Serviços ecossistêmicos como subsídios para elaboração de políticas públicas e ações conservacionistas: região de Paranapiacaba e Parque Andreense, Santo André (SP)
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A conservação dos ambientes terrestres, que incluem os ecossistemas florestais, para
suprimento de recursos naturais e equilíbrio ambiental e ecológico, são tema de preocupação
e cuidados globais. No Brasil, a proteção das florestas está prevista na Política Nacional de
Meio Ambiente, de 1981, que objetiva o planejamento, a fiscalização e proteção dos recursos
naturais, sendo instrumento fundamental de competências específicas e padrões de
qualidade ambiental. A preservação das florestas associa-se à saúde ambiental,
sustentabilidade e conservação-preservação ambiental de Serviços Ecossistêmicos (SEs). O
objetivo geral foi verificar como os SEs são utilizados na elaboração de políticas públicas na
região de Paranapiacaba e Parque Andreense, Santo André/SP. Este estudo compreende a
região de mananciais de Paranapiacaba e Parque Andreense, ocupando um total de 52% da
área total do território do município de Santo André, em São Paulo e delimita parte da
Macrozona de Proteção Ambiental em relação à Macrozona Urbana. Em contrapartida à área
natural preservada, bem como à legislação ambiental de proteção aos mananciais de uso e
ocupação do solo ser restritiva e existir desde a década de 1970, não se conseguiu impedir
satisfatoriamente o adensamento populacional e usos inadequados dos recursos naturais. Os
dados foram tratados por meio de Análise Documental Descritiva da região estudada, com
síntese dos dados do material pesquisado e coletado, na argumentação construída a partir de
fundamentos socioambientais, diretrizes da sustentabilidade, especificação de ações
conservacionistas de SEs e princípios jurídicos-ambientais (fatos e evidências). A partir de
diagnóstico prévio por meio das políticas públicas efetivadas por Santo André, verificou-se
como o município conserva e garante o potencial futuro (ou não) dos SEs para a sobrevivência
da população, biodiversidade e saúde geral do sistema; este estudo indicou também, ações
de conservação ambiental. Projetos e ações especiais implementados nas áreas de Educação
Ambiental e reflorestamento, Fiscalização Ambiental, Gestão da Unidade de Conservação e
Licenciamento Ambiental, associados à gestão ambiental local rotineira, apontadas pelo
Anuário 2016 da Prefeitura de Santo André, permitiram a proteção dos recursos naturais,
aliados ao controle populacional e compatibilização de sobrevivência e melhorias às
comunidades locais por meio de espaços de participação popular. Ações conservacionistas
podem ser tomadas e ampliadas pelos gestores públicos, para a efetividade da conservação
ambiental, além das já citadas acima. As ações conservacionistas indicadas foram: seguir os
planos de ação nacionais para a fauna; realizar o plantio de espécies nativas em campanhas
junto à população; criar Reservas de Proteção do Patrimônio Natural, junto a proprietários
particulares; aderir a programas federais de Pagamento por Serviços Ambientais; criar um
centro de pesquisa e observatório da Mata Atlântica; retomar a discussão sobre o Plano
Municipal da Mata Atlântica; aplicar o Plano de Manejo da Unidade de Conservação local;
retomar e/ou realizar com afinco as medidas cotidianas já realizadas; retorno de utilização de
equipamentos, como a EFA Billings, para execução de Educação Ambiental e outras áreas.
A principal ação pode estar relacionada ao desenvolvimento local sustentável, pois deste
modo, promove-se desenvolvimento econômico da população local que apresenta
vulnerabilidades diversas, aliado à proteção da floresta. Mecanismos como o manejo correto
da floresta, a busca e elaboração de produtos que expressem a identidade local (como o
Festival do Cambuci), podem criar marcas sustentáveis em toda a cadeira produtiva, em
formato de cooperativa, por exemplo. A Valoração Econômica-Ambiental de bens e SEs da
região de Paranapiacaba e Parque Andreense é indicada como de fundamental importância
a ser realizada, por meio de contratação de uma consultoria.
