Caracterização dos ajustes para a inclusão de alunos com necessidades específicas na EJA
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A EJA (Educação de Jovens e Adultos) é uma modalidade de ensino, cujo público alvo são pessoas acima de quinze anos que não tiveram acesso ou não concluíram o Ensino Fundamental (1° ano e 9° ano). A Secretária Municipal de Educação é a principal responsável pela revitalização e organização da EJA, zelando por um atendimento diversificado que possibilita a esse público a continuidade dos seus estudos. Entretanto, quando se trata de indivíduos com deficiência ou outros com necessidades específicas, encontramos barreiras envolvendo o acesso e permanência desses grupos, impossibilitando-os de gozarem de seus direitos constitucionais de forma plena. OBJETIVO: Caracterizar os ajustes feitos na EJA tendo em vista as leis de acessibilidade e inclusão das pessoas com deficiência ou outras necessidades específicas. MÉTODO: Por primeiro, este estudo qualiquantitativo de caráter exploratório foi submetido ao Comitê de Ética em pesquisa (parecer No. 6.299.064). Todos os participantes que concordaram em se envolver nesta pesquisa assinaram o TCLE presente no início do formulário de respostas (google forms). Os sujeitos deste estudo foram 11 professores que atuam na EJA. O questionário foi disponibilizado por meio das redes sociais (whatsapp e Instagram) e por email. O instrumento é composto por 32 perguntas, 12 abertas e 20 mistas, com tempo médio de resposta de 30 minutos. A partir das respostas obtidas foi realizado um mapeamento dos recursos globais do EJA de forma a verificar quais quesitos estão dentro do resguardado pela lei e em quais pontos necessitam de uma atenção maior para se desenvolverem e se adequarem. RESULTADOS: Dos 11 professores que responderam o questionário, 10 mencionaram ter estudantes com deficiência em sua sala de aula. Relataram que se trata de estudantes com deficiência intelectual, múltipla e transtorno do espectro autista e 63,6% (7 de 11) dos docentes afirmaram não se sentirem preparados para lidar com o estudante com deficiência, pois não tiveram o tema abordado em sua formação acadêmica (36,4%). As intervenções propostas pelos educadores envolveram: mudanças no método de ensino e na avaliação (26,4%), maior suporte ao aluno (9%), ajustes no currículo (18%), estratégias de aprendizagem multimodal (18%) e ajustes nos métodos avaliativos (18%). Quanto ao suporte aos estudantes e professores, apenas uma das escolas têm auxiliar de vida escolar, e nenhuma possui placas em braile ou intérprete. Também não houve nenhum tipo de orientação sobre o estudante ou ajustes que poderiam ser feitos; 45,5% relataram que os estudantes frequentam o atendimento educacional especializado (AEE). As adaptações arquitetônicas nas escolas foram relatadas por 54,4% dos professores, mas apenas um relatou que há piso tátil em parte da escola. Nenhum professor conhece a atuação da fonoaudiologia educacional, e, quando perguntado sobre que profissionais poderiam intervir junto ao aluno e ao professor na escola, mencionaram: professor especialista (37,5%), psicólogo (25%) e equipe multidisciplinar, fisioterapeuta e terapeuta ocupacional (12,5%). CONCLUSÃO: A partir das respostas dos educadores, verifica-se que poucas são as iniciativas que garantem acessibilidade aos estudantes da EJA e, quando estas ocorrem, ficam ao encargo dos professores. A fonoaudiologia educacional ainda é desconhecida nesta modalidade de ensino. É preciso ampliar o escopo de atuação para atender as demandas de professores e estudantes e construir a educação inclusiva prevista na legislação brasileira.
