Scanning electron microscopic study of the dorsal surface of the tongue of Calomys callosus mouse
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The characteristics of the dorsal mucosal surface of Calomys callosus' tongue were studied employing scanning electron microscopy. The samples were fixed with modified Karnovsky solution, and postfixed in 1% OsO4, followed by dehydration and critical point drying. The scanning electron microscopy gives a three dimensional image of the filiform, fungiform, vallate and foliate papillae. The filiform papillae were found on the anterior tip and dorsal surface; the fungiform papillae on the dorsal and anterior surfaces; only one vallate papilla, elongated in shape, is located in the posterior third, and the small foliate papillae were to be seen in the posterolateral region of the tongue.
Annals Of Anatomy-anatomischer Anzeiger. Jena: Gustav Fischer Verlag Jena, v. 177, n. 6, p. 569-572, 1995.