Logística Portuária e Tecnologia Aplicada

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Silva, Wallyson da [UNIFESP]
Fontana, Caio Fernando [UNIFESP]
Trabalho de conclusão de curso de graduação
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A atividade logística em portos no Brasil e no mundo vem crescendo ano após ano, o que torna cada vez mais essencial a busca por tecnologia e aprimoramento ao setor logístico portuário. Antes da pandemia da COVID 19, no último relatório global, as previsões para o intervalo de 2019 a 2024 estimavam um aumento percentual de 3,4% para o transporte marítimo. Nessa corrida em busca da eficiência, alguns países sobressaem sobre outros. Os portos são peças fundamentais para que a cadeia logística funcione de forma eficiente, e ainda elevam a economia região, proporcionando a geração empregos. A fim de se analisar a cadeia logística portuária de forma holística, necessita-se da identificação de todos os autores presentes no processo, para a devida percepção de todos os entraves que transcorrem num processo logístico. O estado é um dos importantes personagens nessa temática, e afeta de maneira crucial os portos, sendo a burocratização que o estado impõe sobre o porto uma das causas dos gargalos ao processo. As deficiências nos processos logísticos geram custos operacionais e diminuem a competitividade do porto; além da estrutura física que os portos tendem a oferecer e investir para maior movimentação de cargas, há a necessidade de investimentos na área de tecnologia, para a maximização dos fluxos de mercadorias, e a otimização do processo logístico portuário. Os portos Brasileiros sofrem inúmeras deficiências no que diz respeito a investimentos e inovação, causando perdas financeiras, e afetando as empresas presentes na cadeia logística, e, consequentemente, a economia Brasileira
Introduction: The logistics activity in ports in Brazil and in the world has been growing year after year, which makes the search for technology and improvement in the port logistics sector increasingly essential. Prior to the COVID 19 pandemic, in the latest global report, forecasts for the range 2019 to 2024 estimated a percentage increase of 3.4% for maritime transport. In this race for efficiency, some countries outperform others. The ports are fundamental parts forthe logistics chain to function efficiently, and they also boost the region's economy, providing the generation of jobs. In order to analyze the port logistics chain in a holistic way, it is necessary to identify all the authors present in the process, for the proper perception of all obstacles that occur in a logistics process. The state is one of the important characters in this theme, and it crucially affects the ports, and the bureaucratization that the state imposes on theport is one of the causes of bottlenecks in the process. Deficiencies in logistical processes generate operating costs and reduce the competitiveness of the port; in addition to the physicalstructure that ports tend to offer and invest for greater cargo movement, there is a need for investments in the area of technology, to maximize the flows of goods, and the optimization ofthe port logistics process. Brazilian ports suffer numerous deficiencies with regard to investments and innovation, causing financial losses, and affecting the companies present in thelogistics chain, and, consequently, the Brazilian economy. Objective: Make a comparison between the ports of Santos and Barcelona, with respect to economic, technological and state aspects. Method: Through systematic bibliographic research. Results: There is a direct correlation between the level and quality of investments and the results presented by the ports.The port of Santos, compared to the port of Barcelona, is somewhat primitive and needs adjustments to adapt to the new world economic dynamics - bureaucracy and constant inspections are crucial factors that make the port of Santos flawed in that regard. There is a direct correlation between the level of state interference and the results presented by the ports.Discussion: The need for privatization of the port of Santos, the greater implementation of intelligent technological solutions and its consequent position in the international-economic scenario are discussed.
SILVA, Wallyson da. Logística Portuária e Tecnologia Aplicada. 2022. 24 f. Trabalho de conclusão de curso (Graduação em Bacharelado Interdisciplinar em Ciência e Tecnologia do Mar) - Instituto do Mar, Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Santos, 2022.