Novas configurações do trabalho docente na rede estadual paulista: o caso do professor mediador escolar e comunitário
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Diante de pesquisas que apontam os crescentes índices de violência, indisciplina e
conflitos no ambiente escolar, o Governo do Estado de São Paulo criou o programa
intitulado “Sistema de Proteção Escolar”, com o objetivo de combater a indisciplina e
a violência no interior das escolas e garantir a integridade física e patrimonial dos
alunos, funcionários e servidores da rede estadual paulista. No conjunto de medidas
pensadas no âmbito do referido programa, a Secretaria de Educação do Estado de
São Paulo – SEE/SP criou uma nova função para o professor da educação básica,
qual seja, a de Professor Mediador Escolar e Comunitário, doravante denominado
PMEC. Com essa pesquisa, interessou-nos investigar o contexto de surgimento
deste “novo profissional” no âmbito da rede estadual paulista, desde a concepção
acerca desta nova função, apresentada pela Secretaria da Educação do Estado de
São Paulo (SEE/SP), bem como as questões relativas ao processo de seleção e de
atuação nas unidades escolares. Para tanto, foi realizada análise documental (textos
legais, normativos, planos de trabalho do PMEC e livros de ocorrências na unidade
escolar), observação do trabalho realizado pelo PMEC em uma escola estadual,
durante um semestre e entrevistas semiestruturadas com as PMEC da escola
selecionada e com PMEC que atuam em escolas localizadas em regiões com
índices de vulnerabilidades parecidos ao da escola selecionada. Ao final da
investigação comprovamos nossa hipótese de que essa nova função seja mais uma
forma de reconfiguração do trabalho docente, dentre as já existentes, que altera
profundamente o papel do professor no âmbito escolar e descaracteriza a profissão.
Para subsidiar a nossa análise recorremos a autores que discutem temáticas como
controle, intolerância, indisciplina e conflitos (ABRAMOVAY, 2005; CHARLOT, 2002;
2005; DUBET, 2004; FOUCAULT, 1996, 1997; JARES, 1997), trabalho e profissão
2000), bem como de pesquisadores que vêm se dedicando às temáticas
apresentadas pelo programa “Sistema de Proteção Escolar”, a partir de diferentes
perspectivas teóricas.
On research that link rising levels of violence, indiscipline and conflicts in the school environment, the State Government of São Paulo created the program entitled "School System Protection" in order to combat indiscipline and violence within schools and guarantee the physical integrity and property of students, staff and servants of the state public network. In the set of measures designed under the said program, the Department of São Paulo State Education - SEE / SP created a new role for the teacher of basic education, namely, Professor of School Mediator and Community, hereinafter called the PMEC. With this research, we became interested in investigating the appearance of the context of this "new professional" under the state public network, since the conception of this new role, presented by the São Paulo State Education (SEE / SP) and matters relating to the selection process and performance in school units. For this purpose, document analysis was carried out (legal, regulatory texts, work plans of the PMEC and occurrences of books at schools), work observation conducted by PMEC in a state school for a semester and semi-structured interviews with PMEC the selected school and PMEC working in schools located in regions with similar levels of vulnerability to the selected school. At the end of the investigation we proved our hypothesis that this new function is another way of reconfiguration of the teaching profession, among the existing ones, which profoundly changes the teacher's role in schools and mischaracterizes the profession. To support our analysis we turn to authors who discuss issues such as control, intolerance, indiscipline and conflicts (ABRAMOVAY, 2005; CHARLOT, 2002; 2005; DUBET, 2004; FOUCAULT, 1996, 1997; JARES, 1997), work and teaching profession (TARDIF, 2002; TARDIF, LESSARD e LAHAYE, 1991; TENTI FANFANI, 2000), as well as researchers who have dedicated themselves to the themes presented by the "School System Protection" program from different theoretical perspectives.
On research that link rising levels of violence, indiscipline and conflicts in the school environment, the State Government of São Paulo created the program entitled "School System Protection" in order to combat indiscipline and violence within schools and guarantee the physical integrity and property of students, staff and servants of the state public network. In the set of measures designed under the said program, the Department of São Paulo State Education - SEE / SP created a new role for the teacher of basic education, namely, Professor of School Mediator and Community, hereinafter called the PMEC. With this research, we became interested in investigating the appearance of the context of this "new professional" under the state public network, since the conception of this new role, presented by the São Paulo State Education (SEE / SP) and matters relating to the selection process and performance in school units. For this purpose, document analysis was carried out (legal, regulatory texts, work plans of the PMEC and occurrences of books at schools), work observation conducted by PMEC in a state school for a semester and semi-structured interviews with PMEC the selected school and PMEC working in schools located in regions with similar levels of vulnerability to the selected school. At the end of the investigation we proved our hypothesis that this new function is another way of reconfiguration of the teaching profession, among the existing ones, which profoundly changes the teacher's role in schools and mischaracterizes the profession. To support our analysis we turn to authors who discuss issues such as control, intolerance, indiscipline and conflicts (ABRAMOVAY, 2005; CHARLOT, 2002; 2005; DUBET, 2004; FOUCAULT, 1996, 1997; JARES, 1997), work and teaching profession (TARDIF, 2002; TARDIF, LESSARD e LAHAYE, 1991; TENTI FANFANI, 2000), as well as researchers who have dedicated themselves to the themes presented by the "School System Protection" program from different theoretical perspectives.
GALDINO, Rita de Cássia Arruda. Novas configurações do trabalho docente na rede estadual paulista: o caso do professor mediador escolar e comunitário. 2016. 133 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Educação) - Escola de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas, Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Guarulhos, 2016.