Hiperléxicos com transtorno de Asperger : caracterização da leitura e escrita de textos e palavras
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Objetivo: Verificar as habilidades de leitura, escrita e consciência fonológica de sujeitos com diagnóstico de Transtorno de Asperger que tenham apresentado histórico de Hiperlexia e investigar possíveis correlações com a idade, nível de inteligência e tempo de escolaridade. Métodos: A amostra foi composta por 16 sujeitos, do sexo masculino com linguagem verbal e idade média de 15.4, cujos pais autorizaram a participação no estudo e relataram que os mesmos haviam começado a ler precocemente sem ensino formal prévio e com pouca compreensão. Todos os sujeitos eram escolarizados, não apresentavam limitações sensoriais e foram encaminhados com diagnóstico de Transtorno de Asperger para as Disciplinas de Distúrbios da Comunicação Humana e de Distúrbios da Audição da UNIFESP-EPM, já tendo sido avaliados o nível intelectual. A testagem foi composta por uma Prova de Leitura em Voz Alta, Avaliação da Velocidade de Leitura, Recontagem de Texto, Prova de Consciência Fonológica, Ditado e Escrita Semi-Dirigida de Textos.Todos os procedimentos foram filmados e gravados, sendo aplicados em duas sessões individuais. Na leitura, foram examinadas as habilidades de exatidão, velocidade e compreensão; na consciência fonológica averiguaram-se habilidades de síntese silábica e fonêmica, rima, aliteração, análise silábica e fonêmica, manipulação silábica e fonêmica, transposição silábica e fonêmica e na escrita avaliou-se a exatidão e a construção semidirigida de textos com base em seqüências de figuras. Resultados: Os sujeitos tiveram alto índice de acertos na exatidão de leitura e escrita, apresentaram grande variação quanto à velocidade e compreensão de leitura, estando deficitárias na maioria dos casos. Na consciência fonológica, de modo geral, tiveram desempenhos abaixo do esperado para a idade, com mais dificuldades nas tarefas fonêmicas. Na escrita de textos houve variações de 5 à 25 nodos. Houve correlação entre o nível intelectual e todas habilidades de leitura, entre a exatidão de leitura e a exatidão de escrita, entre a velocidade de leitura e a compreensão dos textos, entre a consciência fonológica e a construção dos textos, e desta última com a ordenação das figuras. Conclusões: Nestes indivíduos não foi observado um padrão uniforme de habilidades.
Purpose: To verify reading, writing and phonological awareness skills in individuals with Asperger’s Syndrome who had had Hyperlexia, and to investigate likely correlations with age, IQ and years of schooling. Methods: The sample consisted of 16 males (mean age=15.4) with Asperger’s Syndrome at the Hearing and Human Communication Disorders Disciplinies of UNIFESP-EPM. Written informed consent was obtained from parents. All patients started reading precociously, prior to their formal instruction, but with impaired language comprehension. Also, all subjects were attending school and none had peripheral hearind and visual acuity abnormalities. Their intelligence quotient were previously measured. Reading Aloud Test, Reading Velocity Evaluation, Text Recall, Phonological Awareness Test, Dictation and Texts Writing were assessed in two individuals sessions. All procedures were recorded and filmed. Regarding the reading skill, exactness, velocity and comprehension were examined. To evaluate phonological awareness it was taken rhime, alliteration, syllabic and phonemic elision, division, manipulation and change skills into account, and concerning writing, exactness and texts writing based on sequences of pictures were assessed. Results: Subjects performed high index of right answers to reading and writing exactness, and both was correlated. They showed great variability in terms of reading velocity and comprehension skills which were deficient in the majorit of cases. With regard to phonological awareness, in general the results were worse than expected and the most often difficulties appeared in the phonemic tasks. In the writing texts there were variations from 5 to 25 nodes. Furthermore, there was correlation between IQ and all reading skills and years of schooling were correlated with texts writing skill. Also, there was correlation between reading accuracy and writing accuracy, between reading velocity and reading comprehension, between phonological awareness and writing texts and finnaly, between the latter and picture sequences. Conclusions: This sample did not follow a set pattern.
Purpose: To verify reading, writing and phonological awareness skills in individuals with Asperger’s Syndrome who had had Hyperlexia, and to investigate likely correlations with age, IQ and years of schooling. Methods: The sample consisted of 16 males (mean age=15.4) with Asperger’s Syndrome at the Hearing and Human Communication Disorders Disciplinies of UNIFESP-EPM. Written informed consent was obtained from parents. All patients started reading precociously, prior to their formal instruction, but with impaired language comprehension. Also, all subjects were attending school and none had peripheral hearind and visual acuity abnormalities. Their intelligence quotient were previously measured. Reading Aloud Test, Reading Velocity Evaluation, Text Recall, Phonological Awareness Test, Dictation and Texts Writing were assessed in two individuals sessions. All procedures were recorded and filmed. Regarding the reading skill, exactness, velocity and comprehension were examined. To evaluate phonological awareness it was taken rhime, alliteration, syllabic and phonemic elision, division, manipulation and change skills into account, and concerning writing, exactness and texts writing based on sequences of pictures were assessed. Results: Subjects performed high index of right answers to reading and writing exactness, and both was correlated. They showed great variability in terms of reading velocity and comprehension skills which were deficient in the majorit of cases. With regard to phonological awareness, in general the results were worse than expected and the most often difficulties appeared in the phonemic tasks. In the writing texts there were variations from 5 to 25 nodes. Furthermore, there was correlation between IQ and all reading skills and years of schooling were correlated with texts writing skill. Also, there was correlation between reading accuracy and writing accuracy, between reading velocity and reading comprehension, between phonological awareness and writing texts and finnaly, between the latter and picture sequences. Conclusions: This sample did not follow a set pattern.
SILVA, Renata Cristina Dias da. Hiperléxicos com transtorno de Asperger : caracterização da leitura e escrita de textos e palavras. 2004. Dissertação (Mestrado em Distúrbios da comunicação humana: fonoaudiologia) - Escola Paulista de Medicina (EPM), Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), São Paulo, 2004.