O dia a dia de adolescentes habitantes da comunidade de Heliópolis durante a pandemia pela COVID-19
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As mudanças decorrentes da pandemia pela Covid-19 têm exigido esforços de diversos atores da sociedade na elaboração de medidas de promoção, prevenção e enfrentamento da doença. O isolamento social e as restrições de mobilidade influenciam diretamente a vida diária das pessoas. Para adolescentes residentes de regiões periféricas, ou que podem estar em situação de vulnerabilidade, os impactos são acentuados pelas condições urbano-habitacionais, pelo fechamento das escolas, alterações no funcionamento de serviços essenciais ou não, e pela consequente redução de espaços de lazer/sociabilidade. Além disso, a maneira como adolescentes respondem às medidas de enfrentamento à pandemia são atravessadas pelos marcadores sociais de raça/cor, classe social e gênero. O presente trabalho tem o objetivo de conhecer o dia a dia de adolescentes habitantes da comunidade de Heliópolis, durante a pandemia pela Covid-19 para buscar formas de (re)construção de suas identidades e modos de vida. Constitui-se como uma pesquisa qualitativa, componente de outra pesquisa mais abrangente realizada no ano de 2020 e intitulada Desigualdades e vulnerabilidades na epidemia de Covid-19: monitoramento, análise e recomendações, que toma como referencial de trabalho a Linha de Cuidado para a Saúde na Adolescência e Juventude para o Sistema Único de Saúde no Estado de São Paulo (LCA&J), e contínua estudo desenvolvido no contexto do Programa Institucional de Bolsas de Iniciação Científica da Universidade Federal de São Paulo. Foram empregadas entrevistas semi-estruturadas e observação participante, com registro em diário de campo, como instrumentos de produção de dados. O roteiro utilizado tem como referência a ficha Vida e Cuidado com a Saúde formulada pelo Centro de Saúde Escola Butantã da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo e referenciada pelo documento da LCA&J, que aborda os temas: Saúde, corpo, cotidiano e vida. Adolescentes entre 12 e 18 anos de Heliópolis foram indicados por integrantes de movimento social local, a União de Núcleos Associações dos Moradores de Heliópolis e Região e estes sugeriram outros participantes por meio do procedimento snowball. A entrevista foi realizada por telefone, videochamada, ou presencialmente com consentimento dos adolescentes e responsáveis e foram entrevistados 18 adolescentes. Os dados foram analisados a partir dos referenciais teóricos da interseccionalidade e da integralidade do cuidado em saúde. As mudanças oriundas das restrições impostas pela pandemia trouxeram a adolescentes vivências fortemente ligadas a um sentimento de perda, pois atividades e pessoas que faziam parte do cotidiano foram interrompidas/afastadas; ao mesmo tempo, a pandemia também trouxe descobertas de relevância para os adolescentes. Aconteceram adaptações por parte dos adolescentes e apareceram também questões em que estes expressam a necessidade de algum tipo de apoio. Apesar de o impacto de tudo o que foi vivido com a pandemia ainda não poder ser dimensionado, estima-se que a escuta ativa dos adolescentes que viveram o período pode tornar mais efetiva a construção de políticas públicas voltadas para as realidades apresentadas.
