Grandes geradores e geradores industriais de resíduos e o potencial de reciclagem no município de Diadema – SP
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A Política Nacional de Resíduos Sólidos teve sua publicação em 2010, e garantiu a obrigatoriedade, por parte dos municípios, da criação do Plano Municipal de Gestão Integrada de Resíduos Sólidos. A fim de se adequar, o município de Diadema apresentou sua política pública, no ano de 2019, através da promulgação da Lei Ordinária n° 3.853, que tornou obrigatória a entrega de uma série de documentações técnicas, por parte dos grandes geradores e geradores industriais estabelecidos na cidade, e dentre elas, o Plano de Gerenciamento de Resíduos Sólidos. O plano permite a quantificação de todo material gerado, garante a especificação do ciclo de responsabilidades e propõe ações de reutilização e educação ambiental. Previsto pelo Art. 15 inciso 2° da política municipal, fica instituída a priorização da destinação dos materiais recicláveis às cooperativas e associações de catadores, e a fim de avaliar essa destinação específica, foram analisadas as documentações auto declaratórias enviadas pelos GGGI e, particularmente, nestes relatórios, os levantamentos gravimétricos quantitativos dos resíduos gerados que neles deveriam constar. Por resultado específico e no período estipulado, de agosto a dezembro de 2021, obtevese que de 135 documentos analisados, a maior parte deles (76%) seguem, dentro de seus protocolos internos, algum tipo de segregação de material reciclável. Por média total foram declaradas a geração de 4.618,45 toneladas de resíduos por mês, em que 1.594,94 toneladas são recicláveis e somente 57,21 toneladas seguem o caminho prioritário, descrito em lei; os demais são destinados à valorização econômica dos materiais recicláveis e ao comércio de matérias primas pós processo produtivo. Os resultados dessa pesquisa evidenciaram lacunas a serem preenchidas pelos poderes públicos e a necessidade de se instaurar incentivos fiscais, econômicos e sociais às cooperativas e para aqueles geradores que com elas contribuírem.
The National Policy of Solid Residues was published in 2010, and guaranteed, by the party of each county, the obligatoriness of the creation of the Municipal Plan of Integrated Management of Solid Residues. In order to adequate itself, the city of Diadema presented it’s public policy, in 2019, through the promulgation of the Ordinary Law nº 3853, that became obligatory through the handing of a series of technical documentation on the part of the big residue generators and parallel industrial generators established in the city, and among the the Solid Residue Management Plan. The plan allows the quantification of all solid material that is generated, guarantees the specification of the circle of responsibilities and it proposes actions of reuse and environmental education.Is expected by Article 15 item 2º of municipal policy, the foundation of prioritization of destination of recyclable residue to cooperatives and collectors alliance, and in order to analyze this specific destination, were performed quantitative gravimetric surveys about those residues, through autodeclaratory documentation. Through specific results were obtained that from 135 analysed documents, most of them (76%) follow, through their internal protocols, some type of segregation of recyclable material. As total average was declared the generation of 4,618.45 tons of monthly residue, from witch 1,594.94 are recyclable and only 57.21 follow the prioritized pathing, that is described through law, the rest are destined to economic appreciation of recyclable material and to the commerce of postprocessed raw material. The results of this research brought to light gaps that need to be filled by the public authorities and the necessity of establishment of tax and social breaks for the cooperatives and for the few generators that do contribute to the cause.
The National Policy of Solid Residues was published in 2010, and guaranteed, by the party of each county, the obligatoriness of the creation of the Municipal Plan of Integrated Management of Solid Residues. In order to adequate itself, the city of Diadema presented it’s public policy, in 2019, through the promulgation of the Ordinary Law nº 3853, that became obligatory through the handing of a series of technical documentation on the part of the big residue generators and parallel industrial generators established in the city, and among the the Solid Residue Management Plan. The plan allows the quantification of all solid material that is generated, guarantees the specification of the circle of responsibilities and it proposes actions of reuse and environmental education.Is expected by Article 15 item 2º of municipal policy, the foundation of prioritization of destination of recyclable residue to cooperatives and collectors alliance, and in order to analyze this specific destination, were performed quantitative gravimetric surveys about those residues, through autodeclaratory documentation. Through specific results were obtained that from 135 analysed documents, most of them (76%) follow, through their internal protocols, some type of segregation of recyclable material. As total average was declared the generation of 4,618.45 tons of monthly residue, from witch 1,594.94 are recyclable and only 57.21 follow the prioritized pathing, that is described through law, the rest are destined to economic appreciation of recyclable material and to the commerce of postprocessed raw material. The results of this research brought to light gaps that need to be filled by the public authorities and the necessity of establishment of tax and social breaks for the cooperatives and for the few generators that do contribute to the cause.