Estratégias de enfrentamento dos profissionais de enfermagem nas situações estressoras durante a pandemia da COVID-19
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Objetivo: Compreender a experiência dos profissionais de enfermagem que atuaram com os pacientes suspeitos ou confirmados para covid-19 na primeira onda da pandemia. Método: Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa interpretativa que utilizou a técnica da história oral temática. O estudo foi desenvolvido em um hospital geral localizado na Grande São Paulo. A população estudada foi composta por 16 profissionais, sendo seis enfermeiros e 10 técnicos de enfermagem que atuavam na Unidade de Terapia Intensiva durante a primeira onda da pandemia. Foram efetivadas entrevistas semiestruturadas com questões de caracterização sociodemográficas e duas perguntas norteadoras. Para a análise dos dados, foi utilizado o modelo de análise temática proposto por Minayo, incluindo as etapas de transcrição, textualização e codificação. Resultados: Três categorias temáticas foram construídas a partir da análise dos depoimentos: "Situações estressoras", com as subcategorias uso de EPIs, falta de conhecimento, medo de se contaminar, desequilíbrio emocional, rápida deterioração do paciente, medo de contaminar familiares e mudança de rotina; "Sentimentos" com as subcategorias insegurança, estresse, medo, tristeza, ansiedade, incerteza, sofrimento e esgotamento; e "Estratégias de enfrentamento" com as subcategorias uso de EPIs, aprendizado, cuidado com a saúde mental, realização de atividades prazerosas, autocuidado, resiliência, fé e divisão da equipe e atividades. Considerações finais: A análise de depoimentos de profissionais de enfermagem possibilitou compreender as situações a que foram expostos durante a primeira onda da pandemia da covid-19, como se sentiram e que estratégias de enfrentamento utilizaram. Após a análise e discussão das categorias temáticas, pode-se identificar que esta pesquisa apresenta contribuições para a assistência, ensino e processo gerencial de enfermagem, possibilitando que tanto os profissionais quanto os sistemas de saúde estejam preparados para enfrentar mais eficientemente as crises.
Aims: The study aimed to understand the experiences of nursing professionals who provided care to patients who were suspected or confirmed to have covid-19 during the first wave of the pandemic. Methods: The study employed an interpretive qualitative approach. Semi-structured thematic interviews were conducted to collect oral histories from 16 professionals – 6 registered nurses and 10 licensed practical nurses – who provided care within an intensive care unit during the first wave of the pandemic in a general hospital in the São Paulo metropolitan area, Brazil. The interviews gathered demographic details and prompted participants to share their thoughts with two guiding questions. A thematic analysis model proposed by Minayo was employed to analyze the data, which was transcribed, textualized, and codified. Results: Three thematic categories emerged from the analysis of the interviews: "Stressful situations" – with the subcategories of the use of PPE, lack of knowledge, fear of contracting the disease, emotional instability, fear of infecting relatives, and changes in routine; "Feelings" – with the subcategories of insecurity, stress, fear, sadness, anxiety, uncertainty, suffering, and exhaustion; and "Coping strategies" – with the subcategories of the use of PPE, learning, paying attention to mental wellbeing, engaging in pleasant activities, self-care, resiliency, faith, and changes in the allocation of tasks among staff. Conclusions: By analyzing the narratives shared by nursing professionals during the first wave of the covid-19 pandemic, this study describes how they felt and what coping strategies they developed in response to their experiences. The examination and discussion of the identified thematic categories presents valuable insights that can inform nursing education, training, and practice, enabling both healthcare professionals and health systems to enhance their preparedness for crises.
Aims: The study aimed to understand the experiences of nursing professionals who provided care to patients who were suspected or confirmed to have covid-19 during the first wave of the pandemic. Methods: The study employed an interpretive qualitative approach. Semi-structured thematic interviews were conducted to collect oral histories from 16 professionals – 6 registered nurses and 10 licensed practical nurses – who provided care within an intensive care unit during the first wave of the pandemic in a general hospital in the São Paulo metropolitan area, Brazil. The interviews gathered demographic details and prompted participants to share their thoughts with two guiding questions. A thematic analysis model proposed by Minayo was employed to analyze the data, which was transcribed, textualized, and codified. Results: Three thematic categories emerged from the analysis of the interviews: "Stressful situations" – with the subcategories of the use of PPE, lack of knowledge, fear of contracting the disease, emotional instability, fear of infecting relatives, and changes in routine; "Feelings" – with the subcategories of insecurity, stress, fear, sadness, anxiety, uncertainty, suffering, and exhaustion; and "Coping strategies" – with the subcategories of the use of PPE, learning, paying attention to mental wellbeing, engaging in pleasant activities, self-care, resiliency, faith, and changes in the allocation of tasks among staff. Conclusions: By analyzing the narratives shared by nursing professionals during the first wave of the covid-19 pandemic, this study describes how they felt and what coping strategies they developed in response to their experiences. The examination and discussion of the identified thematic categories presents valuable insights that can inform nursing education, training, and practice, enabling both healthcare professionals and health systems to enhance their preparedness for crises.
ARAUJO, Paula Maria Corrêa de Gouveia. Estratégias de enfrentamento dos profissionais de enfermagem nas situações estressoras durante a pandemia da COVID-19. 2024. 142 f. Tese (Doutorado) – Escola Paulista de Enfermagem, Universidade Federal de São Paulo, 2024.