Navegando por Palavras-chave "Parcerias público-privadas"
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- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Plano de mobilização de recursos e parcerias para projetos de ciência e tecnologia: em busca da sustentabilidade(Universidade Federal de São Paulo, 2022-02-18) Silva, Neimar Pereira da [UNIFESP]; Komatsu, William Ricardo [UNIFESP]; Pochini, Alberto de Castro [UNIFESP];;; geral: Criar um Plano de Mobilização de Recursos e Parcerias para Projetos de Ciência e Tecnologia para o Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências da Saúde Aplicada ao Esporte e à Atividade Física, Nível Mestrado Profissional, da Disciplina de Medicina do Esporte e Atividade Física da Universidade Federal de São Paulo – Unifesp. Métodos: Foram analisados Os Planos Nacionais de Pós-Graduação (PNPG) da Capes (Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior); a Portaria Capes N.º 60, de 20 de março de 2019; o Novo Marco Legal da Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovação Lei N.º 13.243/2016; e o Decreto N.º 9.283/2018, a partir da Lei N.º 10.973/2004 e da Emenda Constitucional N.º 85/2015. Foi realizada análise SWOT do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências da Saúde Aplicada ao Esporte e à Atividade Física e foi aplicado questionário de Customer Development com os Pesquisadores da Unifesp. Resultados: 1. Plano de Mobilização de Recursos e Parcerias para Projetos de Ciência e Tecnologia; 2. Carta-Proposta Parceria Projeto de Pesquisa; 3. Termo de Parceria; 4. Plano de Trabalho; 5. Contrato de Doação Pura e Simples; 6. Acordo de Parceria PD&I (Pesquisa, Desenvolvimento e Inovação); 7. Fluxo de Parceria PD&I; 8. Curso Mobilização de Recursos e Parcerias para o Desenvolvimento de Projetos de Pesquisa de Ciência e Tecnologia. Conclusão: Após a realização do Acordo de Parceria PD&I para o Plano de Mobilização de Recursos e Parcerias para Projetos de Ciência e Tecnologia e da realização do curso Mobilização de Recursos e Parcerias para Desenvolvimento de Projetos de Pesquisa de Ciência e Tecnologia, foi possível a Criação do Fluxo de Parceria PD&I, que será ofertado a todos os Pós-Graduandos da Unifesp. E o curso será ofertado a todos os pesquisadores do país.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Produção acadêmica sobre o instituto Ayrton Senna (2002 -2015) : características e contribuições(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2016-07-26) Silva, Fernando Xavier [UNIFESP]; Jacomini, Marcia Aparecida [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)This research undertook a systematic literature review of academic production on the performance of the Ayrton Senna Institute (IAS) in public education. Thus, the object of study is the academic production (theses, dissertations and papers) published from 2002 to 2015. The objective was to identify characteristics and contributions of academic production on the IAS, focusing on the analysis of the results and conclusions among the works in the scope of the search. The analyzed set of works was collected in repositories and databases of theses and dissertations from higher education institutions, from Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Ensino Superior (Higher Education Personnel Improvement Coordination), from Digital Theses and Dissertations Library and from the Scientific Electronic Library Online journals list, following the descriptors ?InstitutoAyrton Senna?, ?Ayrton Senna Foundation? and ?IAS?. The result of this search was a set of 64 selected works, with 24 dissertations, 6 theses and 34 papers. In line with the characteristics of systematic reviews of academic production andwith the objective of this research, a full reading of the entire set took place. After the reading, the general characteristics of the work and contributions were analyzed and expressed in the results and conclusions of the research. The study took in account the methodologies and the context of private initiatives called ?third sector?, since they have an important influence on the construction of the object. Thus, it was possible to gather analysis, results and conclusions of dissertations, theses and articles on concepts, discourses and actions of IAS in public education. Regarding the results, it was found that some works considered being positive the results of partnerships between IAS and municipalities as they succeed in the improvement of educational indices as dropout rate, repetition and age/grade distortion. However, most of the works considered partnerships as negative because they inserted marketable values in public schools and changed the role of the director into a manager, as his primarily responsible moved to the educational outcomes of the school he is in charge. For the majority of the authors, there was also a lack of transparency in partnerships, and the introduction of market or almost-market oriented logic in public education, as wellas changes in local legislation, required by IAS. They also emphasized that the boundaries between public and private have been reset before speeches and performances closely inspired by neo-liberalism, which found in the ?new social democracy?political means to decentralize the performance of services former regarded as the responsibility of State. This study took as reference for the analytical perspectives several elements of the works of Antonio Gramsci, Lúcia Maria Wanderley Neves and Ricardo Antunes. In conclusion, most of the analyzed research indicates that partnerships between IAS and educational public institutions are part of a broader policy of redefining the State?s role in relation to social rights, which has sought to strengthen the hegemonyof the ruling classes in their discourse on public education and the school. In this perspective, civil society has been interpreted as a synonym for private initiative, without regard to the antagonisms present in a society divided into classes.