Avaliação da neuroproteção mediada pelo estrógeno em modelo celular de tauopatia
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Nos últimos anos, relatórios apontam que a população de idosos continuará crescendo exponencialmente, e que doenças associadas a velhice devem estar entre as prioridades para o desenvolvimento de novas estratégias de manejo terapêutico. A principal desordem neurodegenerativa associada com essa faixa etária é a Doença de Alzheimer (DA), caracterizada clinicamente pela diminuição da capacidade cognitiva e quadro demencial. Sabe-se que a formação dos emaranhados neurofibrilares, constituídos principalmente pela proteína tau hiperfosforilada, contribui para a patogenia da Doença de Alzheimer e de outras tauopatias, estando estas relacionadas com perda da função neuronal. Como existe maior prevalência da Doença de Alzheimer em mulheres na fase pós menopausa, muitos estudos têm indicado que os estrógenos possuem um papel neuroprotetor e que poderia ser utilizado em processos neurodegenerativos. Assim, intervenções terapêuticas que visem a remoção da proteína tau patológica são desejáveis, como por exemplo, pela modulação da autofagia. O objetivo deste estudo incluiu caracterizar uma linhagem neuronal (SH-SY5Y) que superexpresse a proteína tau humana isoforma 0N4R e a tau mutada P301L, buscando agonistas/antagonistas dos receptores de estrógeno que levem à diminuição da proteína tau superexpressa. Com esta finalidade, foram realizados ensaios in vitro com o modelo celular de tauopatias, avaliando a superexpressão de tau por Western blot, e sua distribuição por meio de microscopia confocal. Os resultados demonstraram que o sistema de expressão induzível Tet On foi eficaz em superexpressar a proteína tau. A análise de lisossomos e mitocôndrias revelou que o modelo celular utilizado para tauopatias neste trabalho de fato causa dano neuronal, pois até mesmo a morfologia de tais organelas foi alterada. O composto Azul de Metileno (MB) demonstrou ser um controle positivo farmacológico para reduzir significativamente os níveis superexpressos da proteína tau. A indução de autofagia foi observada com uso de verapamil nas concentrações de 100µM e 10 µM, dado o aumento da expressão da proteína LC3-II como indicativo de formação de autofagossomos. A ativação do sistema de superexpressão da proteína tau em tempos de 24, 48 e 72 horas não afetou a viabilidade celular, conforme observado por citometria de fluxo com marcação do indicador 7AAD. O screening de uma biblioteca de compostos que agem em receptores nucleares e de membrana do estrógeno (Tocris Bioscience ®) revelou 10 compostos que reduziram em mais de 50% a proteína tau superexpressa em nosso modelo. Os melhores compostos da biblioteca aprovados pelo FDA (Food Drug Administration) foram: letrozol, acetato de bazedoxifeno, anastrozol, tamoxifeno e estropipato. Portanto, a avaliação da regulação dos receptores de estrógeno na citoproteção é relevante para delinear novas terapias farmacológicas para demências, como a que ocorre na Doença de Alzheimer.
Recent studies have shown that the elderly population will continue to grow exponentially; therefore diseases associated with aging should be among the priorities for the development of new therapeutic management strategies. The main neurodegenerative disorder associated with this group is Alzheimer's Disease (AD), clinically characterized by the impairment of cognition and dementia. The development of neurofibrillary tangles mainly consisted of hyperphosphorylated tau protein, contributes to the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease and other tauopathies, which are related to the loss of neuronal function. As there is a prevalence of Alzheimer's disease in women in the post menopausal phase, many studies suggests that estrogens have a neuroprotective role and that they could be used in neurodegenerative processes. Thus, therapeutic interventions aimed at the removal of pathological tau protein are desirable, for example, throughout modulation of autophagy process. The aim of this study is to develop and characterize a neuronal cell strain (SH-SY5Y) that overexpresses the isoform 0N4R human tau protein and the mutated P301L tau, seeking estrogen receptor agonists / antagonists that lead to the reduction of the overexpressed tau protein. For this purpose, in vitro assays were performed with the cellular model of tauopathies, evaluating Western blot overexpression of tau, and its distribution by confocal microscopy. The results demonstrated that the Tet On inducible expression system was effective in overexpressing tau protein. Analysis of lysosomes and mitochondria revealed that the cellular model used for tauopathies in this study does indeed cause neuronal damage because even the morphology of such organelles has been altered. The compound methylene blue (MB) proved to be a positive pharmacological control to significantly reduce the overexpressed levels of tau protein. Autophagy induction was observed with the use of verapamil at concentrations of 100 µM and 10 µM, given the increased expression of the LC3-II protein as an indication of autophagosome formation. Activation of the tau protein overexpression system at 24, 48 and 72 hours did not affect cell viability, as observed by flow cytometry with 7AAD staining. The screening of a library of compounds that act on estrogen nuclear and membrane receptors (Tocris Bioscience ®) revealed 10 compounds that reduced the overexpressed tau protein by more than 50% in our model. The best compounds in the library approved by the FDA (Food Drug Administration) were: letrozole, bazedoxifene acetate, anastrozole, tamoxifen and stropipate. Therefore, evaluation of estrogen receptor regulation in cytoprotection is relevant to define new pharmacological therapies for dementia, such as in Alzheimer's disease.
Recent studies have shown that the elderly population will continue to grow exponentially; therefore diseases associated with aging should be among the priorities for the development of new therapeutic management strategies. The main neurodegenerative disorder associated with this group is Alzheimer's Disease (AD), clinically characterized by the impairment of cognition and dementia. The development of neurofibrillary tangles mainly consisted of hyperphosphorylated tau protein, contributes to the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease and other tauopathies, which are related to the loss of neuronal function. As there is a prevalence of Alzheimer's disease in women in the post menopausal phase, many studies suggests that estrogens have a neuroprotective role and that they could be used in neurodegenerative processes. Thus, therapeutic interventions aimed at the removal of pathological tau protein are desirable, for example, throughout modulation of autophagy process. The aim of this study is to develop and characterize a neuronal cell strain (SH-SY5Y) that overexpresses the isoform 0N4R human tau protein and the mutated P301L tau, seeking estrogen receptor agonists / antagonists that lead to the reduction of the overexpressed tau protein. For this purpose, in vitro assays were performed with the cellular model of tauopathies, evaluating Western blot overexpression of tau, and its distribution by confocal microscopy. The results demonstrated that the Tet On inducible expression system was effective in overexpressing tau protein. Analysis of lysosomes and mitochondria revealed that the cellular model used for tauopathies in this study does indeed cause neuronal damage because even the morphology of such organelles has been altered. The compound methylene blue (MB) proved to be a positive pharmacological control to significantly reduce the overexpressed levels of tau protein. Autophagy induction was observed with the use of verapamil at concentrations of 100 µM and 10 µM, given the increased expression of the LC3-II protein as an indication of autophagosome formation. Activation of the tau protein overexpression system at 24, 48 and 72 hours did not affect cell viability, as observed by flow cytometry with 7AAD staining. The screening of a library of compounds that act on estrogen nuclear and membrane receptors (Tocris Bioscience ®) revealed 10 compounds that reduced the overexpressed tau protein by more than 50% in our model. The best compounds in the library approved by the FDA (Food Drug Administration) were: letrozole, bazedoxifene acetate, anastrozole, tamoxifen and stropipate. Therefore, evaluation of estrogen receptor regulation in cytoprotection is relevant to define new pharmacological therapies for dementia, such as in Alzheimer's disease.