A população de rua e o acesso às políticas públicas no município de São Vicente
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A motivação para o presente estudo ocorreu ainda no primeiro semestre do curso de Serviço Social, durante trabalho de campo realizado na Unidade Curricular: “Ser Humano e sua Inserção Social”. O objetivo do trabalho é identificar, a partir do olhar do gestor, as condições para a construção de estratégias e políticas públicas voltadas à população em situação de rua. Estudar o fenômeno da população em situação de rua no processo sócio-histórico em suas determinações econômicas, sociais e políticas; sistematizar e analisar as Políticas Sociais no âmbito do Município que visam de forma específica o enfrentamento das expressões da questão desta população; compreender, na perspectiva dos gestores, as condições de acesso aos serviços ofertados, considerando a eficácia do atendimento. A construção do estudo se deu a partir de indagações: Qual a motivação para a vida nas ruas? Há proteção de políticas sociais? Qual o modo de sobrevivência? Que relações constroem? Como o município de São Vicente responde com políticas públicas às necessidades da população em situação de rua? Considerando a crise do capital presente nos países que conformam as sociedades de classe desde 2008 e que tem levado ao privilegiamento do capital em detrimento das condições de vida da classe trabalhadora, que as condições de vida de trabalhadores de menor renda têm piorado significativamente com a precarização do trabalho e o desemprego, que os assistentes sociais trabalham com a pobreza que atinge parte significativa da população, este trabalho pretende entender como as políticas sociais institucionais correspondem às necessidades da população em situação de vulnerabilidade. Neste caminho, se faz relevante a construção de conhecimento sobre esta população que vivem em situação de miserabilidade para um aprofundamento sobre as suas condições de vida. Tal conhecimento é relevante para essa própria população que vivencia o modo mais extremo de desigualdade social, para a elaboração de políticas públicas que respondam às suas necessidades, assim como para os/as assistentes sociais que trabalham com esta população. Trata-se de um estudo de natureza qualitativa de caráter exploratório, baseado em pesquisa qualitativa e semiestruturada, junto aos gestores dos serviços, para compreender a sua percepção das políticas sociais voltadas ao atendimento da população em situação de rua. Dividido em três capítulos, o trabalho contextualiza teoricamente a situação da população em situação de rua e, historicamente sobre a proteção social a essa população no Brasil; o estudo do território, com análise da distribuição desta população no município e das políticas públicas e dos serviços destinados a esta parcela da sociedade; A aproximação da realidade vivida pelas pessoas em situação de rua no município, observando o acesso aos serviços e equipamentos destinados ao atendimento de suas necessidades a partir da percepção dos gestores municipais. A categorização durante a análise permitiu a identificação de cinco núcleos direcionadores: perfil da população em situação de rua; as demandas dessa população; os recursos que lhe são disponibilizados para o trabalho com a população nas instituições; as possibilidades e limites dos serviços prestados para a população em situação de rua e a percepção a respeito da satisfação do usuário pelo serviço.
The motivation for the present study occurred in the first semester of the Social Work course, during fieldwork carried out in the Course Unity: “Human Being and his Social Insertion”. The objective of the work is to identify, from the manager's point of view, the conditions to the construction of strategies and public policies aimed at the homeless population. To study the phenomenon of the homeless population in the socio-historical process in its economic, social and political determinations; to codify and analyze Social Policies within the city that aim in a specific way to face the expressions of this population’s matter; to understand, from the perspective of managers, the conditions to access the services offered, considering the effectiveness of the service. The construction of the study was based on questions: What is the stimulus of living on the streets? Is there protection of social policies? What is the mode of survival? What relationships do they build? How does the city of São Vicente respond to the needs of the homeless population with public policies? Considering the capital crisis present in the countries that have formed class societies since 2008 and which has led to the privileging of capital at the expense of the living conditions of the working class, whereas the living conditions of low-income workers has worsened significantly with the precariousness of work and unemployment, that social workers work with the poverty that affects a significant part of the population, this paper intends to understand how institutional social policies correspond to the needs of the population that it is in a situation of vulnerability. In this path, the construction of knowledge about this population that lives in a situation of poverty is relevant for a deeper understanding of their living conditions. Such knowledge is relevant for this population that experiences the most extreme form of social inequality, for the elaboration of public policies that respond to their needs, as well as for social workers who work with this population. This is a qualitative study with an exploratory feature, based on qualitative and semi-structured research, within the service managers, to understand their perception of social policies aimed at the assistance of the homeless population. Divided into three chapters, the paper theoretically contextualizes the situation of the homeless population and, historically, on social protection for this population in Brazil; the study of the territory, with an analysis of the distribution of this population in the city and the public policies and services destined for this part of society; the approach of the reality experienced by people living on the streets in the city, observing access to services and equipment designed to meet their needs from the perception of city’s managers. The categorization during the analysis allowed the identification of five guiding cores: profile of the homeless population; the demands of this population; the resources that are available to work with the population in the institutions; the possibilities and limits of the services provided to the homeless population and the perception regarding the user's satisfaction with the service.
The motivation for the present study occurred in the first semester of the Social Work course, during fieldwork carried out in the Course Unity: “Human Being and his Social Insertion”. The objective of the work is to identify, from the manager's point of view, the conditions to the construction of strategies and public policies aimed at the homeless population. To study the phenomenon of the homeless population in the socio-historical process in its economic, social and political determinations; to codify and analyze Social Policies within the city that aim in a specific way to face the expressions of this population’s matter; to understand, from the perspective of managers, the conditions to access the services offered, considering the effectiveness of the service. The construction of the study was based on questions: What is the stimulus of living on the streets? Is there protection of social policies? What is the mode of survival? What relationships do they build? How does the city of São Vicente respond to the needs of the homeless population with public policies? Considering the capital crisis present in the countries that have formed class societies since 2008 and which has led to the privileging of capital at the expense of the living conditions of the working class, whereas the living conditions of low-income workers has worsened significantly with the precariousness of work and unemployment, that social workers work with the poverty that affects a significant part of the population, this paper intends to understand how institutional social policies correspond to the needs of the population that it is in a situation of vulnerability. In this path, the construction of knowledge about this population that lives in a situation of poverty is relevant for a deeper understanding of their living conditions. Such knowledge is relevant for this population that experiences the most extreme form of social inequality, for the elaboration of public policies that respond to their needs, as well as for social workers who work with this population. This is a qualitative study with an exploratory feature, based on qualitative and semi-structured research, within the service managers, to understand their perception of social policies aimed at the assistance of the homeless population. Divided into three chapters, the paper theoretically contextualizes the situation of the homeless population and, historically, on social protection for this population in Brazil; the study of the territory, with an analysis of the distribution of this population in the city and the public policies and services destined for this part of society; the approach of the reality experienced by people living on the streets in the city, observing access to services and equipment designed to meet their needs from the perception of city’s managers. The categorization during the analysis allowed the identification of five guiding cores: profile of the homeless population; the demands of this population; the resources that are available to work with the population in the institutions; the possibilities and limits of the services provided to the homeless population and the perception regarding the user's satisfaction with the service.
AMARAL, Marcello do; SANTANA, Michel Lames. A população de rua e o acesso às políticas públicas no município de São Vicente. 2021. 79f. Trabalho de conclusão de curso de graduação (Serviço Social) - Instituto de Saúde e Sociedade, Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Santos, 2021.