Influências do uso de drogas na dinâmica familiar a partir da perspectiva da família
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Introdução: O consumo de substâncias por pessoas em situação de rua, poliusuários e usuários de crack se configura como condição crônica resultante de danos que afetam o dependente de drogas e sua família. O cuidado no âmbito da dependência de drogas deve considerar todo sistema familiar, para tanto se faz necessário ampliar a compreensão das condições atenuantes dos tipos de consumo, das características de familiares e usuários, além da influência do consumo na dinâmica familiar. Objetivo: Avaliar as características de famílias e usuários de substâncias psicoativas e a influência do consumo na família a partir da perspectiva de familiares que buscaram apoio no Programa Recomeço Família, em São Paulo, Brasil. Método: Estudo secundário, de 5.201 prontuários de familiares assistidos no Programa Recomeço Família, em São Paulo, Brasil. Os dados coletados foram referentes às informações sociodemográficas e às percepções do familiar quanto à influência do consumo na família, além de questões sobre tratamento e cuidado familiar. Foi feita análise exploratória por meio do Statistical Package for the Social Science e do teste do qui-quadrado, para medir a associação entre as variáveis e testar a significância. Resultados: Foram organizados três artigos, sendo um sobre familiares de usuários em situação de rua; outro acerca de familiares de usuários de múltiplas drogas e um último sobre consumo de cocaína aspirada e crack relacionado à violência doméstica. No primeiro artigo, 40,9% eram pais ou responsáveis, a maioria do sexo feminino; 5,4% da amostra estava em situação de rua, dos quais 29,4% eram do sexo feminino, a maioria era jovem, vivia sem companheiro, com baixo nível de escolaridade e usava predominantemente crack. Os familiares sentiam pena, angústia, “dor na alma” e vergonha. No segundo artigo, sobre familiares de usuários de múltiplas drogas, 42,1% eram pais ou responsáveis e 62,7% dos pais e 52,5% das mães sofreram violência deferida pelo ente usuário, além de ter dado mais dinheiro para o consumo de drogas do seu ente. Segundo dados do terceiro artigo, 52,7% dos familiares relataram que o usuário de crack cometeu furto no lar; 46,4% dos familiares expôs que o parente usuário de crack agrediu fisicamente algum familiar. Inalar cocaína foi associado à ameaça intrafamiliar. Conclusão: Os familiares de usuários em situação de rua e de poliusuários lidam com maior sofrimento e tensão familiar, e o uso de cocaína foi associado à violência doméstica.
Introduction: The consumption of substances by homeless people, polyusers and crack users is configured as a chronic condition resulting from damage that affects the drug dependent and his family. Care in the field of drug addiction must consider the entire family system, so it is necessary to expand the understanding of the mitigating conditions of the types of consumption, the characteristics of family members and users, as well as the influence of consumption on family dynamics. Objective: To evaluate the characteristics of families and users of psychoactive substances and the influence of consumption in the family, from the perspective of family members who sought support in the Recomeço Família Program, in São Paulo, Brazil. Method: Secondary study, of 5,201 medical records of family members supported by the Recomeço Família Program, in São Paulo, Brazil. Data collected concerned sociodemographic information and family members' perceptions of the influence of drug use on the family, as well as questions about treatment and family care. Exploratory analysis was performed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences and the chi-square test, to measure the association between variables and the significance of the test. Results: Three articles were organized, one on family members of street users, another on family members of multiple drug users, and a last one on aspirin and crack cocaine use related to domestic violence. In the first article, 40.9% were parents or guardians, mostly women; 5.4% of the sample were homeless, of which 29.4% were women, most were young, living without a partner, with low educational attainment, and predominantly using crack. Family members felt pity, anguish, "pain in the soul" and shame. In the second article, about family members of multiple drug users, 42.1% were parents or caregivers, and 62.7% of fathers and 52.5% of mothers had suffered from delayed violence by their drug-using family member, and also gave more money for their family member's drug use. According to data from the third article, 52.7% of family members reported that the crack user committed theft at home; 46.4% of family members exposed that the crack-using relative physically assaulted some family member. Cocaine inhalation was associated with intrafamilial threat. Conclusion: Family members of homeless users and poly- users deal with greater suffering and family tension. In addition, cocaine use was associated with domestic violence.
Introduction: The consumption of substances by homeless people, polyusers and crack users is configured as a chronic condition resulting from damage that affects the drug dependent and his family. Care in the field of drug addiction must consider the entire family system, so it is necessary to expand the understanding of the mitigating conditions of the types of consumption, the characteristics of family members and users, as well as the influence of consumption on family dynamics. Objective: To evaluate the characteristics of families and users of psychoactive substances and the influence of consumption in the family, from the perspective of family members who sought support in the Recomeço Família Program, in São Paulo, Brazil. Method: Secondary study, of 5,201 medical records of family members supported by the Recomeço Família Program, in São Paulo, Brazil. Data collected concerned sociodemographic information and family members' perceptions of the influence of drug use on the family, as well as questions about treatment and family care. Exploratory analysis was performed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences and the chi-square test, to measure the association between variables and the significance of the test. Results: Three articles were organized, one on family members of street users, another on family members of multiple drug users, and a last one on aspirin and crack cocaine use related to domestic violence. In the first article, 40.9% were parents or guardians, mostly women; 5.4% of the sample were homeless, of which 29.4% were women, most were young, living without a partner, with low educational attainment, and predominantly using crack. Family members felt pity, anguish, "pain in the soul" and shame. In the second article, about family members of multiple drug users, 42.1% were parents or caregivers, and 62.7% of fathers and 52.5% of mothers had suffered from delayed violence by their drug-using family member, and also gave more money for their family member's drug use. According to data from the third article, 52.7% of family members reported that the crack user committed theft at home; 46.4% of family members exposed that the crack-using relative physically assaulted some family member. Cocaine inhalation was associated with intrafamilial threat. Conclusion: Family members of homeless users and poly- users deal with greater suffering and family tension. In addition, cocaine use was associated with domestic violence.
BARROS, Gilmar Manoel de. Influências do uso de drogas na dinâmica familiar a partir da perspectiva da família. São Paulo, 2021. 129 p. Dissertação (Mestrado em Enfermagem) – Escola Paulista de Enfermagem, Universidade Federal de São Paulo, São Paulo, 2021.