Desemprego entre jovens, vulnerabilidade e precariedade: desafios para a Seguridade Social no Brasil Osasco
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Este artigo busca refletir sobre a qualidade da inserção do jovem no mercado de trabalho em função das mudanças em curso, tanto das relações de emprego, como frente às configurações sociais econômicas vigentes, com o objetivo de identificar vulnerabilidades, desafios e possíveis consequências para a Seguridade Social, destacando a importância de sua manutenção e preservação, em prol do crescimento econômico e do desenvolvimento social. Para tanto, foi realizada uma pesquisa descritiva, com revisão bibliográfica de artigos científicos, teses de doutorado e dados estatísticos oficiais do IBGE, entre outros. Observou-se que, a depender da situação socioeconômica das famílias, e do seu acesso à educação, a inserção do jovem no mercado de trabalho pode divergir em qualidade. Considerando a posição de urgência que o trabalho ocupa na vida de famílias mais vulneráveis socioeconomicamente, estes jovens acabam sendo condicionados a inserir-se no mercado de trabalho de maneira informal, em ocupações mal remuneradas e precárias. Observou-se ainda uma tendência para a maior precarização do trabalho, caso permaneçam as políticas socioeconômicas vigentes. Conclui-se que iniciativas dos Poderes públicos são de extrema importância para garantia de acesso a trabalho decente (OIT) e bom funcionamento da Seguridade social.
This article seeks to reflect on the quality of young people's insertion in the labor market as a result of ongoing changes, both in employment relationships and in the face of current economic social configurations, with the aim of identifying vulnerabilities, challenges and possible consequences for Social Security, highlighting the importance of its maintenance and preservation, in favor of economic growth and social development. Therefore, a descriptive research was carried out, with a bibliographic review of scientific articles, doctoral theses and official statistical data from the IBGE, among others. It was observed that, depending on the socioeconomic situation of families and their access to education, the insertion of young people in the labor market may differ in quality. Considering the urgent position that work occupies in the lives of the most socioeconomically vulnerable families, these young people end up being conditioned to enter the labor market in an informal way, in poorly paid and precarious occupations. A trend towards greater precariousness of work was also observed, if the current socioeconomic policies remain. It is concluded that public authorities' initiatives are extremely important to guarantee access to decent work (ILO) and the proper functioning of Social Security.
This article seeks to reflect on the quality of young people's insertion in the labor market as a result of ongoing changes, both in employment relationships and in the face of current economic social configurations, with the aim of identifying vulnerabilities, challenges and possible consequences for Social Security, highlighting the importance of its maintenance and preservation, in favor of economic growth and social development. Therefore, a descriptive research was carried out, with a bibliographic review of scientific articles, doctoral theses and official statistical data from the IBGE, among others. It was observed that, depending on the socioeconomic situation of families and their access to education, the insertion of young people in the labor market may differ in quality. Considering the urgent position that work occupies in the lives of the most socioeconomically vulnerable families, these young people end up being conditioned to enter the labor market in an informal way, in poorly paid and precarious occupations. A trend towards greater precariousness of work was also observed, if the current socioeconomic policies remain. It is concluded that public authorities' initiatives are extremely important to guarantee access to decent work (ILO) and the proper functioning of Social Security.
VICENZI, Daniella Duarte. Desemprego entre jovens, vulnerabilidade e precariedade: desafios para a Seguridade Social no Brasil Osasco. 2022. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Bacharelado em Ciências Atuariais) - Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Escola Paulista de Política, Economia e Negócios, Osasco, 2022.