Insurtechs, Sandbox regulatório da SUSEP e as mudanças no mercado segurador brasileiro
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Tendo em vista que o mercado segurador está se tornando cada vez mais digitalizado com o surgimento de diversas insurtechs, e esse fenômeno tem potencial para gerar uma disrupção no mercado de seguros brasileiro, pesquisa-se sobre a implementação do ambiente regulatório experimental para o mercado de seguros, a fim de identificar as mudanças ocorridas no mercado após a publicação da Resolução CNSP n.º 381/2020, e a Circular SUSEP n.º 598/2020. Realiza-se, então, uma pesquisa documental e bibliográfica. Diante disso, verifica-se, reduções das barreiras de entrada, novos modelos de negócio e inovações tecnológicas aplicadas ao mercado de seguros, impondo a constatação de que houve um aumento no número de seguradoras; aumento da oferta de seguros; e há potencial para gerar uma diminuição no número de desassistido de seguros.
Bearing in mind that the insurance market is increasingly digitized with the emergence of several insurtechs, and this phenomenon has the potential to generate disruption in the Brazilian insurance market, research is carried out on the implementation of the experimental regulatory environment for the market of insurance, in order to identify the changes that occurred in the market after the publication of Resolução CNSP n.º 381/2020, and Circular SUSEP n.º 598/2020. A documentary and bibliographical research is then carried out. Given this, there are reductions in entry barriers, new business models, and technological innovations applied to the insurance market, imposing the finding that there has been an increase in the number of insurers; an increase in the offer of insurance; and there is potential to generate a decrease in the number of uninsured.
Bearing in mind that the insurance market is increasingly digitized with the emergence of several insurtechs, and this phenomenon has the potential to generate disruption in the Brazilian insurance market, research is carried out on the implementation of the experimental regulatory environment for the market of insurance, in order to identify the changes that occurred in the market after the publication of Resolução CNSP n.º 381/2020, and Circular SUSEP n.º 598/2020. A documentary and bibliographical research is then carried out. Given this, there are reductions in entry barriers, new business models, and technological innovations applied to the insurance market, imposing the finding that there has been an increase in the number of insurers; an increase in the offer of insurance; and there is potential to generate a decrease in the number of uninsured.
NICOLAY , Luis Felipe Macena. Insurtechs, Sandbox regulatório da SUSEP e as mudanças no mercado segurador brasileiro. 2022. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Bacharelado em Ciências Atuariais) - Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Escola Paulista de Política, Economia e Negócios, Osasco, 2022.