The changes that are a result of the Covid-19 pandemic have required efforts from different actors from society in the development of measures to promote, prevent and cope with the illness. Social isolation and mobility restrictions directly influence people's daily lives. For adolescents living in outermost regions, or who may be living in a vulnerable situation, the impacts are accentuated by housing and local conditions, by school closures, changes in the operation of essential services or other ones, and the reduction in leisure/sociability areas. In addition, the way that adolescents deal with countermeasures is acrossed by social markers of race/color, social condition and gender. This study aims at making known the daily lives of teenagers living in the community of Heliópolis, during the Covid-19 pandemic seeking forms of building their identities and lifestyles. It is a qualitative research, a component of another more extensive research conducted in 2020 named Inequalities and vulnerabilities in the Covid-19 epidemic: monitoring, analysis and recommendations, it take as a basis the Adolescent and Youth health product for the Unified Health System in the State of São Paulo (LCA&J) as a work reference, and iit is a continuation and extension of the study developed with a Institutional Program for Scientific Initiation Scholarships at the Federal University of São Paulo. Semi-structured interviews and participant observation, recorded in a field diary, were used as instruments for data production. The instrument which was used is supported by the questionnaire named Life and Health Care, it is formulated by the Health Center School of Butanta FMUSP and referenced by the LCA&J document, which addresses the key themes: Health, body, daily life and life. Adolescents between 12 and 18 years old from Heliópolis were nominated by members of a social movement, the Union of Nucleus Associations of Residents of Heliopolis and Region, and these suitable teenagers suggested other participants through the snowball procedure. The interviews were conducted by telephone, video call, and through face-to-face meetings with the consent of the adolescents and their guardians. In all 18 interviews were conducted. Data were analyzed from the theoretical frame of reference of intersectionality and from the integrality of health care. The changes arising from the restrictions imposed by the Covid19 pandemic brought to the adolescent´s experiences the feeling of loss, because activities and people that were part of everyday life were interrupted/taken away, concurrently, the pandemic also brought significant findings for teenagers. There were adaptations by adolescents, they also reported issues in which they express the need for some kind of support. Despite the impact of everything that was experienced can not yet be quantified, it is estimated that active listening to teens who lived through the pandemic period can become the construction of public policies aimed at the realities mentioned more effectively.
The changes that are a result of the Covid-19 pandemic have required efforts from different actors from society in the development of measures to promote, prevent and cope with the illness. Social isolation and mobility restrictions directly influence people's daily lives. For adolescents living in outermost regions, or who may be living in a vulnerable situation, the impacts are accentuated by housing and local conditions, by school closures, changes in the operation of essential services or other ones, and the reduction in leisure/sociability areas. In addition, the way that adolescents deal with countermeasures is acrossed by social markers of race/color, social condition and gender. This study aims at making known the daily lives of teenagers living in the community of Heliópolis, during the Covid-19 pandemic seeking forms of building their identities and lifestyles. It is a qualitative research, a component of another more extensive research conducted in 2020 named Inequalities and vulnerabilities in the Covid-19 epidemic: monitoring, analysis and recommendations, it take as a basis the Adolescent and Youth health product for the Unified Health System in the State of São Paulo (LCA&J) as a work reference, and iit is a continuation and extension of the study developed with a Institutional Program for Scientific Initiation Scholarships at the Federal University of São Paulo. Semi-structured interviews and participant observation, recorded in a field diary, were used as instruments for data production. The instrument which was used is supported by the questionnaire named Life and Health Care, it is formulated by the Health Center School of Butanta FMUSP and referenced by the LCA&J document, which addresses the key themes: Health, body, daily life and life. Adolescents between 12 and 18 years old from Heliópolis were nominated by members of a social movement, the Union of Nucleus Associations of Residents of Heliopolis and Region, and these suitable teenagers suggested other participants through the snowball procedure. The interviews were conducted by telephone, video call, and through face-to-face meetings with the consent of the adolescents and their guardians. In all 18 interviews were conducted. Data were analyzed from the theoretical frame of reference of intersectionality and from the integrality of health care. The changes arising from the restrictions imposed by the Covid19 pandemic brought to the adolescent´s experiences the feeling of loss, because activities and people that were part of everyday life were interrupted/taken away, concurrently, the pandemic also brought significant findings for teenagers. There were adaptations by adolescents, they also reported issues in which they express the need for some kind of support. Despite the impact of everything that was experienced can not yet be quantified, it is estimated that active listening to teens who lived through the pandemic period can become the construction of public policies aimed at the realities mentioned more effectively.
RODRIGUES, S. O dia a dia de adolescentes habitantes da comunidade de Heliópolis durante a pandemia pela COVID-19. São Paulo, 2021. 88 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação em Enfermagem) – Escola Paulista de Enfermagem, Universidade Federal de São Paulo, São Paulo, 2021.