Análise do ciclo de vida de baterias íon-lítio
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Desde o advento da revolução industrial na Inglaterra no final do século XVIII, o crescimento econômico e, consequentemente, o aumento da qualidade de vida da população tornaram-se diretamente dependentes do grau de industrialização. Desde então, as modificações antrópicas na biosfera têm se intensificado agressivamente com a intenção de sustentarem esse novo modelo de desenvolvimento humano e econômico. Paralelamente, em decorrência dessas próprias alterações, o mundo vem testemunhando mudanças climáticas anormais em todo o planeta, além de um rápido aumento da temperatura média global. Caso os impactos da ação humana não sejam imediatamente atenuados, é estimado que até o final do século XXI as mudanças se tornem irreversíveis, o que resultaria em grandes riscos para toda a espécie humana. Em vista disso, vários governos vêm se comprometendo em reduzir a zero suas emissões de gases causadores do efeito estufa, em especial o dióxido de carbono, até 2050. A fim de realizar rapidamente a descarbonização da economia global, a eletrificação dos meios de produção e transporte vem se consolidando como uma alternativa viável. Por essa razão, a necessidade por baterias de alto rendimento tem crescido em vários setores da indústria. No entanto, apesar dessas baterias serem tidas como uma alternativa para reduzir os futuros impactos ambientais, ainda não há um entendimento amplo sobre os possíveis efeitos negativos de sua produção, uso e reciclagem. Diante disso, o objetivo deste trabalho é levantar informações sobre os impactos ambientais oriundos do ciclo de vida das baterias de íon-lítio, em especial o potencial de aquecimento global, por meio de uma revisão da literatura de estudos envolvendo a análise de ciclo de vida (ACV) de baterias de íon-lítio, com o intuito de identificar possíveis pontos que poderiam limitar ou anular o potencial das baterias como opção adequada para a redução da aceleração das mudanças climáticas. Além disso, é discutido como as diferenças metodológicas dos estudos abordados afetaram seus resultados, e possivelmente a sua comparabilidade. Por meio dos trabalhos discutidos, apesar de suas diferenças metodológicas, foi verificado que as baterias de íon-lítio são uma opção adequada para a substituição dos veículos dependentes de combustíveis fósseis com o intuito de reduzir as emissões de gases do efeito estufa.
Since the advent of the industrial revolution in England at the end of the 18th century, economic growth and, consequently, the increase in the quality of life of the general population became directly dependent on the degree of industrialization. Since then, anthropogenic modifications in the biosphere were aggressively intensified with the intention of sustaining this new model of human and economic development. At the same time, as a result of these changes, the world has witnessed abnormal climate changes across the planet, in addition to a rapid increase in the global average temperature. If the impacts of human action are not immediately mitigated, it is estimated that by the end of the 21st century the changes will become irreversible, which would result in great risks for the entire human species. As a result, several governments have pledged to reduce to zero, their emissions of greenhouse gases, especially carbon dioxide, by the middle of the century. In order to quickly carry out the decarbonization of the global economy, the electrification of the means of production and transport has established itself as the most viable alternative. For this reason, the need for high-performance batteries has grown in many industry sectors. However, despite these batteries being seen as an alternative to reduce future environmental impacts, there is still no broad understanding of the possible negative effects of their production, use and recycling. Therefore, the objective of this work is to gather information on the environmental impacts arising from the life cycle of lithium-ion batteries, in particular the global warming potential, through a literature review of studies involving life cycle assessment (LCA) of lithium-ion batteries, in order to identify possible points that could limit or cancel the potential of batteries as an appropriate option for reducing the acceleration of climate. In addition, it is discussed how the methodological differences of the studies addressed affected their results, and possibly their comparability. Through the works discussed, despite their methodological differences, it was verified that lithium-ion batteries are a suitable option for the replacement of vehicles dependent on fossil fuels in order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Since the advent of the industrial revolution in England at the end of the 18th century, economic growth and, consequently, the increase in the quality of life of the general population became directly dependent on the degree of industrialization. Since then, anthropogenic modifications in the biosphere were aggressively intensified with the intention of sustaining this new model of human and economic development. At the same time, as a result of these changes, the world has witnessed abnormal climate changes across the planet, in addition to a rapid increase in the global average temperature. If the impacts of human action are not immediately mitigated, it is estimated that by the end of the 21st century the changes will become irreversible, which would result in great risks for the entire human species. As a result, several governments have pledged to reduce to zero, their emissions of greenhouse gases, especially carbon dioxide, by the middle of the century. In order to quickly carry out the decarbonization of the global economy, the electrification of the means of production and transport has established itself as the most viable alternative. For this reason, the need for high-performance batteries has grown in many industry sectors. However, despite these batteries being seen as an alternative to reduce future environmental impacts, there is still no broad understanding of the possible negative effects of their production, use and recycling. Therefore, the objective of this work is to gather information on the environmental impacts arising from the life cycle of lithium-ion batteries, in particular the global warming potential, through a literature review of studies involving life cycle assessment (LCA) of lithium-ion batteries, in order to identify possible points that could limit or cancel the potential of batteries as an appropriate option for reducing the acceleration of climate. In addition, it is discussed how the methodological differences of the studies addressed affected their results, and possibly their comparability. Through the works discussed, despite their methodological differences, it was verified that lithium-ion batteries are a suitable option for the replacement of vehicles dependent on fossil fuels in order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.