Podcast Com Quantos Paus se Faz uma Canoa
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Tradicionalmente, as universidades desenvolveram como principal formato de ensino o
elo nobre da aula e suas interações entre um mentor (professor) e seus alunos. Posteriormente,
congressos, workshops, semanas temáticas e outros eventos de divulgação pública presenciais
buscaram atender um maior número de estudantes para massificar a informação sobre ciência
entre outros trabalhos desenvolvidos nas universidades. A popularização da internet ofereceu a
oportunidade de disponibilizar vídeos, seja de eventos realizados presencialmente (permitindo
romper a distância de quem não pode participar presencialmente) bem como aulas e palestras
sobre diversos assuntos, com um crescimento exponencial durante a pandemia COVID 19. O
isolamento social forçou, mesmo que temporariamente, a busca por alternativas efetivas de
ensino. Nesse sentido, a universidade pública deve, não apenas acompanhar a evolução dos
veículos de informação, mas ser pioneira na sua implantação e melhoria. Podcasts são mídias
potenciais a serem exploradas, permitindo que um receptor possa sozinho, e sem grandes custos,
propagar mensagens numa escala massiva, o que contribui para o surgimento de novos
emissores, produtos e formas de comunicação. Nesse Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (TCC)
descrevemos o enorme potencial do podcasting para transformar a experiência de aprendizagem
dentro e fora dos muros da universidade. O Podcast “Com Quantos Paus se Faz uma Canoa”
aprimorou as formas de divulgação de informações acadêmicas (administrativas e técnicas)
bem como levou parte da produção científica dos laboratórios (conteúdo científico) produzidos
no Instituto do Mar da Universidade Federal de São Paulo pela mídia podcast, tanto para seus
alunos quanto a comunidade. Os números obtidos por nós como resultado demonstraram a
importância de um canal de comunicação direta entre a universidade (Instituto do Mar) e os
discentes (informes de toda natureza) e a sede pelo conhecimento interdisciplinar em assuntos
polêmicos sobre ciência, filosofia e tecnologia e a adoção de episódios como material de ensino
das Unidades Curriculares reforça o potencial de educar massivamente de forma simples e
econômica a partir daquilo que as universidades públicas possuem de melhor: seu corpo docente
e discente.
Traditionally, universities have developed as their main teaching format the noble link and its interactions between a mentor (teacher) and students. Subsequently, congresses, workshops, thematic meetings and others public events sought to meet a greater number of students and spread information about science at universities. Recently, the popularization of the internet offered the opportunity to make available videos, whether of events held in person (allowing to break the distance of those who cannot participate in person) as well as classes and lectures on various subjects, with an exponential growth during the COVID 19 pandemic. Social isolation forced, even temporarily, the search for effective teaching alternatives. In this sense, the public university must not only follow the evolution of information vehicles, but also be a pioneer in their implementation and improvement. Podcasts are potential media to be explored, allowing a receiver to be able to, alone, and without great cost, propagate messages on a massive scale, which contributes to the emergence of new transmitters, products and forms of communication. In this Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (TCC) we describe the great potential of podcasting to transform the learning experience inside and outside university walls. The Podcast “Com Quantos Paus se Faz uma Canoa”, popularly known as Posdcast “Canoa” improved the ways of disseminating academic information (administrative and technical) as well as taking part of the scientific production of the laboratories (scientific content) from Instituto do Mar of the Universidade Federal de São Paulo by the media podcast, both for its students and the community. The results, in numbers demonstrate the importance of a direct communication channel between the university (Instituto do Mar) and students (all types of reports) and the thirst for interdisciplinary knowledge on controversial issues about science, philosophy and technology. Canoa’s episodes included by our professors as material for their disciplines reinforce the potential of massively educating in a simple and economical way, based on what public universities have the best: their faculty and students
Traditionally, universities have developed as their main teaching format the noble link and its interactions between a mentor (teacher) and students. Subsequently, congresses, workshops, thematic meetings and others public events sought to meet a greater number of students and spread information about science at universities. Recently, the popularization of the internet offered the opportunity to make available videos, whether of events held in person (allowing to break the distance of those who cannot participate in person) as well as classes and lectures on various subjects, with an exponential growth during the COVID 19 pandemic. Social isolation forced, even temporarily, the search for effective teaching alternatives. In this sense, the public university must not only follow the evolution of information vehicles, but also be a pioneer in their implementation and improvement. Podcasts are potential media to be explored, allowing a receiver to be able to, alone, and without great cost, propagate messages on a massive scale, which contributes to the emergence of new transmitters, products and forms of communication. In this Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (TCC) we describe the great potential of podcasting to transform the learning experience inside and outside university walls. The Podcast “Com Quantos Paus se Faz uma Canoa”, popularly known as Posdcast “Canoa” improved the ways of disseminating academic information (administrative and technical) as well as taking part of the scientific production of the laboratories (scientific content) from Instituto do Mar of the Universidade Federal de São Paulo by the media podcast, both for its students and the community. The results, in numbers demonstrate the importance of a direct communication channel between the university (Instituto do Mar) and students (all types of reports) and the thirst for interdisciplinary knowledge on controversial issues about science, philosophy and technology. Canoa’s episodes included by our professors as material for their disciplines reinforce the potential of massively educating in a simple and economical way, based on what public universities have the best: their faculty and students
RASMUSSEM, Luis Forte. Podcast Com Quantos Paus se Faz uma Canoa. 2021. 19 f. Trabalho de conclusão de curso (Graduação em Bacharelado Interdisciplinar em Ciência e Tecnologia do Mar) - Instituto do Mar, Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Santos, 2021.