A micropolítica de um órgão regional de saúde: uma cartografia de relações
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Objetivos: Investigar se, e como, os trabalhadores de um órgão regional de saúde se consideram trabalhadores da saúde, e os sentidos que dão ao seu trabalho. Métodos: Foi realizado um estudo cartográfico das relações que os trabalhadores de uma Regional de Saúde do Paraná, Brasil, produzem para desenvolver seu trabalho, com permanente análise de implicação da pesquisadora ao longo da pesquisa. Para tanto foram utilizados observação participante, entrevistas com gestores e representante do controle social, questionários com trabalhadores e secretários de saúde, e elaboração gráfica das “redes de relações” dos vários núcleos de trabalho. Uma técnica experimentada na investigação foi o “manejo de narrativas”, isto é, a leitura e revisão coletiva, pelos trabalhadores, das narrativas elaboradas pela pesquisadora a partir das “redes de relações” e da observação participante. Resultados: O estudo mostrou uma multiplicidade de regionais, um “arquipélago” de núcleos de trabalho que manejam seu cotidiano e suas atividades separadamente, com diferentes lógicas, com pouca ou nenhuma comunicação entre si, mas produzindo, em diferentes graus, uma complexa rede de relações externas, atravessadas por interferências político partidárias. Os ciclos de governo, com suas mudanças de dirigentes, parecem influenciar os seus cotidianos devido às incertezas políticas daí advindas, que impactam diretamente a escolha de cargos e chefias internas e os limites de sua atuação técnica. Os trabalhadores, de um modo geral, se reconhecem mais ou menos como trabalhadores da saúde a depender do grau de proximidade direta que estabelecem com o usuário do SUS, em um enquadramento mais clínico assistencial. No entanto, o estudo mostra uma heterogeneidade de formas de trabalho e cuidado em saúde, em particular quando se considera um enquadramento mais populacional, aquele ligado às atividades voltadas a promoção e prevenção da saúde das “populações”, atividades típicas das vigilâncias, voltadas para um usuário “matematizado”. Tal enquadramento é dominante na regional, e dá o sentido principal do que é ser “trabalhador de saúde” ampliando, assim, a concepção implicitamente adotada quando do desenho da pesquisa. Conclusão: A prolongada convivência da pesquisadora no campo, com a criação de espaços de escuta e compartilhamento com os trabalhadores, propiciou que ela se transformasse em uma espécie de depositária dos “segredos organizacionais”, o que resultou em novos desafios metodológicos, mas, sobretudo, ético políticos, tendo em vista a inexistência de canais institucionais formais para o compartilhamento de tais “segredos”, e sua elaboração em espaços mais públicos. Portanto, partindo de um interesse inicial de um melhor esclarecimento sobre o quanto os trabalhadores de um órgão regional se viam como trabalhadores de saúde, o correr da investigação propiciou o mergulho em um mundo mais complexo do que antevisto pela pesquisadora. Ao mesmo tempo em que a Regional de Saúde é, em boa medida, um mundo modelado pelo que “vem de fora”, ou seja, os ritos e procedimentos da burocracia estatal, a complexa e detalhada legislação das vigilâncias, as normativas do SUS e as normativas da Secretaria Estadual de Saúde, também é um espaço onde se identifica uma movência dos trabalhadores para fazer frente às suas reais condições de trabalho e à complexa rede de relações humanas e institucionais em que devem operar. Assim, se o desejo e os sentidos dados pelos sujeitos parecem nunca poder se realizar plenamente, ao mesmo tempo, nunca são completamente eliminados, embora seja possível dizer que, desse embate de forças resulta, em boa medida, um campo de impotência, territórios em que parecem não existir sujeitos, nos quais ninguém é responsável pelos acontecimentos e seus resultados: todos sofrem e todos produzem certa inércia no trabalho. O que se constatou na pesquisa é que esses trabalhadores que se encontram em sofrimento não estão completamente anestesiados, ou seja, há movimentos sim, mas muito mais pela sobrevivência pessoal e de defesa de seus singulares espaços de trabalho, do que propriamente um engajamento pela mudança ou por “objetivos organizacionais” mais amplos.
