deepen the methodology and statistics of this topic, but with the data and references collected, the urgency of the presence of actuaries is clear. For all of society's major risks, actuaries need to establish their presence. Studies on the consequences for the mother are also important as a complement to the topic, and can be developed with other existing databases in Datasus.
The definition of the concept of late motherhood concerns pregnancy after 35 years old, being classified as “advanced maternal age”. It is notable that in recent decades, motherhood at an advanced age has become a more common phenomenon in society. However, human biology has not changed much, so women's most fertile phase is until the age of 35, so the necessity of delaying pregnancy can increase the health risks for both mother and baby. In the age group of mothers over 35 years old, it was observed an increase in the frequency of cases of prematurity, fetal deaths, congenital anomalies, Down Syndrome, multiple births, and a drop in Apgar scores and birth weight. In the bibliographical research and in the collected data, we can see the potential human and therapeutic challenges that this behavioral pattern will bring to public managers (in particular, the SUS and municipal service networks). This work demonstrates the importance of Actuarial Science in estimating and projecting the macro social risks that we need to mitigate and manage. There is a need to deepen the methodology and statistics of this topic, but with the data and references collected, the urgency of the presence of actuaries is clear. For all of society's major risks, actuaries need to establish their presence. Studies on the consequences for the mother are also important as a complement to the topic, and can be developed with other existing databases in Datasus.
Lima, Natanael Mendes Caires de. Demandas que a maternidade tardia exigirá dos gestores públicos para oferecer suporte social necessário às crianças. 2023. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Bacharelado em Ciências Atuariais) - Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Escola Paulista de Política, Economia e Negócios, Osasco, 2023.