Exames de imagem na diferenciação entre variantes do desenvolvimento e patologias comuns do esqueleto pediátrico: uma revisão narrativa da literatura
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Contextualização: O esqueleto em crescimento sofre alterações normais do desenvolvimento bem descritas e previsíveis, que podem ser erroneamente interpretadas como doença na imagem. Os centros de ossificação primários e secundários, que formam a diáfise e a epífise dos ossos longos, respectivamente, são formados por processos de ossificação endocondral e intramembranosa. Durante a maturação esquelética, os centros de ossificação secundários podem apresentar-se irregulares e fragmentados, achados que não devem ser confundidos com fraturas, osteocondrite dissecante e osteocondroses. Essas irregularidades normais são geralmente simétricas, com aspecto liso, redondo e esclerótico, achados que auxiliam na diferenciação. Metáfises, epífises e placas de crescimento (ou fises) são locais comuns de lesões e variantes normais no esqueleto pediátrico. A metáfise contém o osso recém-formado da ossificação endocondral e é altamente vascularizada, o que predispõe à fácil disseminação de infecções e tumores ósseos. A fise é a estrutura mais fraca do esqueleto imaturo. Lesões nesse local podem interromper a ossificação endocondral e levar a distúrbios de crescimento. Doenças das epífises podem se estender para a superfície articular e levar a danos articulares. Na Ressonância Magnética, focos pequenos e localizados de alterações na medula óssea dentro da epífise e metáfise são achados comuns, que podem estar relacionados a medula vermelha residual (especialmente na metáfise de ossos longos e retropé), edema perifisário focal (associado ao processo de fechamento fisário) e, finalmente, ao processo de ossificação normal. Objetivos: Realizar uma revisão narrativa da literatura sobre os principais achados normais, variantes do desenvolvimento e alterações patológicas que acometem o esqueleto pediátrico nos exames de imagem. Materiais e métodos: Será realizada uma revisão narrativa da literatura ilustrada através de casos de exames de imagem do arquivo didático do grupo de Radiologia e Diagnóstico por Imagem do Sistema Musculoesquelético da DASA/SP Discussão: A compreensão de eventos normais do desenvolvimento e anormalidades comuns durante a maturação esquelética pode auxiliar na interpretação dos diferentes métodos de imagem, orientando assim o tratamento e o manejo dos pacientes.
Context: The growing skeleton undergoes normal developmental changes that are well-described and predictable, which can be mistakenly interpreted as disease in imaging. The primary and secondary ossification centers, forming the diaphysis and epiphysis of long bones, respectively, are formed by endochondral and intramembranous ossification processes. During skeletal maturation, secondary ossification centers may appear irregular and fragmented, findings that should not be confused with fractures, osteochondritis dissecans, and osteochondroses. These normal irregularities are generally symmetrical, with a smooth, round, and sclerotic appearance, findings that aid in differentiation. Metaphyses, epiphyses, and growth plates (or physes) are common sites of lesions and normal variants in the pediatric skeleton. The metaphysis contains newly formed bone from endochondral ossification and is highly vascularized, predisposing to easy spread of bone infections and tumors. The physis is the weakest structure in the immature skeleton. Injuries at this site can interrupt endochondral ossification and lead to growth disorders. Diseases of the epiphyses can extend to the joint surface and cause joint damage. On magnetic resonance imaging, small, localized foci of changes in bone marrow within the epiphysis and metaphysis are common findings, which may be related to residual red marrow (especially in the metaphysis of long bones and hindfoot), focal periphyseal edema (associated with the physis closure process), and, finally, the normal ossification process. Objectives: To conduct a narrative review of the literature on the main normal findings, developmental variants, and pathological changes affecting the pediatric skeleton in imaging exams. Materials and methods: A narrative literature review will be conducted, illustrated through cases from the teaching file of the Musculoskeletal Radiology and Imaging Diagnosis Group of DASA/SP. Discussion: Understanding normal developmental events and common abnormalities during skeletal maturation can assist in interpreting different imaging methods, thereby guiding patient treatment and management.
Context: The growing skeleton undergoes normal developmental changes that are well-described and predictable, which can be mistakenly interpreted as disease in imaging. The primary and secondary ossification centers, forming the diaphysis and epiphysis of long bones, respectively, are formed by endochondral and intramembranous ossification processes. During skeletal maturation, secondary ossification centers may appear irregular and fragmented, findings that should not be confused with fractures, osteochondritis dissecans, and osteochondroses. These normal irregularities are generally symmetrical, with a smooth, round, and sclerotic appearance, findings that aid in differentiation. Metaphyses, epiphyses, and growth plates (or physes) are common sites of lesions and normal variants in the pediatric skeleton. The metaphysis contains newly formed bone from endochondral ossification and is highly vascularized, predisposing to easy spread of bone infections and tumors. The physis is the weakest structure in the immature skeleton. Injuries at this site can interrupt endochondral ossification and lead to growth disorders. Diseases of the epiphyses can extend to the joint surface and cause joint damage. On magnetic resonance imaging, small, localized foci of changes in bone marrow within the epiphysis and metaphysis are common findings, which may be related to residual red marrow (especially in the metaphysis of long bones and hindfoot), focal periphyseal edema (associated with the physis closure process), and, finally, the normal ossification process. Objectives: To conduct a narrative review of the literature on the main normal findings, developmental variants, and pathological changes affecting the pediatric skeleton in imaging exams. Materials and methods: A narrative literature review will be conducted, illustrated through cases from the teaching file of the Musculoskeletal Radiology and Imaging Diagnosis Group of DASA/SP. Discussion: Understanding normal developmental events and common abnormalities during skeletal maturation can assist in interpreting different imaging methods, thereby guiding patient treatment and management.