Short Form-36 e Stanfor Health Assessment Questionnaire em pacientes com úlcera arterial
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Introdução: A úlcera arterial é conseqüência da perfusão tecidual inadequada para os membros inferiores. Isso se deve a um bloqueio total ou parcial do fornecimento do sangue arterial para as pernas e o problema básico é denominado de doença vascular periférica. A avaliação da qualidade de vida é fundamentada na percepção do indivíduo sobre o seu estado de saúde. Compreender a qualidade de vida dos pacientes com úlcera arterial é um assunto relevante e pouco enfatizado. Objetivo: Avaliar a qualidade de vida e capacidade funcional em pacientes com úlcera arterial. Métodos: Foram entrevistados 60 pacientes distribuídos em três grupos: 20 com doença arterial e presença de úlcera; 20 com doença arterial sem úlcera e 20 indivíduos sem doença arterial e sem lesão. Utilizou-se para a coleta de dados o questionário genérico SF-36 para medir a qualidade de vida e o questionário específico HAQ-20 para medir a capacidade funcional. Para análise dos resultados aplicou-se a análise de variância de Kruskal- Wallis para comparar os três grupos. Entre os grupos, 70 por cento foram mulheres e 30 por cento homens, com a média de idade de 63 anos. Resultados: Os pacientes com doença arterial com úlcera apresentaram comprometimento na qualidade de vida em todas as dimensões do SF-36, sendo que a média de menores valores foi observada nas dimensões: Aspectos físicos 12,5, aspectos emocionais 25 e capacidade funcional 33. Conclusão: Portadores de úlcera arterial em membros inferiores apresentam pior qualidade de vida.
Introduction: The arterial ulcer is consequence of inadequate tecidual perfusion in the lower limbs. This is a consequence of a total or partial blockage of the supply of the arterial blood for the legs and the basic problem it is called of peripheral vascular illness. The evaluation of the quality of life is based on the perception of the individual on its state of health. To understand the quality of life of the patients with arterial ulcer is an excellent subject and little emphasized. Objective: To evaluate the quality of life and functional capacity in patients with arterial ulcer. Methods: 60 patients distributed in three groups had been interviewed: 20 with arterial illness and presence of ulcer; 20 with arterial illness with ulcer and 20 individuals with arterial illness and injury. Questionnaire SF-36 generic was used for the collection of data to measure the quality of life and specific questionnaire HAQ-20 to measure the functional capacity. For analysis of the results it was applied analysis of variance of Kruskal-Wallis to compare the three groups. Between the groups, 70% had been women and 30% men, with the average of age of 63 years. Results: The patients with arterial illness with ulcer had presented the quality of life compromised in all the dimensions of the SF-36, having been that the average of lesser values was observed in the dimensions: Physical aspects 12,5, emotional aspects 25 and functional capacity 33. Conclusion: Carriers of arterial ulcer in inferior members presented worse quality of life.
Introduction: The arterial ulcer is consequence of inadequate tecidual perfusion in the lower limbs. This is a consequence of a total or partial blockage of the supply of the arterial blood for the legs and the basic problem it is called of peripheral vascular illness. The evaluation of the quality of life is based on the perception of the individual on its state of health. To understand the quality of life of the patients with arterial ulcer is an excellent subject and little emphasized. Objective: To evaluate the quality of life and functional capacity in patients with arterial ulcer. Methods: 60 patients distributed in three groups had been interviewed: 20 with arterial illness and presence of ulcer; 20 with arterial illness with ulcer and 20 individuals with arterial illness and injury. Questionnaire SF-36 generic was used for the collection of data to measure the quality of life and specific questionnaire HAQ-20 to measure the functional capacity. For analysis of the results it was applied analysis of variance of Kruskal-Wallis to compare the three groups. Between the groups, 70% had been women and 30% men, with the average of age of 63 years. Results: The patients with arterial illness with ulcer had presented the quality of life compromised in all the dimensions of the SF-36, having been that the average of lesser values was observed in the dimensions: Physical aspects 12,5, emotional aspects 25 and functional capacity 33. Conclusion: Carriers of arterial ulcer in inferior members presented worse quality of life.
MOREIRA, Márcia Maria Renó. Short Form - 36 e Stanford Health Assessment Questionnaire em pacientes com úlcera arterial. 2006. 107 f. Dissertação (Mestrado) – Escola Paulista de Medicina, Universidade Federal de São Paulo. São Paulo, 2006.