Utilização do gene codificador da cisteína proteinase de 30kDa de Leishmania(Leishmania) chagasi (Ldccys1) e da proteína recombinante (rLdccys1) em novos esquemas de imunização em modelo murino
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O enfoque do nosso trabalho foi avaliar as respostas linfoproliferativas
protetoras desencadeadas em camundongos BALB/c pela imunização com o gene
Ldccys1 codificador da cisteína proteinase de 30 kDa de Leishmania (L.) chagasi
(p30) e comparar essas respostas com as induzidas pela cisteína proteinase
recombinante rLdccys1.
O gene Ldccys1, previamente clonado em nosso laboratório, foi subclonado e
expresso no vetor bacteriano pHis, originando uma proteína recombinante de 47
kDa, rLdccys1. Essa proteína foi reconhecida, em experimentos de “Western
blotting”, pelo anticorpo monoclonal 2E5D3 reativo com a p30 nativa do parasita,
mostrando que a rLdccys1 corresponde à cisteína proteinase de 30 kDa de L. (L.)
A antigenicidade da rLdccys1 foi avaliada pelas respostas linfoproliferativas
dos camundongos BALB/c previamente imunizados com a proteína recombinante e
Propionibacterium acnes ou BCG como adjuvantes, por via subcutânea ou
intraperitoneal, e reestímulo in vitro com a rLdccys1 ou o extrato protéico de
amastigotas de L. (L.) chagasi (PAM). O reestímulo com a rLdccys1 resultou em
respostas linfoproliferativas superiores às induzidas pelo PAM, independente da via
de imunização ou do adjuvante utilizado. Foi demonstrado que P. acnes e BCG
representam adjuvantes apropriados para a imunização dos animais com a rLdccys1
pela via subcutânea (índices de estimulação em torno de 4-6), enquanto que os
animais imunizados com rLdccys1 + BCG pela via intraperitoneal apresentaram
respostas linfoproliferativas muito baixas. Com P. acnes a imunização pela via
intraperitoneal induziu respostas significantemente superiores às obtidas com a
imunização pela via subcutânea. IFN-γ foi secretado em concentrações semelhantes
pelos esplenócitos dos animais imunizados com a rLdccys1 + P. acnes por ambas
as vias. IFN-γ foi secretado pelos esplenócitos dos animais imunizados com
rLdccys1 + BCG em concentrações cerca de cinco vezes maiores às obtidas nos
sobrenadantes dos linfonodos desses animais. IL-4 e IL-10 não foram detectadas
nos sobrenadantes dos linfócitos de nenhum dos grupos de camundongos
imunizados com a rLdccys1.
A imunização ativa dos camundongos BALB/c com a rLdccys1 resultou no
decréscimo de cerca de 100 vezes da carga parasitária desses animais comparada
à dos que receberam PBS ou apenas o adjuvante, como avaliado pelo ensaio da
diluição limitante. O grau de proteção conferido pela rLdccys1 foi semelhante
quando se utilizou BCG ou P. acnes como adjuvante e levou à secreção de IFN-γ e
produção de óxido nítrico nos sobrenadantes das culturas de esplenócitos dos
camundongos dois meses e meio após o desafio com amastigotas de L. (L.) chagasi.
A imunização com o gene Ldccys1 e reforço com a rLdccys1 induziu forte
resposta humoral nos camundongos BALB/c, com produção de anticorpos IgG2a. Os
esplenócitos desses animais apresentaram respostas linfoproliferativas em presença
da rLdccys1 mediadas por IFN-γ e produção de óxido nítrico. A imunização gênica
levou ao decréscimo de 1.000 vezes da carga parasitária dos camundongos
imunizados dois meses e meio após a infecção com amastigotas de L. (L.) chagasi
comparada à dos controles que receberam PBS ou o plasmídio pcDNA3 vazio.
As respostas imunes protetoras com a redução da carga parasitária nos
camundongos BALB/c imunizados com a cisteína proteinase recombinante de L. (L.)
chagasi e com o gene Ldccys1 abrem perspectivas de estender esses estudos a
outros modelos animais como o cão, um importante reservatório da leishmaniose
visceral em nosso país.
