Evasão universitária durante a pandemia do Covid-19 no Brasil
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Diante da pandemia do Covid-19 muitos alunos foram obrigados a continuar seus estudos em
casa, dependendo totalmente da tecnologia. Nem todos os estudantes, porém, tiveram fácil
acesso a esse meio, tornando o prosseguimento do curso inviável para alguns. A pandemia
não afetou a todos de maneira igual, a população negra foi mais afetada, diante disso, este
trabalho pretende investigar se os estudantes negros apresentaram maiores índices de evasão
universitária que os brancos, ao longo dos anos de 2020 e 2021. Pretende-se responder a essa
questão por meio de evidência empírica. Para isso, será usada a base dos microdados da PNAD
Contínua e, como ferramenta para analisar as variáveis econômicas e sociais, um modelo logit,
visando verificar como atributos como raça, sexo, idade e renda, entre outros, afetaram a
probabilidade de abandono do curso superior.
The Covid-19 pandemic forced many students to continue their studies at home, depending entirely on technology. Not all students, however, had easy access to this medium, making the continuation of the course unfeasible for some. The pandemic did not affect everyone equally, as the black population was more affected. Therefore, we aim to investigate whether black students had higher dropout rates than whites throughout 2020 and 2021. We intend to answer this question through empirical evidence. To this end, we will use the microdata base of PNAD Continuous and, as a tool for analyzing the economic and social variables, a logit model to verify how attributes such as race, gender, age, income, and education network, among others, affected the probability of dropping out of college.
The Covid-19 pandemic forced many students to continue their studies at home, depending entirely on technology. Not all students, however, had easy access to this medium, making the continuation of the course unfeasible for some. The pandemic did not affect everyone equally, as the black population was more affected. Therefore, we aim to investigate whether black students had higher dropout rates than whites throughout 2020 and 2021. We intend to answer this question through empirical evidence. To this end, we will use the microdata base of PNAD Continuous and, as a tool for analyzing the economic and social variables, a logit model to verify how attributes such as race, gender, age, income, and education network, among others, affected the probability of dropping out of college.
SOUZA , Marcos Alexandre Gomes de. Evasão universitária durante a pandemia do Covid-19 no Brasil. 2023. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Bacharelado em Ciências Econômicas) - Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Escola Paulista de Política, Economia e Negócios, Osasco, 2023.