Modificação do amido da mandioca para obtenção de filme biopolimérico: revisão teórica e aplicações
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Nos últimos anos, estudos sobre filmes produzidos a partir de matéria-prima vegetal têm sido de grande interesse devido à sua biocompatibilidade, compatibilidade com o meio ambiente e à sua utilização na indústria de embalagem de alimentos. Esses materiais podem ser desenvolvidos a partir de diversas fontes, como polissacarídeos, proteínas e lipídeos. O amido, devido a sua abundância na natureza e baixo custo, é uma das matérias-primas mais relevantes para a produção desses filmes. As características do amido têm grande influência nas propriedades dos filmes produzidos, visto que, de acordo com a fonte a partir da qual o amido é obtido, a relação dos constituintes pode variar, isto é, teores de amilose e amilopectina. Os filmes de amido possuem vantagens, como baixa espessura, flexibilidade e transparência; contudo, possuem baixas propriedades mecânicas, baixa permeabilidade ao vapor de água e são altamente higroscópicos. Essas propriedades podem ser melhoradas com alguns métodos, como a modificação do amido. No presente trabalho são analisados dados, obtidos a partir de artigos na literatura, sobre o amido e seus diversos métodos de modificação para o desenvolvimento de filmes, cujas características e propriedades irão determinar a aplicabilidade e restrições, as quais serão exploradas neste trabalho.
In recent years, studies on films produced from vegetable raw material have been of great interest due to their biocompatibility, environmental compatibility and their use in the food packaging industry. These materials can be developed from various sources, such as polysaccharides, proteins and lipids. Starch, due to its abundance in nature and low cost, is one of the most relevant raw materials for the production of these films. The characteristics of starch have a great influence on the properties of the films produced, since, according to the source from which the starch is obtained, the ratio of constituents may vary, i.e., amylose and amylopectin contents. Starch films have advantages such as low thickness, flexibility and transparency; however, they have low mechanical properties, low water vapor permeability and are highly hygroscopic. These properties can be improved with some methods, such as starch modification. In the present work, data obtained from articles in the literature are analyzed, exploring starch and its various methods of modification for the development of films, whose characteristics and properties will determine the applicability and restrictions, which will be explored in this work.
In recent years, studies on films produced from vegetable raw material have been of great interest due to their biocompatibility, environmental compatibility and their use in the food packaging industry. These materials can be developed from various sources, such as polysaccharides, proteins and lipids. Starch, due to its abundance in nature and low cost, is one of the most relevant raw materials for the production of these films. The characteristics of starch have a great influence on the properties of the films produced, since, according to the source from which the starch is obtained, the ratio of constituents may vary, i.e., amylose and amylopectin contents. Starch films have advantages such as low thickness, flexibility and transparency; however, they have low mechanical properties, low water vapor permeability and are highly hygroscopic. These properties can be improved with some methods, such as starch modification. In the present work, data obtained from articles in the literature are analyzed, exploring starch and its various methods of modification for the development of films, whose characteristics and properties will determine the applicability and restrictions, which will be explored in this work.