Navegando por Palavras-chave "Síndrome de Möbius"
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- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Estudo da mastigação e da deglutição em crianças e adolescentes com Sequência de Möbius(Sociedade Brasileira de Fonoaudiologia, 2009-01-01) Saconato, Mariana [UNIFESP]; Guedes, Zelita Caldeira Ferreira [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)PURPOSE: To describe morphofunctional alterations in the functions of chewing and deglutition, to recognize the most accepted food consistency, and to evaluate the presence of compensatory maneuvers during deglutition, in children and adolescents with Möbius syndrome. METHODS: The subjects were eight children (three female and five male), with ages ranging from five to 15 years, diagnosed with Möbius syndrome. The children were evaluated during a feeding situation, where they were offered food with different consistencies: liquid, pasty and solid. Data were registered in an evaluation protocol adapted by Guedes, Shintani and Cabello (2003). RESULTS: Results showed a significant relation between tongue mobility condition and type of mastication. The variables speed of mastication and contraction of the masseter muscle were also dependents (p=0018), since there was no change in the speed of mastication when the contraction of the masseter was present. The cheese bread was the best solid consistency food for evaluation, because it produced a more cohesive and less widespread mass in the oral cavity. CONCLUSIONS: The morphofunctional alterations found in patients with Möbius syndrome contributed to change the dynamics of chewing and swallowing. All subjects in the sample used compensatory maneuvers. Therefore, even in the absence of clinical signs that suggest penetration/aspiration, patients with such diagnosis should be referred to speech therapy, in order to provide adequate conditions for a more pleasant meal.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Prevalence of refractive errors in Möbius sequence(Conselho Brasileiro de Oftalmologia, 2013-08-01) Cronemberger, Monica Fialho [UNIFESP]; Polati, Mariza; Debert, Iara; Mendonça, Tomás Scalamandré [UNIFESP]; Souza-dias, Carlos; Miller, Marilyn; Ventura, Liana Oliveira; Nakanami, Célia Regina [UNIFESP]; Goldchmit, Mauro; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP); São Paulo University Department of Ophthalmology; Santa Casa Medical School Department of Ophthalmology; University of Illinois Department of Ophthalmology & Visual Sciences; Altino Ventura FoundationPURPOSE: To assess the prevalence of refractive errors in Möbius sequence. METHODS: This study was carried out during the Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Möbius Society in November 2008. Forty-four patients diagnosed with the Möbius sequence were submitted to a comprehensive assessment, on the following specialties: ophthalmology, neurology, genetics, psychiatry, psychology and dentistry. Forty-three patients were cooperative and able to undertake the ophthalmological examination. Twenty-two (51.2 %) were male and 21 (48.8%) were female. The average age was 8.3 years (from 2 to 17 years). The visual acuity was evaluated using a retro-illuminated logMAR chart in cooperative patients. All children were submitted to exams on ocular motility, cyclopegic refraction, and fundus examination. RESULTS: From the total of 85 eyes, using the spherical equivalent, the major of the eyes (57.6%) were emmetropics (>-0.50 D and <+2.00 D). The prevalence of astigmatism greater than or equal to 0.75 D was 40%. CONCLUSION: The prevalence of refractive errors, by the spherical equivalent, was 42.4% in this studied group.
- ItemSomente MetadadadosSequência de Mobius: estudo do esfíncter velofaríngico(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2012) Silva, Renata Ramalho [UNIFESP]; Guedes, Zelita Caldeira Ferreira [UNIFESP]OBJETIVO: O presente estudo tem como objetivo avaliar o fechamento do esfincter velofaringico, observando sua mobilidade, e implicacoes na fala quanto a articulacao e ressonancia em pacientes nascidos com a Sequencia de Mobius (SM). METODO: Foram avaliadas 9 criancas, sendo 1 do sexo feminino e 8 do sexo masculino, com idades entre 11 meses e 13 anos, todas nascidos com SM. As avaliacoes nasofibrolaringoscopicas foram realizadas no Hospital São Paulo, Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) u Escola Paulista de Medicina (EPM) durante o ano de 2012, por otorrinolaringologista e a avaliacao fonoaudiologa atraves da analise perceptiva auditiva da voz que deverao complementar as informacoes resultantes da nasonasofibrolaringoscopia. RESULTADO: No exame nasofibrolaringoscopia realizado em 8 pacientes com Sequencia de Mobius pudemos observar que 86% apresentou tipo de fechamento incompleto e 14% tipo de fechamento completo. Observamos tambem o padrao de fechamento nos pacientes avaliados com Sequencia de Mobius e os mesmos apresentaram 72% padrao de fechamento coronal, 14% padrao de fechamento circular e 14% padrao de fechamento coronal com presenca de Prega de Passavant. CONCLUSAO: O paciente com paralisia facial unilateral completa apresentou movimentacao de paredes laterais com fechamento coronal; o paciente com paralisia facial inferior no terco medio apresentou fechamento circular e o paciente com paralisia facial bilateral completa nao apresentou movimentacao de paredes laterais e fechamento coronal
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Sequência de Möbius: protocolo de anamnese e avaliação - relato de caso(Sociedade Brasileira de Fonoaudiologia, 2009-01-01) Albuquerque, Tatiana Cantarelli Andrade Lima De [UNIFESP]; Barreto, Renata Ramalho Da Silva [UNIFESP]; Costa, Thieza Christy Carregã Martins Da [UNIFESP]; Guedes, Zelita Caldeira Ferreira [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Möbius Sequence (MS) was initially described by Von Graefe, in 1888. It is characterized by palsy of VI and VII cranial nerves, determining absence of facial expression accompanied by convergent strabismus. In the children assessed in this group all described characteristics are found. However, palsy caused by other cranial nerves may also occur, impairing soft palate and tongue mobility and thus making it difficult to produce phonemes and/or showing excessive nasalization during their emission. The present study had the aim to disclose the protocol used at our institution with MS patients and to report a case from this service, as mere example. The protocol consists of two parts: anamnesis and evaluation of stomatognathic structures and functions. The anamnesis is carried out using a questionnaire responded by the caregivers, with the aim to gather information about the patient's history, since birth. The evaluation investigates mobility, motricity, muscular tonus and posture of the phonoarticulatory organs, and activities of neurovegetative functions. The muscles responsible for facial expression are also individually assessed, in order to evaluate the real possibilities for these patients' expression. To exemplify both parts of the protocol, a 10-year-old male patient was evaluated, and the results are described in this study. He has been attending therapy at this institution since 2000. With this protocol, we had the aim to identify clinical symptoms of MS related to Speech-Language Pathology, as well as to describe the individual characteristics.