Compreendendo as práticas de letramento no teatro escolar numa escola pública: significados e efeitos
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No contexto escolar, o teatro permite a potencialização de códigos sociais e oportuniza práticas de letramento e atuação no universo textual, para além do texto. Partindo dessa premissa, alguns estudos têm se dedicado a tratar dessas questões em conjunto, mostrando que o teatro escolar, relacionado ao letramento, adquire diferentes significados e efeitos, sendo ora utilizado como estratégia didática para o ensino de conteúdos escolares, ora como arte pela arte, ou seja, privilegiando a autonomia da arte, desligando-a de razões instrumentais, pedagógico-didáticas ou morais, focalizando a experiência estética. Nesse sentido, este Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (TCC), advém de uma Iniciação Científica apoiada pela Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo - FAPESP (Processo no.: 2022/04849-0), prevê a identificação de práticas de letramento realizadas em vivências de teatro para crianças matriculadas no ciclo de alfabetização, no Ensino Fundamental. Busca-se especificamente compreender como se configuram essas práticas, se há consequências, e quais seriam, para a trajetória escolar das crianças, além dos sentidos atribuídos a essas práticas pelos participantes. Para tanto, mobilizou-se um quadro teórico advindo dos Novos Estudos do Letramento, de vertente sociocultural e histórica (STREET, 1995; KLEIMAN, 1995; SOUZA, 2009; MARCUCCI, 2019; RIZZATTI, 2012; MACEDO, 2020; HAMILTON, 2000; BARTON, 2000; TERRA, 2013; SOUZA E VÓVIO, 2005), e as contribuições advindas da história do teatro e de sua inserção na escolarização (BRECHT, 1978; BERTHOLD, 2001; GOMES E AQUINO, 2019; SOUZA, 2008; BARROSO; 2017; DESGRANGES, 2006; SANTOS, 2002). Adotou-se uma abordagem qualitativa de inspiração etnográfica, com vistas à observação participante de vivências de teatro, apoiada em registro adensado em notas de campo, fotografias e aplicação de entrevistas em atores que tomam parte dessas vivências. O campo da pesquisa deu-se num Projeto teatral de uma Associação Cultural pública, em parceria com uma escola pública municipal, em São Paulo, durante os meses de Agosto de 2022 à Janeiro de 2023, totalizando 24 horas de imersão. Os resultados elucidam as descrições e caracterizações dos eventos de letramento encontrados e a configuração e análise das práticas de letramento na Associação pesquisada: 1) Roda de conversa da vivência teatral; 2) Produção de esquetes teatrais; 3) Produção de uma peça teatral; 4) Assistir espetáculos com debates entre atores e espectadores. Foi possível constatar, ainda, que o trabalho realizado não possui um viés pedagogizante do teatro. Além disso, também explicitou-se a existência de multiletramentos na Associação, o que proporciona às crianças uma ampliação de letramentos. Espera-se que os resultados possam colaborar para reflexões sobre os letramentos em outros âmbitos, para além da escola, considerando os diferentes sentidos atribuídos pelos participantes a essas práticas e seus possíveis efeitos sobre suas trajetórias. Agradecemos à Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP) pelo apoio por meio de concessão de bolsa de pesquisa e asseveramos que as opiniões, hipóteses e conclusões ou recomendações expressas neste material são de responsabilidade do(s) autor(es) e não necessariamente refletem a visão da FAPESP.
