Análise da transformação digital do mercado bancário brasileiro entre Bancos Tradicionais e Fintechs Bancárias: Um estudo a partir de indicadores financeiros
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Os bancos brasileiros sempre tiveram uma grande influência na economia nacional, e o poder nesse mercado se concentrava nas mãos de poucos grupos de bancos comerciais que o dominam. Por ser um segmento de mercado com requisitos de segurança do usuário extremamente rígidos, a entrada de fortes concorrentes para os grandes do mercado sempre foi restrita. As Fintechs Bancárias entram no mercado com o objetivo de simplificar o dia a dia dos clientes, mudando a imagem de que os bancos são burocráticos e perpetuando à ideia de que os bancos devem ser acessíveis a grande parte da população, independentemente da classe social. Boas práticas de marketing, redução de custos e bom relacionamento com os clientes garantiram o crescimento dessas instituições e a adesão de novos usuários, principalmente entre os clientes mais jovens. O objetivo deste trabalho concentra-se em estabelecer uma análise comparativa entre Bancos Tradicionais e Fintechs Bancárias devido ao impacto da transformação digital no meio bancário. De forma específica, objetiva-se analisar os indicadores financeiros dos Bancos Tradicionais e Fintechs Bancárias e comparar os resultados dos dois grupos e analisar as mudanças geradas pela digitalização nos serviços bancários oferecidos. A pesquisa apresentada neste trabalho visa demonstrar as diferenças nos dois grupos de bancos estudados através dos dados recolhidos e apresentados, a fim que esta comparação enxergue se as Fintechs Bancárias estão se desenvolvendo ao ponto de atingirem patamares de transações e resultados já conquistados pelos Bancos Tradicionais.
Brazilian banks have always had a great influence on the national economy, and power in this market was concentrated in the hands of the few commercial banking groups that dominate it. As it is a market segment with extremely strict user security requirements, the entry of strong competitors for the big players in the market has always been restricted. Banking Fintechs enters the market with the objective of simplifying the daily lives of customers, changing the image that banks are bureaucratic and perpetuating the idea that banks should be accessible to a large part of the population, regardless of social classes. Good marketing practices, cost reduction and good relationship with customers ensured the growth of these institutions and the adhesion of new users, especially among younger customers. The objective of this research focuses on establishing a comparative analysis between Traditional Banks and Banking Fintechs due to the impact of digital transformation in the banking environment. Specifically, the objective is to analyze the financial indicators of Traditional Banks and Banking Fintechs and compare the results of the two groups and analyze the changes generated by the digitalization of the banking services offered. The research presented in this work aims to demonstrate the differences in the two groups of banks studied through the data collected and presented, so that this comparison can see if Banking Fintechs are developing to the point of reaching levels of transactions and results already achieved by Traditional Banks.
Brazilian banks have always had a great influence on the national economy, and power in this market was concentrated in the hands of the few commercial banking groups that dominate it. As it is a market segment with extremely strict user security requirements, the entry of strong competitors for the big players in the market has always been restricted. Banking Fintechs enters the market with the objective of simplifying the daily lives of customers, changing the image that banks are bureaucratic and perpetuating the idea that banks should be accessible to a large part of the population, regardless of social classes. Good marketing practices, cost reduction and good relationship with customers ensured the growth of these institutions and the adhesion of new users, especially among younger customers. The objective of this research focuses on establishing a comparative analysis between Traditional Banks and Banking Fintechs due to the impact of digital transformation in the banking environment. Specifically, the objective is to analyze the financial indicators of Traditional Banks and Banking Fintechs and compare the results of the two groups and analyze the changes generated by the digitalization of the banking services offered. The research presented in this work aims to demonstrate the differences in the two groups of banks studied through the data collected and presented, so that this comparison can see if Banking Fintechs are developing to the point of reaching levels of transactions and results already achieved by Traditional Banks.