The conservation of terrestrial environments, which include forest ecosystems, for the supply of natural resources and environmental and ecological balance, are a matter of global concern and care. In Brazil, the protection of forests is provided for in the 1981 National Environmental Policy, which aims at planning, inspection and protecting natural resources, being a fundamental instrument of specific skills and environmental quality standards. The preservation of forests is associated with environmental health, sustainability and environmental conservation-preservation of Ecosystem Services (SEs). The general objective was to verify how SEs are used in the elaboration of public policies in the region of Paranapiacaba and Parque Andreense, Santo André/SP. This study covers the watershed region of Paranapiacaba and Parque Andreense, occupying a total of 52% of the total area of the territory of the municipality of Santo André, in São Paulo and delimits part of the Macrozona of Environmental Protection in relation to the Macrozona Urbana. In counterpart to the preserved natural area, as well to the environmental legislation to protect the water sources for use and occupation of the ground being restrictive and existing since the 1970s, it was not possible to satisfactorily prevent the population density and inadequate uses of natural resources. The data were treated by means of Document Descriptive Analysis of the studied region, with synthesis of the data of the researched and collected material, in the argument constructed from socio-environmental fundamentals, sustainability guidelines, specification of SE conservationist actions and legal-environmental principles (facts and evidence). Based on prior diagnosis through public policies implemented by Santo André, it was verified how the municipality conserves and guarantees the future potential (or not) of the SEs for the survival of the population, biodiversity and general health of the system; this study also indicated environmental conservation actions. Projects and special actions implemented in the areas of Environmental Education and Reforestation, Environmental Inspection, Management of the Conservation Unit and Environmental Licensing, associated with the routine local environmental management, identified by the 2016 Year book of the Municipality of Santo André, allowed the protection of natural resources, allies to population control and compatibilition of survival and improvements to local communities by means of spaces of popular participation. Conservationist actions can be taken and expanded by public managers, for the effectiveness of environmental conservation, in addition to those already mentioned above. The conservationist actions indicated were: to follow the national action plans for fauna; planting native species in campaigns with the population; create Natural Heritage Protection Reserves with private owners; adhere to Payment for Environmental Services federal programs; create an Atlantic Forest research center and observatory; resume the discussion on the Municipal Plan for the Atlantic Forest; apply the Management Plan for the local Conservation Unit; resume and / or carry out the daily measures already taken; return of using equipment, such as EFA Billings, to carry out Environmental Education and other areas. The main action may be related to sustainable local development, as this way, is promoted the local economic development and of the population, that presents different vulnerabilities together with the protection of the forest. Mechanisms such as the correct management of the forest, the search and elaboration of products that express the local identity (such as the Cambuci Festival), can create sustainable brands in the entire productive chain, in the form of a cooperative, for example. The Economic-Environmental Valuation of assets and benefits and SEs in the region of Paranapiacaba and Parque Andreense is indicated as of fundamental importance to be carried out, through the hiring of a consultancy.
The conservation of terrestrial environments, which include forest ecosystems, for the supply of natural resources and environmental and ecological balance, are a matter of global concern and care. In Brazil, the protection of forests is provided for in the 1981 National Environmental Policy, which aims at planning, inspection and protecting natural resources, being a fundamental instrument of specific skills and environmental quality standards. The preservation of forests is associated with environmental health, sustainability and environmental conservation-preservation of Ecosystem Services (SEs). The general objective was to verify how SEs are used in the elaboration of public policies in the region of Paranapiacaba and Parque Andreense, Santo André/SP. This study covers the watershed region of Paranapiacaba and Parque Andreense, occupying a total of 52% of the total area of the territory of the municipality of Santo André, in São Paulo and delimits part of the Macrozona of Environmental Protection in relation to the Macrozona Urbana. In counterpart to the preserved natural area, as well to the environmental legislation to protect the water sources for use and occupation of the ground being restrictive and existing since the 1970s, it was not possible to satisfactorily prevent the population density and inadequate uses of natural resources. The data were treated by means of Document Descriptive Analysis of the studied region, with synthesis of the data of the researched and collected material, in the argument constructed from socio-environmental fundamentals, sustainability guidelines, specification of SE conservationist actions and legal-environmental principles (facts and evidence). Based on prior diagnosis through public policies implemented by Santo André, it was verified how the municipality conserves and guarantees the future potential (or not) of the SEs for the survival of the population, biodiversity and general health of the system; this study also indicated environmental conservation actions. Projects and special actions implemented in the areas of Environmental Education and Reforestation, Environmental Inspection, Management of the Conservation Unit and Environmental Licensing, associated with the routine local environmental management, identified by the 2016 Year book of the Municipality of Santo André, allowed the protection of natural resources, allies to population control and compatibilition of survival and improvements to local communities by means of spaces of popular participation. Conservationist actions can be taken and expanded by public managers, for the effectiveness of environmental conservation, in addition to those already mentioned above. The conservationist actions indicated were: to follow the national action plans for fauna; planting native species in campaigns with the population; create Natural Heritage Protection Reserves with private owners; adhere to Payment for Environmental Services federal programs; create an Atlantic Forest research center and observatory; resume the discussion on the Municipal Plan for the Atlantic Forest; apply the Management Plan for the local Conservation Unit; resume and / or carry out the daily measures already taken; return of using equipment, such as EFA Billings, to carry out Environmental Education and other areas. The main action may be related to sustainable local development, as this way, is promoted the local economic development and of the population, that presents different vulnerabilities together with the protection of the forest. Mechanisms such as the correct management of the forest, the search and elaboration of products that express the local identity (such as the Cambuci Festival), can create sustainable brands in the entire productive chain, in the form of a cooperative, for example. The Economic-Environmental Valuation of assets and benefits and SEs in the region of Paranapiacaba and Parque Andreense is indicated as of fundamental importance to be carried out, through the hiring of a consultancy.