Motivos de entrada no pronto-socorro, de pacientes oncológicos com câncer de cabeça e pescoço: uma revisão de literatura.
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O câncer de cabeça e pescoço representa cerca de 5% de todos os tipos de cânceres no Brasil. A identificação precoce das emergências oncológicas para esta patologia pode minimizar suas complicações e como consequência, reduzir as idas ao pronto-socorro (PS). Portanto, conhecer os motivos que levam pacientes com câncer de cabeça e pescoço a buscar atendimento de emergência, pode auxiliar na discussão sobre maneiras de diminuir essa procura. Pelo exposto, este trabalho teve como objetivo: Estudar e identificar os motivos de entrada no pronto-socorro, de pacientes oncológicos com câncer de cabeça e pescoço. Para tanto, foi realizada uma revisão de literatura com a seguinte pergunta de pesquisa: Entre pacientes oncológicos de câncer de cabeça e pescoço, quais são os motivos da entrada no pronto-socorro?, onde após elaboração e aplicação da estratégia de busca realizada no PubMed (período de 2015 a 2024), e também seguindo os critérios de exclusão propostos, foram incluídos neste trabalho 10 artigos e posteriormente foi adicionado um artigo por meio de busca livre. Dos 11 artigos analisados, 6 desses citam a presença ou a manifestação de algum tipo de dor, como motivo de ida ao pronto-socorro. Destacando-se também como motivos para visitas ao pronto-socorro por pacientes com câncer de cabeça e pescoço: vômito, febre, náusea, sangramento, disfagia, infecção, desidratação, dentre outros. E adicionalmente, considerando os tipos de dor, a dor abdominal, em particular, destacou-se como um dos motivos de procura ao pronto-socorro, sendo citada em 4 estudos incluídos nesta revisão. Portanto, com os resultados obtidos neste trabalho, espera-se ter contribuído com a identificação de possíveis causas de idas ao pronto-socorro, de pacientes com câncer de cabeça e pescoço, ressaltando-se a importância do manejo mais eficiente da causa, visando a redução dessa procura ao PS.
Head and neck cancer accounts for approximately 5% of all cancer types in Brazil. Early identification of oncological emergencies for this pathology can minimize its complications and, consequently, reduce visits to the Emergency Health Service (EHS). Therefore, understanding the reasons why patients with head and neck cancer seek emergency care, can help in discussing ways to reduce this demand. Given this context, this study aimed to investigate and identify the reasons for EHS visits among patients with head and neck cancer. To achieve this, a literature review was conducted with the research question: Among oncology patients with head and neck cancer, what are the reasons for EHS visits?, where after developing and applying the search strategy on PubMed (covering the period from 2015 to 2024), and following the proposed exclusion criteria, 10 articles were included in this study, and later an additional article was included to this research through a free search. Among the 11 articles analyzed, 6 mentioned the presence or manifestation of some type of pain as a reason for EHS visits. Other reasons highlighted for EHS visits by head and neck cancer patients included: vomiting, fever, nausea, bleeding, dysphagia, infection, dehydration, among others. Notably, abdominal pain was particularly mentioned in 4 of the studies as a reason for seeking emergency care. Thus, the results of this study contribute to identifying possible causes for Emergency Health Service visits by head and neck cancer patients, emphasizing the importance of more efficient management of these causes to reduce the demand for emergency services.
Head and neck cancer accounts for approximately 5% of all cancer types in Brazil. Early identification of oncological emergencies for this pathology can minimize its complications and, consequently, reduce visits to the Emergency Health Service (EHS). Therefore, understanding the reasons why patients with head and neck cancer seek emergency care, can help in discussing ways to reduce this demand. Given this context, this study aimed to investigate and identify the reasons for EHS visits among patients with head and neck cancer. To achieve this, a literature review was conducted with the research question: Among oncology patients with head and neck cancer, what are the reasons for EHS visits?, where after developing and applying the search strategy on PubMed (covering the period from 2015 to 2024), and following the proposed exclusion criteria, 10 articles were included in this study, and later an additional article was included to this research through a free search. Among the 11 articles analyzed, 6 mentioned the presence or manifestation of some type of pain as a reason for EHS visits. Other reasons highlighted for EHS visits by head and neck cancer patients included: vomiting, fever, nausea, bleeding, dysphagia, infection, dehydration, among others. Notably, abdominal pain was particularly mentioned in 4 of the studies as a reason for seeking emergency care. Thus, the results of this study contribute to identifying possible causes for Emergency Health Service visits by head and neck cancer patients, emphasizing the importance of more efficient management of these causes to reduce the demand for emergency services.