Regime Próprio de Previdência Social de São Paulo: análise da alíquota de contribuição paga pelos professores da rede municipal de São Paulo
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Este trabalho objetiva, por meio de cálculos atuariais e interpretação de indicadores previdenciários, estudar a alíquota justa de contribuição para os professores da rede municipal de São Paulo que fazem parte do RPPS desse município. Assim sendo, é analisado se a alíquota proposta pela reforma ocorrida no ano de 2018, onde ocorreu a mudança da alíquota de contribuição de 11% para 14%, é suficiente para que custeie os benefícios de aposentadoria programada dos professores. Por meio dos cenários simulados, este trabalho recomenda um aumento da idade mínima de aposentadoria, com vistas a garantir o equilíbrio atuarial do sistema. Entretanto, deve-se ressaltar de modo taxativo que sob cenários de baixas taxas de juros, mesmo com um aumento na idade mínima de aposentadoria, as alíquotas necessárias continuariam sendo insuficientes, principalmente no caso das mulheres. Esse fenômeno ocorre de forma mais acentuada para o gênero feminino, na medida em que elas se aposentam mais cedo e tem expectativa de vida maior do que os homens.
This work aims, by means of actuarial calculations and interpretation of social security indicators, to study the fair rate of contribution for teachers of the municipal network of São Paulo who are part of the RPPS of this municipality. Therefore, it is analyzed whether the rate proposed by the reform occurred in 2018, where there was a change in the contribution rate from 11% to 14%, is sufficient to fund the scheduled retirement benefits of teachers. Through the simulated scenarios, this work recommends an increase in the minimum retirement age, in order to ensure the actuarial balance of the system. However, it should be pointed out that under scenarios of low interest rates, even with an increase in the minimum retirement age, the necessary rates would continue to be insufficient, especially in the case of women. This phenomenon occurs more markedly for women as they retire earlier and have a longer life expectancy than men.
This work aims, by means of actuarial calculations and interpretation of social security indicators, to study the fair rate of contribution for teachers of the municipal network of São Paulo who are part of the RPPS of this municipality. Therefore, it is analyzed whether the rate proposed by the reform occurred in 2018, where there was a change in the contribution rate from 11% to 14%, is sufficient to fund the scheduled retirement benefits of teachers. Through the simulated scenarios, this work recommends an increase in the minimum retirement age, in order to ensure the actuarial balance of the system. However, it should be pointed out that under scenarios of low interest rates, even with an increase in the minimum retirement age, the necessary rates would continue to be insufficient, especially in the case of women. This phenomenon occurs more markedly for women as they retire earlier and have a longer life expectancy than men.
KOGUS, Lucas Leite. Regime Próprio de Previdência Social de São Paulo: análise da alíquota de contribuição paga pelos professores da rede municipal de São Paulo. 2019. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Bacharelado em Ciências Atuariais) - Escola Paulista de Política, Economia e Negócios, Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Osasco, 2019.