Our work focuses on the protective immune responses induced in BALB/c mice by the gene Ldccys1 encoding the cysteine proteinase of 30 kDa from Leishmania (L.) chagasi (p30), as well as by the recombinant cysteine proteinase rLdccys1. The Ldccys1 gene was subcloned and expressed in the pHIS vector resulting in a 47 kDa recombinant protein, rLdccys1. This recombinant protein in Western blots was recognized by a monoclonal antibody (MoAb 2E5D3) reactive with the native p30 from L. (L.) chagasi, indicating that the rLdccys1 corresponds to the cysteine proteinase of 30 kDa from L. (L.) chagasi. BALB/c mice were immunized subcutaneously or intraperitoneally with rLdccys1 plus either Propionibacterium acnes or BCG as adjuvants and the in vitro lymphoproliferative responses induced by rLdccys1 and L. (L.) chagasi protein extract (PAM) were evaluated. rLdccys1 induced higher lymphoproliferative responses than PAM, independently of the immunization route or the adjuvant used. P. acnes and BCG were both suitable as adjuvants for immunization by the subcutaneous route (stimulation indexes of 4-6), whereas very low lymphoproliferative responses were exhibited by animals immunized intraperitoneally with rLdccys1 plus BCG. Intraperitoneal immunization with rLdccys1 plus P. acnes induced lymphoproliferative responses significantly higher than those obtained by subcutaneous immunization. Spleen cells from animals immunized with rLdccys1 plus P. acnes by either intraperitoneal or subcutaneous route secreted similar concentrations of IFN-γ. Spleen cells from mice subcutaneously immunized with rLdccys1 plus BCG secreted concentrations of IFN-γ that were 5 times higher than those secreted by their lymph node lymphocytes. IL-4 e IL-10 were not detected in the supernatants from lymphocytes of BALB/c mice immunized with rLdccys1. Active immunization of BALB/c mice with rLdccys1 resulted in a parasite load about 100 times lower than that observed in control animals which received either PBS or adjuvant alone, as evaluated by the limiting dilution technique. Similar degree of protection was conferred by rLdccys1 administrated with either BCG or P. acnes, resulting in secretion of IFN-γ and nitric oxide by spleen cells from immunized mice 75 days after challenge with L. (L.) chagasi amastigotes. Immunization with the Ldccys1 gene and a boost with rLdccys1 induced a strong humoral response with production of IgG2a in BALB/c mice. Spleen cells from these animals developed lymphoproliferative responses in the presence of rLdccys1 mediated by IFN-γ and production of nitric oxide. Gene immunization led to a one thousand fold decrease of the parasite load in the immunized mice 75 days after L. (L.) chagasi infection compared to that shown by control mice which received either PBS or the empty pcDNA3 plasmid. The protective immune responses, with the demonstration of parasite load reduction in mice immunized with the L. (L.) chagasi recombinant cysteine proteinase and the Ldccys1, gene suggested that these studies should be extended to other animal models, particularly the dog, a very important reservoir of visceral leishmaniasis in Brazil.
Our work focuses on the protective immune responses induced in BALB/c mice by the gene Ldccys1 encoding the cysteine proteinase of 30 kDa from Leishmania (L.) chagasi (p30), as well as by the recombinant cysteine proteinase rLdccys1. The Ldccys1 gene was subcloned and expressed in the pHIS vector resulting in a 47 kDa recombinant protein, rLdccys1. This recombinant protein in Western blots was recognized by a monoclonal antibody (MoAb 2E5D3) reactive with the native p30 from L. (L.) chagasi, indicating that the rLdccys1 corresponds to the cysteine proteinase of 30 kDa from L. (L.) chagasi. BALB/c mice were immunized subcutaneously or intraperitoneally with rLdccys1 plus either Propionibacterium acnes or BCG as adjuvants and the in vitro lymphoproliferative responses induced by rLdccys1 and L. (L.) chagasi protein extract (PAM) were evaluated. rLdccys1 induced higher lymphoproliferative responses than PAM, independently of the immunization route or the adjuvant used. P. acnes and BCG were both suitable as adjuvants for immunization by the subcutaneous route (stimulation indexes of 4-6), whereas very low lymphoproliferative responses were exhibited by animals immunized intraperitoneally with rLdccys1 plus BCG. Intraperitoneal immunization with rLdccys1 plus P. acnes induced lymphoproliferative responses significantly higher than those obtained by subcutaneous immunization. Spleen cells from animals immunized with rLdccys1 plus P. acnes by either intraperitoneal or subcutaneous route secreted similar concentrations of IFN-γ. Spleen cells from mice subcutaneously immunized with rLdccys1 plus BCG secreted concentrations of IFN-γ that were 5 times higher than those secreted by their lymph node lymphocytes. IL-4 e IL-10 were not detected in the supernatants from lymphocytes of BALB/c mice immunized with rLdccys1. Active immunization of BALB/c mice with rLdccys1 resulted in a parasite load about 100 times lower than that observed in control animals which received either PBS or adjuvant alone, as evaluated by the limiting dilution technique. Similar degree of protection was conferred by rLdccys1 administrated with either BCG or P. acnes, resulting in secretion of IFN-γ and nitric oxide by spleen cells from immunized mice 75 days after challenge with L. (L.) chagasi amastigotes. Immunization with the Ldccys1 gene and a boost with rLdccys1 induced a strong humoral response with production of IgG2a in BALB/c mice. Spleen cells from these animals developed lymphoproliferative responses in the presence of rLdccys1 mediated by IFN-γ and production of nitric oxide. Gene immunization led to a one thousand fold decrease of the parasite load in the immunized mice 75 days after L. (L.) chagasi infection compared to that shown by control mice which received either PBS or the empty pcDNA3 plasmid. The protective immune responses, with the demonstration of parasite load reduction in mice immunized with the L. (L.) chagasi recombinant cysteine proteinase and the Ldccys1, gene suggested that these studies should be extended to other animal models, particularly the dog, a very important reservoir of visceral leishmaniasis in Brazil.
FERREIRA, Josie Haydée Lima. Utilização do gene codificador da cisteína proteinase de 30kDa de Leishmania(Leishmania) chagasi (Ldccys1) e da proteína recombinante (rLdccys1) em novos esquemas de imunização em modelo murino. 2006. 106 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciências) - Escola Paulista de Medicina, Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), São Paulo, 2006.