Possibilidades de contribuição da educação ambiental à gestão de resíduos sólidos no município de Guarulhos (SP)
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O equilíbrio ambiental previsto pela Constituição de 1988 perpassa pela gestão e
gerenciamento de resíduos. Cerca de 50% da geração de resíduos do Brasil é do sudeste,
região com grande adensamento populacional e Guarulhos é o segundo maior município
paulista em população. Apesar de existirem iniciativas da prefeitura como coleta seletiva, há
baixa aderência da população. O movimento Juventude Lixo Zero surge no intuito de realizar
atividades de educação e sensibilização ambientais, pontos importantes para favorecer o
engajamento dos munícipes na causa e minimizar a geração e descarte de resíduos. Com isso,
esse trabalho tem o objetivo de levantar possibilidades de nuclear jovens na promoção de
educação ambiental voltada ao conceito Lixo Zero para contribuir com a gestão de resíduos
em Guarulhos-SP. Para tal, foi realizado um levantamento bibliográfico que embasa diversas
ações de educação ambiental conduzidas por este coletivo ao longo de três anos no município
de Guarulhos e culmina com a proposição de um calendário de ações mensais, encaminhado
ao poder público local, na expectativa de inserir o tema na agenda ambiental local e no
cotidiano dos munícipes.
The environmental balance provided by the 1988 Brazilian Constitution permeates solid waste management. Around 50% of Brazil's waste is generated in the southeast, a region with a large population, and Guarulhos is the second largest municipality in São Paulo State in terms of population. Although there are initiatives of the city hall such as selective collection, there is little adherence of the population. The Zero Waste Youth movement was set up to carry out environmental education and awareness-raising activities, which are important for getting residents involved in the cause and minimizing the generation and disposal of waste. With this in mind, the aim of this work is to raise the possibilities of youth in promoting environmental education focused on the Zero Waste concept to contribute to waste management in Guarulhos-SP. To this end, a bibliographical survey was carried out to support the various environmental education actions carried out by this collective over three years in the municipality of Guarulhos and culminates with the proposal of a calendar of monthly actions, forwarded to the local government, in the hope of inserting the issue into the local environmental agenda and into the daily lives of citizens.
The environmental balance provided by the 1988 Brazilian Constitution permeates solid waste management. Around 50% of Brazil's waste is generated in the southeast, a region with a large population, and Guarulhos is the second largest municipality in São Paulo State in terms of population. Although there are initiatives of the city hall such as selective collection, there is little adherence of the population. The Zero Waste Youth movement was set up to carry out environmental education and awareness-raising activities, which are important for getting residents involved in the cause and minimizing the generation and disposal of waste. With this in mind, the aim of this work is to raise the possibilities of youth in promoting environmental education focused on the Zero Waste concept to contribute to waste management in Guarulhos-SP. To this end, a bibliographical survey was carried out to support the various environmental education actions carried out by this collective over three years in the municipality of Guarulhos and culminates with the proposal of a calendar of monthly actions, forwarded to the local government, in the hope of inserting the issue into the local environmental agenda and into the daily lives of citizens.