A evolução do profissional contábil: principais competências e qualidades exigidas para o futuro da profissão
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A contabilidade, assim como a sociedade e as tecnologias, está constantemente evoluindo. Ela está presente desde o início das civilizações, auxiliando no controle das riquezas dos seres humanos. Começou a se desenvolver como ciência na Europa, onde foram desenvolvidas várias escolas de pensamento contábil que foram disseminadas pelo mundo, resultando na importante Escola Contábil Americana. No Brasil ambas as correntes de pensamento foram muito fortes, e em conjunto com fatores externos à contabilidade, como o avanço extremamente rápido das tecnologias e modificações na sociedade, moldaram perfis profissionais diferentes através das décadas. O contador que era visto apenas como um registrador passou a ocupar cargos relevantes dentro das instituições graças a sua capacidade de gerenciar e fornecer informações relevantes acerca das organizações que estão inseridos para uma gama diferenciada de usuários. Por tanto, começou a ser esperado que cada vez mais o profissional contábil possuísse uma visão geral das entidades, atuando em conjunto com a alta administração para direcionar a companhia para seus objetivos. Para isso, o profissional de contabilidade deve dominar assuntos além de sua formação principal, se tornando cada vez mais um indivíduo com capacidades interdisciplinares. Dentre todas as competências destacadas pela literatura especializadas, a que se mostra mais relevante é o domínio de tecnologia da informação, já que ela pode tornar o trabalho do contador muito mais dinâmico e eficiente. Entretanto, assim como a contabilidade, essa área do conhecimento está em constante evolução e isso exige que o profissional esteja sempre se atualizando e aperfeiçoando, por meio da educação continuada. Além disso, outras competências também são esperadas pelo mercado global, como preocupação social e ambiental, habilidades interpessoais e alta capacidade de adaptação a cenários inesperados.
Accounting, like society and technologies, is constantly evolving. It has been present since the beginning of civilizations, helping to control the wealth of human beings. It began to develop as a science in Europe, where several schools of accounting thought were developed that were disseminated around the world, resulting in the important American Accounting School. In Brazil, both currents of thought were very strong, and together with factors external to accounting, such as the extremely rapid advance of technologies and changes in society, they shaped different professional profiles over the decades. The accountant who was seen only as a registrar started to occupy relevant positions within institutions thanks to his ability to manage and provide relevant information about organizations that are inserted for a different range of users. Therefore, it began to be expected that accounting professionals would increasingly have an overview of the entities, working together with senior management to direct the company towards its goals. For this, the accounting professional must master subjects beyond their main training, becoming more and more an individual with interdisciplinary capabilities. Among all the skills highlighted in the specialized literature, the one that is most relevant is the domain of information technology, since it can make the accountant's work much more dynamic and efficient. However, like accounting, this area of knowledge is constantly evolving and this requires that the professional is always updating and improving through continuing education. In addition, other competencies are also expected by the global market, such as social and environmental concern, interpersonal skills and a high ability to adapt to unexpected scenarios.
Accounting, like society and technologies, is constantly evolving. It has been present since the beginning of civilizations, helping to control the wealth of human beings. It began to develop as a science in Europe, where several schools of accounting thought were developed that were disseminated around the world, resulting in the important American Accounting School. In Brazil, both currents of thought were very strong, and together with factors external to accounting, such as the extremely rapid advance of technologies and changes in society, they shaped different professional profiles over the decades. The accountant who was seen only as a registrar started to occupy relevant positions within institutions thanks to his ability to manage and provide relevant information about organizations that are inserted for a different range of users. Therefore, it began to be expected that accounting professionals would increasingly have an overview of the entities, working together with senior management to direct the company towards its goals. For this, the accounting professional must master subjects beyond their main training, becoming more and more an individual with interdisciplinary capabilities. Among all the skills highlighted in the specialized literature, the one that is most relevant is the domain of information technology, since it can make the accountant's work much more dynamic and efficient. However, like accounting, this area of knowledge is constantly evolving and this requires that the professional is always updating and improving through continuing education. In addition, other competencies are also expected by the global market, such as social and environmental concern, interpersonal skills and a high ability to adapt to unexpected scenarios.
GARCIA, Guilherme Souza. A evolução do profissional contábil: principais competências e qualidades exigidas para o futuro da profissão. 2022. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Bacharelado em Ciências Contábeis) - Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Escola Paulista de Política, Economia e Negócios, Osasco, 2022.