Sentidos da educação superior de pessoas com deficiência
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Esta pesquisa tem o objetivo de compreender os significados e sentidos atribuídos ao processo educacional de pessoas com deficiência que acessaram o ensino superior público por meio das cotas. Para tanto, o estudo ocorreu numa instituição da rede federal de educação localizada na cidade de São Paulo e foi centrado na realização de entrevistas semiestruturadas com estudantes que optaram pelas vagas reservadas às pessoas com deficiência, bem como contou com a participação de docentes, técnicos da área pedagógica e representante da equipe de gestão da universidade. Nessa direção, buscou-se refletir sobre as histórias pessoais, influências familiares e perspectivas futuras dos discentes com deficiência, além do posicionamento dos profissionais da educação sobre as questões inclusivas e o papel da instituição educacional em relação ao tema. A realização de todas as etapas da presente investigação apresenta como referencial a Teoria Histórico-Cultural (Vigotski e colaboradores) que entende a deficiência como um fenômeno social que não representa, em si, um obstáculo ao desenvolvimento e à aprendizagem. Defende-se a seguinte tese: para que o processo de ensino-aprendizagem envolvendo as pessoas com deficiência ocorra de maneira significativa, o ambiente universitário deve propiciar uma organização de ensino cujas ações dos membros da comunidade escolar – alunos, professores, equipe pedagógica e de gestão – gerem sentidos pessoais condizentes com os motivos e significados sociais da atividade profissional/de estudo e atividade pedagógica na perspectiva de valorização das diferenças, efetividade do processo de inclusão e promoção do desenvolvimento humano. A partir da análise dos dados, verifica-se que os estudantes que mais necessitam do suporte institucional têm a trajetória acadêmica prejudicada, o que repercute nas suas possibilidades de aprendizagem e desenvolvimento. Da mesma forma, observam-se limites à atribuição de sentido pessoal dos discentes e dos educadores no que se refere às atividades profissional/de estudo e à atividade pedagógica em virtude das condições alienantes identificadas no âmbito universitário. A garantia de condições de acessibilidade e a proposição de atividades alinhadas aos interesses profissionais dos estudantes, assim como a oportunização de espaços coletivos para organização das ações pedagógicas, surgem como possibilidades de superação do quadro identificado e consecução da educação inclusiva na esfera do ensino superior.
This research aims to understand the meanings and senses attributed to people with disabilities’ educational process who had access to public higher education institutions by means of quota. To do so, the study was carried out in a federal education institution in the city of São Paulo and composed of semi-structured interviews with students who opted for people with disabilities quota admission; the study also included professors, pedagogical staff and one representative from the university’s team management. In this direction, it was sought out to reflect upon personal stories, family influences and future perspectives of people with disabilities; in addition, professionals’ stance on education in relation to inclusive education matters and the role of the institution. All stages of this research present as a theoretical framework the Cultural-Historical Theory (Vygotsky and collaborators) that understand deficiency as a social phenomenon which does not represent in itself an obstacle to development and to learning. The following argument is defended: for the processes of teaching-learning, involving people with disabilities, occurs in a meaningful way, the university environment must provide a teaching organization school members’ role – students, teachers, pedagogical and management staff – generate personal senses that are befitting with reason and social meanings of the professional/study activity and with the pedagogical activity within the perspective of valuing differences, effectivity of the inclusion process and promotion of human development. From data analysis, it was verified that students who most need institutional support have an impaired academic journey, which resonates in their learning and development possibilities. In this way, it was observed limits to personal sense attribution from students and educators in relation to the professional/study activity and to the pedagogical activity in relation to the alienating conditions within academia. The guarantee of accessibility conditions and the proposition of academic activities aligned with students’ professional interests as well as opportunities for collective spaces for the organization of pedagogical actions come up as possibilities to the overcoming of the findings and achievement of inclusive education in the sphere of higher education.
This research aims to understand the meanings and senses attributed to people with disabilities’ educational process who had access to public higher education institutions by means of quota. To do so, the study was carried out in a federal education institution in the city of São Paulo and composed of semi-structured interviews with students who opted for people with disabilities quota admission; the study also included professors, pedagogical staff and one representative from the university’s team management. In this direction, it was sought out to reflect upon personal stories, family influences and future perspectives of people with disabilities; in addition, professionals’ stance on education in relation to inclusive education matters and the role of the institution. All stages of this research present as a theoretical framework the Cultural-Historical Theory (Vygotsky and collaborators) that understand deficiency as a social phenomenon which does not represent in itself an obstacle to development and to learning. The following argument is defended: for the processes of teaching-learning, involving people with disabilities, occurs in a meaningful way, the university environment must provide a teaching organization school members’ role – students, teachers, pedagogical and management staff – generate personal senses that are befitting with reason and social meanings of the professional/study activity and with the pedagogical activity within the perspective of valuing differences, effectivity of the inclusion process and promotion of human development. From data analysis, it was verified that students who most need institutional support have an impaired academic journey, which resonates in their learning and development possibilities. In this way, it was observed limits to personal sense attribution from students and educators in relation to the professional/study activity and to the pedagogical activity in relation to the alienating conditions within academia. The guarantee of accessibility conditions and the proposition of academic activities aligned with students’ professional interests as well as opportunities for collective spaces for the organization of pedagogical actions come up as possibilities to the overcoming of the findings and achievement of inclusive education in the sphere of higher education.