O viés de gênero na escolha profissional: o que dizem os dados do censo da educação superior brasileira?
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Apesar de as mulheres serem a maioria dos estudantes do ensino superior brasileiro há décadas, evidencia-se uma segregação ocupacional condicionada por estereótipos de gênero, que posteriormente se reflete no mercado de trabalho. Esta pesquisa realiza um estudo acerca da segregação por sexo nos cursos do Ensino Superior Brasileiro, e sua variação entre 2000 e 2017, investigando suas principais características e problematizando os efeitos de tal fenômeno no mercado de trabalho brasileiro. Para tanto, a metodologia científica desta pesquisa segue o estudo de Hoffmann (1998), medindo a segregação através do Índice de Gini e do Índice de Dissimilaridade, à luz das discussões da literatura a respeito dos papéis de gênero na sociedade. As análises quantitativas foram realizadas utilizando como base os microdados das edições de 2000 e 2017 do Censo da Educação Superior, conduzidos pelo Inep/MEC. Os resultados revelam que, apesar de ter havido progressos, o caminho a ser trilhado para se atingir maior igualdade de sexo ainda aparenta ser longo.
Although women have been the majority of Brazilian higher education students for decades, there is an occupational segregation conditioned by gender stereotypes, which is later reflected in the labor market. This research makes a study about the segregation by sex in the Brazilian Higher Education courses, and its variation between 2000 and 2017, investigating its main characteristics and problematizing the effects of such phenomenon in the Brazilian labor market. To this end, the scientific methodology of this research follows the study by Hoffmann (1998), measuring segregation through the Gini Index and the Dissimilarity Index, in the light of literature discussions about gender roles in society. Quantitative analyzes were performed using the microdata from the 2000 and 2017 editions of the Higher Education Census, conducted by Inep / MEC. The results show that, although progress has been made, the path towards greater gender equality still appears to be a long one.
Although women have been the majority of Brazilian higher education students for decades, there is an occupational segregation conditioned by gender stereotypes, which is later reflected in the labor market. This research makes a study about the segregation by sex in the Brazilian Higher Education courses, and its variation between 2000 and 2017, investigating its main characteristics and problematizing the effects of such phenomenon in the Brazilian labor market. To this end, the scientific methodology of this research follows the study by Hoffmann (1998), measuring segregation through the Gini Index and the Dissimilarity Index, in the light of literature discussions about gender roles in society. Quantitative analyzes were performed using the microdata from the 2000 and 2017 editions of the Higher Education Census, conducted by Inep / MEC. The results show that, although progress has been made, the path towards greater gender equality still appears to be a long one.
SANTOS, Maria Fernanda Pessoa Rodrigues. O viés de gênero na escolha profissional: o que dizem os dados do censo da educação superior brasileira? Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Bacharelado em Ciências Econômicas) - Escola Paulista de Política, Economia e Negócios, Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Osasco, 2019.