Cumprimento das medidas legais de proteção de Áreas de Preservação Permanente em condições socioeconômicas contrastantes no município de São Paulo
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As Áreas de Preservação Permanente (APPs) definidas pela Lei de Proteção da
Vegetação Nativa (LPVN), Lei Federal nº 12.651/2012, são elementos potencialmente
importantes para a conservação do meio biótico e abiótico, bem como suas
respectivas funções, especialmente em ambientes antropizados. Nos grandes centros
urbanos a rede hídrica, a topografia e as APPs são constantemente modificadas e
ocupadas. Na cidade de São Paulo, o descumprimento legal das APPs está
intrinsicamente relacionado ao desordenamento urbano, possivelmente influenciado
pelas desigualdades sociais encontradas no Município. Desta forma, este estudo teve
como objetivo avaliar o cumprimento das medidas legais de proteção de APPs em
dois distritos do munícipio de São Paulo em condições socioeconômicas
contrastantes. Foram construídos dois cenários legais da LPVN, o Cenário Legal
Factível e o Cenário Legal Original, e um Mapa de Uso e Cobertura da Terra atual na
Cidade Ademar e Vila Mariana. Os critérios legais foram espacializados na forma de
um mapa de delimitação de APP utilizando software QGIS. Para avaliar o
cumprimento da legislação foi realizada a sobreposição entre o mapa atual e os mapas
de APP nos dois cenários. Como resultado, constatou-se baixo cumprimento da LPVN
em ambos os distritos e uma tendência de maior cumprimento das APPs na Vila
Mariana, distrito com melhores condições socioeconômicas. O descumprimento se
deu principalmente pela ocupação do Urbano/Médio-Alto Padrão e Urbano Comercial
ou Serviços no distrito Vila Mariana e pelo Urbano/Médio-Baixo Padrão,
Urbano/Assentamento Precário e Urbano/Médio Alto Padrão na Cidade Ademar. Em
comparação ao Cenário Legal Factível, o Cenário Legal Original poderia contribuir
para uma maior conservação da vegetação nativa e, portanto, para uma melhor
qualidade ambiental e de vida para a população. Desta maneira, conclui-se que existe
uma relação entre o maior cumprimento legal e melhores condições socioeconômicas
para as APPs de nascentes, encostas e cursos d’água canalizados em galeria
fechada, enquanto que para as APPs dos cursos d’água naturais ou canalizados a
céu aberto observou-se a maior cumprimento no distrito com piores condições
The Permanent Preservation Areas (PPAs), established by Federal Law (n° 12.651/2012), are potentially important elements of biotic and abiotic environment conservation and its functions, especially within anthropized environments. It’s known that the topography, the rivers and its margins are constantly being modified and occupied in large cities. The non-compliance of PPAs legal measures within São Paulo is possibly connected with the lack of urban planning and most likely influenced by socioeconomic inequality within the city. Thus, this study aims to evaluate the compliance of PPAs legal measures in two distinct districts of São Paulo with very contrasting socioeconomic conditions - Cidade Ademar and Vila Mariana. The PPA’s compliance evaluation was made by creating two legal scenarios, accordingly to the Legal Protection of Native Vegetation (LPNV) of 2012 (the Feasible Legal Scenario and the Original Legal Scenario) along with the current land use and coverage map for both districts, which were overlayed inside the software QGIS. The results showed low compliance rates of Federal Law nº 12.651/2012 in both districts, with a higher tendency found in Vila Mariana – a district with better socioeconomic conditions. The areas where lowest compliance rates were found were occupied by Urban/Mid-to-High Standard and Urban/Commercial or Services in Vila Mariana and Urban/Mid-to-Lower Standard, Urban/Precarious Settlements and Urban/Mid-to-High Standard in Cidade Ademar. Comparing both PPA’s legal scenarios, it was noticed that the Original Legal Scenario would be able to promote a better conservation of native vegetation, and as a consequence, a higher quality of life of its inhabitants and environmental improvements. Therefore, a direct relationship between better socioeconomic conditions and the compliance rates of PPAs legal measures were found for spring, slopes and underground channeled rivers PPAs, whereas for natural and open channeled rivers it was noticed a higher legal compliance in the district with worse socioeconomic conditions.
The Permanent Preservation Areas (PPAs), established by Federal Law (n° 12.651/2012), are potentially important elements of biotic and abiotic environment conservation and its functions, especially within anthropized environments. It’s known that the topography, the rivers and its margins are constantly being modified and occupied in large cities. The non-compliance of PPAs legal measures within São Paulo is possibly connected with the lack of urban planning and most likely influenced by socioeconomic inequality within the city. Thus, this study aims to evaluate the compliance of PPAs legal measures in two distinct districts of São Paulo with very contrasting socioeconomic conditions - Cidade Ademar and Vila Mariana. The PPA’s compliance evaluation was made by creating two legal scenarios, accordingly to the Legal Protection of Native Vegetation (LPNV) of 2012 (the Feasible Legal Scenario and the Original Legal Scenario) along with the current land use and coverage map for both districts, which were overlayed inside the software QGIS. The results showed low compliance rates of Federal Law nº 12.651/2012 in both districts, with a higher tendency found in Vila Mariana – a district with better socioeconomic conditions. The areas where lowest compliance rates were found were occupied by Urban/Mid-to-High Standard and Urban/Commercial or Services in Vila Mariana and Urban/Mid-to-Lower Standard, Urban/Precarious Settlements and Urban/Mid-to-High Standard in Cidade Ademar. Comparing both PPA’s legal scenarios, it was noticed that the Original Legal Scenario would be able to promote a better conservation of native vegetation, and as a consequence, a higher quality of life of its inhabitants and environmental improvements. Therefore, a direct relationship between better socioeconomic conditions and the compliance rates of PPAs legal measures were found for spring, slopes and underground channeled rivers PPAs, whereas for natural and open channeled rivers it was noticed a higher legal compliance in the district with worse socioeconomic conditions.