Olhares para a produção do cuidado em saúde bucal em uma Unidade de Saúde da Família
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Os dentistas ainda são vistos por trabalhadores e usuários do sistema de saúde como profissionais que se limitam a cuidar dos dentes, mantendo contato com a população somente na cadeira odontológica, seguindo um modelo de atendimento organizado na lógica da demanda espontânea e da valorização dos cuidados procedimentais em detrimento ao cuidado integral. O distanciamento das equipes, executando atividades estritamente curativas, prejudica a integralidade da atenção e a produção do cuidado em saúde bucal, o que pode ser compreendido a partir da trajetória da saúde bucal nas políticas públicas. Esta pesquisa, qualitativa e participativa, teve como objetivo problematizar com usuários e profissionais a produção do cuidado em saúde bucal na Atenção Básica em uma Unidade de Saúde da Família da cidade de Santos. Foram realizadas quatro rodas de conversa com 14 participantes e os encontros foram gravados e colocados em diálogo com os registros do diário de pesquisa. Alguns conceitos da Análise Institucional francesa apoiaram a análise do material produzido e a problematização e reflexão da produção do cuidado em saúde bucal instituído no diaadia das práticas da Atenção Básica. Os resultados apontam a dificuldade de manter os processos de trabalho da equipe de saúde bucal nos moldes da promoção de saúde e a valorização da conduta terapêutica com agendamento para tratamento com base em listas de espera e atendimento às urgências. Questionamentos sobre a formação e mudanças de posturas dos profissionais foram levantados ressaltando a importância de ampliação da clínica de saúde bucal. A formação profissional estritamente focada na prática mercantilista, especialista e distante da prática social foi entendida como um fator importante para a dificuldade de concretização de novas práticas de cuidado na saúde bucal. As rodas de conversa configuraramse como espaços de escuta aos usuários na unidade com ampliação de diálogo na equipe e abertura de possibilidade para outros olhares sobre a questão. O Produto Técnico Educacional “Diálogos coletivos sobre saúde bucal na Atenção Básica: materiais disparadores” pode subsidiar estratégias de Educação Permanente em Saúde com gestores, trabalhadores e usuários, assumindo o Sistema Único de Saúde como espaço formador na lógica da saúde bucal coletiva para que haja um processo de transformação de cuidado.
Dentists are still seen by workers and users of the health system as professionals who limit themselves to taking care of teeth, maintaining contact with the population only in the dental chair, following a model of care organized according to the logic of spontaneous demand and the appreciation of procedural care. to the detriment of comprehensive care. The distancing of teams, carrying out strictly curative activities, harms the comprehensiveness of care and the production of oral health care, which can be understood based on the trajectory of oral health in public policies. This qualitative and participatory research aimed to discuss with users and professionals the production of oral health care in Primary Care in a Family Health Unit in the city of Santos. Four conversation circles were held with 14 participants and the meetings were recorded and put into dialogue with the research diary records. Some concepts from the French Institutional Analysis supported the analysis of the material produced and the problematization and reflection on the production of oral health care established in the daytoday practices of Primary Care. The results point to the difficulty of maintaining the work processes of the oral health team in the form of health promotion and the valorization of therapeutic conduct with scheduling for treatment based on waiting lists and emergency care. Questions about the training and changes in attitudes of professionals were raised, highlighting the importance of expanding the oral health clinic. Professional training strictly focused on mercantilist, specialist practice and distant from social practice was understood as an important factor in the difficulty of implementing new care practices in oral health. The conversation circles were configured as spaces for listening to users in the unit, expanding dialogue within the team and opening up the possibility for other perspectives on the issue. The Technical Educational Product “Collective dialogues on oral health in Primary Care: triggering materials” can support Permanent Health Education strategies with managers, workers and users, assuming the Unified Health System as a training space in the logic of collective oral health so that there is a process of transformation of care.
Dentists are still seen by workers and users of the health system as professionals who limit themselves to taking care of teeth, maintaining contact with the population only in the dental chair, following a model of care organized according to the logic of spontaneous demand and the appreciation of procedural care. to the detriment of comprehensive care. The distancing of teams, carrying out strictly curative activities, harms the comprehensiveness of care and the production of oral health care, which can be understood based on the trajectory of oral health in public policies. This qualitative and participatory research aimed to discuss with users and professionals the production of oral health care in Primary Care in a Family Health Unit in the city of Santos. Four conversation circles were held with 14 participants and the meetings were recorded and put into dialogue with the research diary records. Some concepts from the French Institutional Analysis supported the analysis of the material produced and the problematization and reflection on the production of oral health care established in the daytoday practices of Primary Care. The results point to the difficulty of maintaining the work processes of the oral health team in the form of health promotion and the valorization of therapeutic conduct with scheduling for treatment based on waiting lists and emergency care. Questions about the training and changes in attitudes of professionals were raised, highlighting the importance of expanding the oral health clinic. Professional training strictly focused on mercantilist, specialist practice and distant from social practice was understood as an important factor in the difficulty of implementing new care practices in oral health. The conversation circles were configured as spaces for listening to users in the unit, expanding dialogue within the team and opening up the possibility for other perspectives on the issue. The Technical Educational Product “Collective dialogues on oral health in Primary Care: triggering materials” can support Permanent Health Education strategies with managers, workers and users, assuming the Unified Health System as a training space in the logic of collective oral health so that there is a process of transformation of care.
BERRETTINI, Renata Tarpani. Olhares para a produção do cuidado em saúde bucal em uma Unidade de Saúde da Família. 2024. 106 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ensino em Ciências da Saúde) - Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Instituto de Saúde e Sociedade, Santos, 2024.