Fotobiomodulação e correntes diadinâmicas de Bernard no tratamento da tendinopatia lateral do cotovelo: ensaio clínico, controlado, randomizado e cego
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Introdução: A tendinopatia lateral do cotovelo (TLC) tem como principal causa os esforços
repetitivos dos movimentos de extensão do punho e preensão palmar, sendo uma afecção com base
degenerativa, com ruptura e desorganização das fibras de colágeno do tendão, déficit vascular e
ausência de células e inflamatórias. Várias técnicas fisioterapêuticas têm sido recomendadas para o
tratamento não cirúrgico da TLC, como a realização de exercícios terapêuticos, agentes eletrofísicos
para regeneração tecidual e analgesia, bandagens, órteses e manobras de terapia manual. O objetivo
deste trabalho foi avaliar os efeitos da Fotobiomodulação e das correntes diadinâmicas de Bernard na
reabilitação de pacientes com TLC. Métodos: 69 voluntários portadores de TLC foram divididos
aleatoriamente em 3 grupos: GE que recebeu apenas um protocolo de exercícios, GFBM que recebeu
o protocolo de exercícios mais aplicação de fotobiomodulação e GCDB que recebeu o protocolo de
exercícios mais aplicação de correntes diadinâmicas de Bernard. Foram avaliados a dor por escala
numérica, a força de preensão manual, limiar de dor por pressão sobre o epicôndilo lateral, e o
questionário PRTEE. Resultados: Todos os voluntários da pesquisa apresentaram melhora
significativa da dor e da função após 8 semanas de tratamento, mas não houve diferença significante
entre os grupos. Conclusão: O tratamento fisioterapêutico, baseado em um protocolo de exercícios
de alongamento muscular de membros superiores e fortalecimento muscular de flexores e extensores
do carpo e, da musculatura de preensão manual, reduziu a dor e melhorou a função significantemente
dos portadores de TLC. O uso da fotobiomodulação, ou das correntes diadinâmicas de Bernard não
gerou nenhum benefício adicional ao tratamento.
Background: The main cause of elbow lateral tendinopathy (ELT) is repetitive wrist extension and hand grip. It’s a degenerative condition, with rupture and disorganization of the tendon’s collagen fiber, vascular deficit, and absence of inflammatory cells. Many physiotherapy techniques have been recommended for the treatment of ELT, such as therapeutics exercises, electrical physical agents, bandages, orthoses, and manual therapy techniques. Objective: The aim of this research was to evaluate the effectiveness of photobiomodulation and Bernard’s diadynamic current electrical stimulation on the ELT rehabilitation process. Methods: Volunteers with ELT were separated into 3 groups: GE was treated with an exercise protocol, GFBM was treated with the same exercise protocol plus photobiomodulation and GCDB was treated with the exercise protocol plus Bernard’s diadynamic current. The was evaluated the pain by a numeric scale, the hand grip force, the pressure pain threshold on the elbow lateral epicondyle, and PRTEE questionnaire. Results: All the research volunteers reduced pain and improved function after 8 weeks of treatment with no significant difference between groups. Conclusion: The physiotherapy treatment, based on an exercise protocol with upper limb muscular stretching and hand grip, wrist flexion, and extension muscular strength, reduced the pain and improved function of the ELT patients. The application of photobiomodulation, or Bernard’s diadynamic current did not generate any additional benefit to the treatment.
Background: The main cause of elbow lateral tendinopathy (ELT) is repetitive wrist extension and hand grip. It’s a degenerative condition, with rupture and disorganization of the tendon’s collagen fiber, vascular deficit, and absence of inflammatory cells. Many physiotherapy techniques have been recommended for the treatment of ELT, such as therapeutics exercises, electrical physical agents, bandages, orthoses, and manual therapy techniques. Objective: The aim of this research was to evaluate the effectiveness of photobiomodulation and Bernard’s diadynamic current electrical stimulation on the ELT rehabilitation process. Methods: Volunteers with ELT were separated into 3 groups: GE was treated with an exercise protocol, GFBM was treated with the same exercise protocol plus photobiomodulation and GCDB was treated with the exercise protocol plus Bernard’s diadynamic current. The was evaluated the pain by a numeric scale, the hand grip force, the pressure pain threshold on the elbow lateral epicondyle, and PRTEE questionnaire. Results: All the research volunteers reduced pain and improved function after 8 weeks of treatment with no significant difference between groups. Conclusion: The physiotherapy treatment, based on an exercise protocol with upper limb muscular stretching and hand grip, wrist flexion, and extension muscular strength, reduced the pain and improved function of the ELT patients. The application of photobiomodulation, or Bernard’s diadynamic current did not generate any additional benefit to the treatment.
GUERRA, Ricardo Luís Salvaterra. Fotobiomodulação e correntes diadinâmicas de Bernard no tratamento da tendinopatia lateral do cotovelo: ensaio clínico, controlado, randomizado e cego. 2023. 59 f. Tese (Doutorado em Ciências do Movimento Humano e Reabilitação) - Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Instituto de Saúde e Sociedade, Santos, 2023.