EJA (Youth and Adult Education) is a teaching modality, whose target audience is people over fifteen years of age who did not have access to or did not complete Elementary School (1st year and 9th year). The Municipal Secretary of Education is primarily responsible for the revitalization and organization of EJA, ensuring a diversified service that allows this public to continue their studies. However, when it comes to individuals with disabilities or others with specific needs, we find barriers involving the access and permanence of these groups, making it impossible for them to fully enjoy their Constitutional rights. Purpose: Characterize the adjustments made to the EJA taking into account accessibility and inclusion laws for people with disabilities or other specific needs. METHOD: First, this qualitative and quantitative study of an exploratory nature was submitted to the Research Ethics Committee (PC No. 6,299,064). All participants who agreed to be involved in this research signed the TCLE present at the beginning of the questionnaire(google forms). The subjects of this study were 11 teachers who work at EJA. The questionnaire was made available through social networks (Whatsapp and Instagram) and by email. The instrument consists of 32 questions, 12 open and 20 mixed, with an average response time of 30 minutes. Based on the responses obtained, a mapping of EJA's resources was carried out in order to verify which issues are within the scope of the law and which points require greater attention to develop and adapt. RESULTS: 10 teachers mentioned having students with disabilities in their classroom. They reported that they were students with intellectual and multiple disabilities and autism spectrum disorder and 63.6% (7 of 11) of the teachers stated that they did not feel prepared to deal with students with disabilities, as they had not had the topic covered in their training. academic (36.4%). The interventions proposed by educators involved: changes in the teaching method and assessment (26.4%), greater student support (9%), adjustments to the curriculum (18%), multimodal learning strategies (18%) and adjustments to evaluation methods (18%). Regarding support for students and teachers, only one of the schools has a school life assistant, and none have signs in Braille or an interpreter. There was also no type of guidance about the student or adjustments that could be made; 45.5% reported that students attend specialized educational services (AEE). Architectural adaptations in schools were reported by 54.4% of teachers, but only one reported that there is a tactile floor in part of the school. No teacher knows the role of educational speech therapy, and when asked which professionals could intervene with the student and teacher at school, they mentioned: specialist teacher (37.5%), psychologist (25%) and multidisciplinary team, physiotherapist and therapist occupational (12.5%). CONCLUSION: Based on the educators' responses, it can be seen that there are few initiatives that guarantee accessibility to EJA students and, when these occur, they are the responsibility of teachers. Educational speech therapy is still unknown in this teaching modality. It is necessary to expand the scope of action to meet the demands of teachers and students and build the inclusive education provided for in Brazilian legislation.
EJA (Youth and Adult Education) is a teaching modality, whose target audience is people over fifteen years of age who did not have access to or did not complete Elementary School (1st year and 9th year). The Municipal Secretary of Education is primarily responsible for the revitalization and organization of EJA, ensuring a diversified service that allows this public to continue their studies. However, when it comes to individuals with disabilities or others with specific needs, we find barriers involving the access and permanence of these groups, making it impossible for them to fully enjoy their Constitutional rights. Purpose: Characterize the adjustments made to the EJA taking into account accessibility and inclusion laws for people with disabilities or other specific needs. METHOD: First, this qualitative and quantitative study of an exploratory nature was submitted to the Research Ethics Committee (PC No. 6,299,064). All participants who agreed to be involved in this research signed the TCLE present at the beginning of the questionnaire(google forms). The subjects of this study were 11 teachers who work at EJA. The questionnaire was made available through social networks (Whatsapp and Instagram) and by email. The instrument consists of 32 questions, 12 open and 20 mixed, with an average response time of 30 minutes. Based on the responses obtained, a mapping of EJA's resources was carried out in order to verify which issues are within the scope of the law and which points require greater attention to develop and adapt. RESULTS: 10 teachers mentioned having students with disabilities in their classroom. They reported that they were students with intellectual and multiple disabilities and autism spectrum disorder and 63.6% (7 of 11) of the teachers stated that they did not feel prepared to deal with students with disabilities, as they had not had the topic covered in their training. academic (36.4%). The interventions proposed by educators involved: changes in the teaching method and assessment (26.4%), greater student support (9%), adjustments to the curriculum (18%), multimodal learning strategies (18%) and adjustments to evaluation methods (18%). Regarding support for students and teachers, only one of the schools has a school life assistant, and none have signs in Braille or an interpreter. There was also no type of guidance about the student or adjustments that could be made; 45.5% reported that students attend specialized educational services (AEE). Architectural adaptations in schools were reported by 54.4% of teachers, but only one reported that there is a tactile floor in part of the school. No teacher knows the role of educational speech therapy, and when asked which professionals could intervene with the student and teacher at school, they mentioned: specialist teacher (37.5%), psychologist (25%) and multidisciplinary team, physiotherapist and therapist occupational (12.5%). CONCLUSION: Based on the educators' responses, it can be seen that there are few initiatives that guarantee accessibility to EJA students and, when these occur, they are the responsibility of teachers. Educational speech therapy is still unknown in this teaching modality. It is necessary to expand the scope of action to meet the demands of teachers and students and build the inclusive education provided for in Brazilian legislation.
SILVA, Bárbara Vitória da. Caracterização dos ajustes para a inclusçao de alunos com necessidades específicas na EJA. 2024. 49 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação em Fonoaudiologia) - Escola Paulista de Medicina. Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP). São paulo, 2024.