In the school context, the theater allows the enhancement of social codes and provides opportunities for literacy and performance in the textual universe, beyond the text. Based on this assumption, some studies have been dedicated to addressing these issues together, showing that school theater, related to literacy, provides different meanings and effects, sometimes being used as a didactic strategy for teaching school contents, sometimes as art for art's sake, that is, favoring the autonomy of art, disconnecting it from instrumental, pedagogical-didactic or moral reasons, focusing on the aesthetic experience. In this sense, this Paper of Course Conclusion (TCC) comes from a Scientific Initiation, supported by São Paulo Research Foundation - FAPESP (Process no.: 2022/04849-0), foresees the identification of literacy practices carried out in theater experiences for children enrolled in the literacy cycle, in Elementary School. The aim is specifically to understand how these practices are configured, if there are consequences, and what they would be, for the school trajectory of the participating children, in addition to the meanings attributed to these practices by the participants. Therefore, a theoretical framework was mobilized from Literacy Studies, from a sociocultural and historical perspective (STREET, 1995; KLEIMAN, 1995; SOUZA, 2009; MARCUCCI, 2019; RIZZATTI, 2012; MACEDO, 2020; HAMILTON, 2000; BARTON , 2000; TERRA, 2013; SOUZA E VÓVIO, 2005), and the contributions arising from the history of theater and its inclusion in schooling (BRECHT, 1978; BERTHOLD, 2001; GOMES E AQUINO, 2019; SOUZA, 2008; BARROSO; 2017; DESGRANGES, 2006; SANTOS, 2002). A qualitative approach of ethnographic inspiration was adopted, with a view to participant observation of theater experiences, supported by a dense record of field notes, photographs and application of interviews with actors who take part in these experiences. The field of research took place in a theatrical project of a public Cultural Association, in partnership with a municipal public school, in São Paulo, from August 2022 to January 2023, totaling 24 hours of immersion. The results elucidate the descriptions and characterizations of the literacy events found and the configuration and analysis of literacy practices in the researched Association: 1) Theater experience conversation wheel; 2) Production of theatrical skits; 3) Production of a dramatic play; 4) Watch presentations with debates between actors and spectators. It was also possible to verify that the work carried out does not have a pedagogical bias of the theater. In addition, the existence of multiliteracies in the association was also explained, which provides children with an expansion of their literacies. It is hoped that the results can contribute to reflections on literacy in other areas, beyond school, considering the different meanings attributed by the participants to these practices and their possible effects on their school path. We would like to thank São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) for its support by guaranteeing a research grant, and we assert that the opinions, hypotheses and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are the responsibility of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of FAPESP.
In the school context, the theater allows the enhancement of social codes and provides opportunities for literacy and performance in the textual universe, beyond the text. Based on this assumption, some studies have been dedicated to addressing these issues together, showing that school theater, related to literacy, provides different meanings and effects, sometimes being used as a didactic strategy for teaching school contents, sometimes as art for art's sake, that is, favoring the autonomy of art, disconnecting it from instrumental, pedagogical-didactic or moral reasons, focusing on the aesthetic experience. In this sense, this Paper of Course Conclusion (TCC) comes from a Scientific Initiation, supported by São Paulo Research Foundation - FAPESP (Process no.: 2022/04849-0), foresees the identification of literacy practices carried out in theater experiences for children enrolled in the literacy cycle, in Elementary School. The aim is specifically to understand how these practices are configured, if there are consequences, and what they would be, for the school trajectory of the participating children, in addition to the meanings attributed to these practices by the participants. Therefore, a theoretical framework was mobilized from Literacy Studies, from a sociocultural and historical perspective (STREET, 1995; KLEIMAN, 1995; SOUZA, 2009; MARCUCCI, 2019; RIZZATTI, 2012; MACEDO, 2020; HAMILTON, 2000; BARTON , 2000; TERRA, 2013; SOUZA E VÓVIO, 2005), and the contributions arising from the history of theater and its inclusion in schooling (BRECHT, 1978; BERTHOLD, 2001; GOMES E AQUINO, 2019; SOUZA, 2008; BARROSO; 2017; DESGRANGES, 2006; SANTOS, 2002). A qualitative approach of ethnographic inspiration was adopted, with a view to participant observation of theater experiences, supported by a dense record of field notes, photographs and application of interviews with actors who take part in these experiences. The field of research took place in a theatrical project of a public Cultural Association, in partnership with a municipal public school, in São Paulo, from August 2022 to January 2023, totaling 24 hours of immersion. The results elucidate the descriptions and characterizations of the literacy events found and the configuration and analysis of literacy practices in the researched Association: 1) Theater experience conversation wheel; 2) Production of theatrical skits; 3) Production of a dramatic play; 4) Watch presentations with debates between actors and spectators. It was also possible to verify that the work carried out does not have a pedagogical bias of the theater. In addition, the existence of multiliteracies in the association was also explained, which provides children with an expansion of their literacies. It is hoped that the results can contribute to reflections on literacy in other areas, beyond school, considering the different meanings attributed by the participants to these practices and their possible effects on their school path. We would like to thank São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) for its support by guaranteeing a research grant, and we assert that the opinions, hypotheses and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are the responsibility of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of FAPESP.
SOUSA, Sulamita Oliveira de. Compreendendo as práticas de letramento no teatro escolar numa escola pública: significados e efeitos. 2023. 157 f. Trabalho de conclusão de curso (Licenciatura em Pedagogia) - Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Escola de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas, 2023