Mídia, economia e política na construção da opinião pública sobre Jair Bolsonaro
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A imprensa livre constitui uma das bases mais importantes da democracia. É necessário que o papel de informar seja feito de maneira clara, objetiva e imparcial. No Brasil, a imprensa especializada em política e economia é incapaz de esconder seu viés liberal. A ação da imprensa durante os governos Lula e Dilma foi caracterizada por períodos de ataque às intervenções estatais, principalmente no que tange a proteção à CLT e trégua durante períodos de bonança econômica. Mesmo em meio a atritos, a liberdade de imprensa nunca esteve sob ameaça como em 2021, no governo de Jair Bolsonaro. Este trabalho busca compreender quão determinante é o papel da imprensa na formação do pensamento político dos cidadãos e como isto reflete na imagem dos presidentes Lula, Dilma e Bolsonaro, além de provocar o debate acerca da ideologia das classes sociais e quais fatores (objetivos e subjetivos) estão mais suscetíveis de serem influenciados pelo noticiário.
Free press is one of the most important foundations of democracy. It is necessary that the role of informing is done in a clear, objective and impartial manner. In Brazil, the specialized press in politics and economics is unable to hide its liberal bias. The action of the press during Lula and Dilma administrations was characterized by periods of attack on state interventions, mainly regarding the protection of the Labor Laws and truce during periods of economic bonanza. Even amid friction, press freedom was never under threat as it was in 2021, under Jair Bolsonaro's government. This paper seeks to understand how decisive is the role of the press in shaping the political thinking of citizens and how this reflects on the image of presidents Lula, Dilma and Bolsonaro, in addition to provoking debate about the ideology of social classes and which factors (objective and subjective ) are more likely to be influenced by the news.
Free press is one of the most important foundations of democracy. It is necessary that the role of informing is done in a clear, objective and impartial manner. In Brazil, the specialized press in politics and economics is unable to hide its liberal bias. The action of the press during Lula and Dilma administrations was characterized by periods of attack on state interventions, mainly regarding the protection of the Labor Laws and truce during periods of economic bonanza. Even amid friction, press freedom was never under threat as it was in 2021, under Jair Bolsonaro's government. This paper seeks to understand how decisive is the role of the press in shaping the political thinking of citizens and how this reflects on the image of presidents Lula, Dilma and Bolsonaro, in addition to provoking debate about the ideology of social classes and which factors (objective and subjective ) are more likely to be influenced by the news.