Objectives: To investigate if, and how, workers of a regional health agency consider themselves health care workers, and the senses they attribute to their work. Methods: A cartographic study was carried out, concerning the relations produced by the workers of a regional health agency to develop their work, with permanent analysis of the implication of the researcher throughout the research. The research was based on participant observation, interviews with managers and social control representant, assessment of health workers and health secretaries managers through questionnaires, as well as the graphical construction of the network of relations of the various nuclei of work. One technique experienced in the research was the "management of narratives" that is, workers enrolled in a collective reading and review of the narratives elaborated by the researcher, with basis on the network of relations and the participant observation. Results: The study highlighted the existence of a multiplicity of regional agencies, "an archipelago" of work nuclei that manage their daily activities separately, based on different logics, with little or no communication among themselves, but producing, in different degrees, a complex network of external relations, embedded in political and partisan interferences. The government cycles, and their changes in leadership, seem to influence their participants' daily lives, due to emerging political uncertainties, having a direct impact on the choice of positions and internal leaderships, and on the limits of their technical performance. The workers recognize themselves more or less as health care workers, depending on the direct closeness established with the users of SUS (Unified Health System), considering a clinical and assistance-related framework. However, the study shows heterogeneity regarding the forms of work and care in health, particularly when considering a more populational framework, related to activities directed to health promotion and prevention of "populations" typical activities of health surveillance, focused on a ¿mathematized¿ user. Such is the predominant framework in this regional agency, giving rise to the main sense of what means being "health care worker" thus widening the conception implicitly adopted when the research was designed. Conclusion: The prolonged experience of the researcher in the field, creating opportunities of understanding and sharing ideas with the workers, created the conditions for her to be a depositary of the "organizational secrets" resulting in new methodological challenges, and most of all, ethical and political challenges, considering the lack of formal institutional channels as regards sharing such "secrets" and their elaboration in more public contexts. Therefore, having as a starting point, the interest of improved elucidation about how the workers of a regional health agency conceived themselves, the research process enabled to dig deeper into a more complex world than the foreseen by the researcher. At the same time that the Regional Health Agency is a world modelled by what "comes from the outside" that is, the rites and the proceedings of the state burocracy, the complex and detailed laws of the surveillances, the norms of SUS and of the State Board of Health, it is also a context where it is possible to identify the movement of the workers to face their real working conditions and the complex network of human and institutional relations with which they work. Therefore, if the wishes and the senses attributed by the subjects seem not possible to be completely accomplished, at the same time, they are never completely eliminated, even though it is possible to assume that such shock of forces results, to a good extent, in a context of impotence, territories where subjects do not exist, where no one is responsible for the events and their results: everybody suffers and everybody produces an amount of lethargy in the work. The research findings evidence that the workers who suffer are not completely anesthetized, that is, there are movements aiming more at personal survival and defense of one's singular space of work than at engagement on the struggle for change and wider "organizational objectives".
Objectives: To investigate if, and how, workers of a regional health agency consider themselves health care workers, and the senses they attribute to their work. Methods: A cartographic study was carried out, concerning the relations produced by the workers of a regional health agency to develop their work, with permanent analysis of the implication of the researcher throughout the research. The research was based on participant observation, interviews with managers and social control representant, assessment of health workers and health secretaries managers through questionnaires, as well as the graphical construction of the network of relations of the various nuclei of work. One technique experienced in the research was the "management of narratives" that is, workers enrolled in a collective reading and review of the narratives elaborated by the researcher, with basis on the network of relations and the participant observation. Results: The study highlighted the existence of a multiplicity of regional agencies, "an archipelago" of work nuclei that manage their daily activities separately, based on different logics, with little or no communication among themselves, but producing, in different degrees, a complex network of external relations, embedded in political and partisan interferences. The government cycles, and their changes in leadership, seem to influence their participants' daily lives, due to emerging political uncertainties, having a direct impact on the choice of positions and internal leaderships, and on the limits of their technical performance. The workers recognize themselves more or less as health care workers, depending on the direct closeness established with the users of SUS (Unified Health System), considering a clinical and assistance-related framework. However, the study shows heterogeneity regarding the forms of work and care in health, particularly when considering a more populational framework, related to activities directed to health promotion and prevention of "populations" typical activities of health surveillance, focused on a ¿mathematized¿ user. Such is the predominant framework in this regional agency, giving rise to the main sense of what means being "health care worker" thus widening the conception implicitly adopted when the research was designed. Conclusion: The prolonged experience of the researcher in the field, creating opportunities of understanding and sharing ideas with the workers, created the conditions for her to be a depositary of the "organizational secrets" resulting in new methodological challenges, and most of all, ethical and political challenges, considering the lack of formal institutional channels as regards sharing such "secrets" and their elaboration in more public contexts. Therefore, having as a starting point, the interest of improved elucidation about how the workers of a regional health agency conceived themselves, the research process enabled to dig deeper into a more complex world than the foreseen by the researcher. At the same time that the Regional Health Agency is a world modelled by what "comes from the outside" that is, the rites and the proceedings of the state burocracy, the complex and detailed laws of the surveillances, the norms of SUS and of the State Board of Health, it is also a context where it is possible to identify the movement of the workers to face their real working conditions and the complex network of human and institutional relations with which they work. Therefore, if the wishes and the senses attributed by the subjects seem not possible to be completely accomplished, at the same time, they are never completely eliminated, even though it is possible to assume that such shock of forces results, to a good extent, in a context of impotence, territories where subjects do not exist, where no one is responsible for the events and their results: everybody suffers and everybody produces an amount of lethargy in the work. The research findings evidence that the workers who suffer are not completely anesthetized, that is, there are movements aiming more at personal survival and defense of one's singular space of work than at engagement on the struggle for change and wider "organizational objectives".
MARTINS, Claudia Regina Magnabosco. A micropolítica de um órgão regional de saúde: uma cartografia de relações. 2015. 174 f. Tese (Doutorado em Saúde Coletiva) - Escola Paulista de Medicina, Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), São Paulo, 2015.