Práticas, representações e significados sobre a alimentação entre jogadores de rugby
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O rugby se caracteriza como um esporte com contato físico frequente e por elevada exigência física e emocional, para o qual a nutrição adequada dos atletas tem importante papel. O objetivo deste estudo foi identificar as práticas, representações e significados alimentares entre jogadores de rugby de ambos os sexos. Trata-se de um estudo de natureza qualitativa, no qual foram realizadas entrevistas semiestruturadas, com dez jogadores do time masculino e oito do
feminino, incluindo jogadores amadores e profissionais. A análise das transcrições foi realizada através de análise de conteúdo, que resultou em cinco categorias de análise: trajetória esportiva; percepção sobre a alimentação; alimentação no rugby: o antes, o durante e o depois do campeonato; acompanhamento nutricional e uso de suplementos; terceiro tempo: muito além do jogo; padrão estético e o rugby: os corpos e os estigmas. Os resultados mostram que os atletas entrevistados apresentam concepção correta do que é uma alimentação saudável e procuram
priorizá-la, mas percebem que nem sempre conseguem segui-la no seu cotidiano, indicando o tempo disponível para o preparo como uma das principais barreiras. Os atletas procuram adotar estratégias alimentares em momentos de pré-competição, porém na competição, há pouca disponibilidade de alimentos adequados. No terceiro tempo, momento de descontração e companheirismo pós-jogo, e em momentos de lazer, é priorizado o consumo de comfort foods e álcool. Com este estudo, pôde-se alcançar subsídios para os profissionais da área esportiva, ao se apontar diferenças e similaridades entre homens e mulheres, e ao se verificar o aspecto afetivo envolvido na alimentação dos atletas.
Rugby is characterized as having frequent physical contact and high physical and emotional demands, for which nutrition plays an important role. The aim of this study was to identify the practices, representations and nutritional meanings among rugby players of both sexes. This is a qualitative study in which semi-structured interviews were conducted with male and female players, including amateur and professional players. The analysis of the transcriptions was carried out through content analysis, which resulted in five categories of analysis: sports trajectory; perception of food; eating and rugby: before, during and after competition; nutritional support and use of supplements; third half: far beyond the game; aesthetics and rugby: bodies and stigmas. The results show that the athletes interviewed present a correct conception of what healthy eating is and try to prioritize it, however, they perceive that they do not follow it, indicating the lack of time to prepare foods as one of the main barriers. They try to adopt adequate eating strategies pre-competition, however there is a lack of adequate foods in competitions. At the third half and at relaxing post-game moments with peers, comfort foods and alcohol are prioritized. With this study, subsidies were obtained for the sports professionals, based on the differences and similarities between male and female athletes, and the identification of affective aspects in the athlete’s eating practices.
Rugby is characterized as having frequent physical contact and high physical and emotional demands, for which nutrition plays an important role. The aim of this study was to identify the practices, representations and nutritional meanings among rugby players of both sexes. This is a qualitative study in which semi-structured interviews were conducted with male and female players, including amateur and professional players. The analysis of the transcriptions was carried out through content analysis, which resulted in five categories of analysis: sports trajectory; perception of food; eating and rugby: before, during and after competition; nutritional support and use of supplements; third half: far beyond the game; aesthetics and rugby: bodies and stigmas. The results show that the athletes interviewed present a correct conception of what healthy eating is and try to prioritize it, however, they perceive that they do not follow it, indicating the lack of time to prepare foods as one of the main barriers. They try to adopt adequate eating strategies pre-competition, however there is a lack of adequate foods in competitions. At the third half and at relaxing post-game moments with peers, comfort foods and alcohol are prioritized. With this study, subsidies were obtained for the sports professionals, based on the differences and similarities between male and female athletes, and the identification of affective aspects in the athlete’s eating practices.
SANTOS, Giovana de Oliveira. Práticas, representações e significados sobre a alimentação entre jogadores de rugby. 2021. 49f. Trabalho de conclusão de curso de graduação (Nutrição) - Instituto de Saúde e Sociedade, Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Santos, 2021.