Relação dos cardápios ofertados no Programa Nacional de Alimentação Escolar com os marcadores de consumo alimentar de estudantes dos municípios da Baixada Santista - SP

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Santos, Reila Dalio Dos [UNIFESP]
Bandoni, Daniel Henrique [UNIFESP]
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The National School Lunch Program (PNAE) began in the 1950s as part of the National Food Campaign (CNA), and is considered the largest food and nutrition program in the country. The institution of Law 11,947 in 2009 along with other subsequent resolutions normalized the program. Currently, the PNAE is considered an important pillar in the formation of health food habits in children and adolescents due to its menus elaborated by technical nutrition director. To evaluate the quality of these menus, tools have been created based on the indicators of the reigning norms. Given the influence of the quality of school menus on food consumption indices, this project seeks to evaluate the quality of the school menus in the municipalities of the Santos Coast and relate them to participation in school lunch programs and lunch consumption. This is a cross-reference study of the population which examines the children and adolescents who live and are enrolled in public schools in primary education in the municipalities of the Santos Coast. To analyze these menus, we used the IQCOSAN and IQCAE quality indices, and to measure lunch program participation and consumption we used a survey that contains questions that refer to the SISVAN Food Consumption Indices. Our findings demonstrate that the quality of the menu influences neither school lunch program participation nor food consumption given that 69.79% (n= 1190) of the students participated and 78.51% (n= 844) of these students consumed these lunches 3 to 5 times a week. In addition, the responses of the students who participated in thThe National School Lunch Program (PNAE) began in the 1950s as part of the National Food Campaign (CNA), and is considered the largest food and nutrition program in the country. The institution of Law 11,947 in 2009 along with other subsequent resolutions normalized the program. Currently, the PNAE is considered an important pillar in the formation of health food habits in children and adolescents due to its menus elaborated by technical nutrition director. To evaluate the quality of these menus, tools have been created based on the indicators of the reigning norms. Given the influence of the quality of school menus on food consumption indices, this project seeks to evaluate the quality of the school menus in the municipalities of the Santos Coast and relate them to participation in school lunch programs and lunch consumption. This is a cross-reference study of the population which examines the children and adolescents who live and are enrolled in public schools in primary education in the municipalities of the Santos Coast. To analyze these menus, we used the IQCOSAN and IQCAE quality indices, and to measure lunch program participation and consumption we used a survey that contains questions that refer to the SISVAN Food Consumption Indices. Our findings demonstrate that the quality of the menu influences neither school lunch program participation nor food consumption given that 69.79% (n= 1190) of the students participated and 78.51% (n= 844) of these students consumed these lunches 3 to 5 times a week. In addition, the responses of the students who participated in the program and consumed school lunches with greater frequency were related with Food Consumption Indices yielding significant results (p<0.05) for the following groups: beans, fresh fruit, meat, greens and/or vegetables, and salty snacks or cookies. We were able to observe that the quality of the menus did not interfere with the student participation in the lunch programs and did not affect the manner in which school lunch consumption is linked to good food habits, and that being so, it is extremely important to understand and comply with the reigning norms.e program and consumed school lunches with greater frequency were related with Food Consumption Indices yielding significant results (p<0.05) for the following groups: beans, fresh fruit, meat, greens and/or vegetables, and salty snacks or cookies. We were able to observe that the quality of the menus did not interfere with the student participation in the lunch programs and did not affect the manner in which school lunch consumption is linked to good food habits, and that being so, it is extremely important to understand and comply with the reigning norms.
O Programa Nacional de Alimentação Escolar (PNAE), teve origem na década de 50 a partir da Campanha Nacional de Alimentação (CNA), e é considerado o maior programa de alimentação e nutrição do país. No ano de 2009 houve a instituição da Lei 11.947 que foi seguida de outras resoluções para normatizar o programa. Atualmente o PNAE é considerado um importante pilar na formação de hábitos alimentares saudáveis de crianças e adolescentes, por meio do planejamento dos cardápios elaborados pelo nutricionista responsável técnico (RT). Para avaliar qualitativamente estes cardápios, foram criadas ferramentas que por sua vez, basearam-se nos indicativos das normativas vigentes. Visando a influência da qualidade dos cardápios escolares nos marcadores de consumo alimentar, este projeto teve o objetivo de avaliar a qualidade de cardápios escolares dos municípios pertencentes à Baixada Santista e relacioná-la com a adesão e frequência de consumo dos escolares. Este é um estudo transversal, de base populacional, que investigou crianças e adolescente residentes e matriculados em escolas públicas de ensino fundamental I e II de municípios da Baixada Santista. Para a análise dos cardápios foram utilizados os índices de qualidade IQCOSAN e o IQCAE e para mensurar a adesão, bem como a frequência de consumo da alimentação escolar os alunos responderam a um questionário que por sua vez continha também questões referente aos Marcadores de Consumo Alimentar do SISVAN. Os resultados obtidos demonstraram que a qualidade do cardápio não influenciou na adesão e frequência de consumo da alimentação escolar (AE); sendo que 69,79% (n= 1190) dos escolares aderem-na e desses 78,51% (n= 844) a consomem de 3 a 5x por semana. Ainda, os estudantes que responderam que aderem e que consomem a AE com maior frequência foram relacionados com os Marcadores de Consumo Alimentar e demonstraram significância (p<0.05) para os grupos do feijão, das frutas frescas, das carnes, das verduras e/ou legumes e dos salgadinhos de pacote ou biscoito salgado. Observou-se que a qualidade dos cardápios não interfere na adesão dos escolares, bem como que a alimentação escolar está ligada com a formação de hábitos alimentares, sendo assim, a compreensão das normativas vigentes e seu cumprimento são de extrema importância.