Participando de um processo de arteterapia: uma vivencia surpreendente, gratificante e terapêutica para o profissional de saúde
Dissertação de mestrado
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Este estudo, de abordagem qualitativa, teve como objetivos possibilitar ao profissional de saúde a experiência de um processo grupal de intervenção em Arteterapia a fim de promover a autoexpressão, o autoconhecimento e alívio de tensões emocionais; e compreender o significado atribuído por este profissional à vivência do processo arteterapêutico. Para conduzi-lo, o Interacionismo Simbólico foi adotado como o referencial teórico e a Análise Qualitativa de Conteúdo, como o metodológico. Os dados foram coletados por entrevista semiestruturada realizada, individualmente, com oito profissionais atuantes no Ambulatório de uma instituição filantrópica da cidade de São Paulo, sendo uma assistente social, duas enfermeiras, uma técnica de enfermagem, duas recepcionistas, uma secretária executiva e um assistente contábil. Os profissionais participaram de um processo arteterapêutico, conduzido pela pesquisadora, composto por seis encontros quinzenais realizados durante a jornada de trabalho. Cada oficina abordou um tema focado na realidade do profissional de saúde, tais como, o relacionamento com equipe e o enfrentamento de obstáculos, tendo sido estruturada de modo que, após a narração de uma história, o profissional era convidado a realizar uma atividade criativa e expressiva relacionada ao tema e depois partilhava suas impressões com o grupo. A análise dos dados permitiu identificar que participar do processo de Arteterapia constituiu-se em UMA VIVÊNCIA SURPREENDENTE, GRATIFICANTE E TERAPÊUTICA PARA O PROFISSIONAL DA SAÚDE. O profissional refere ter vivido uma experiência lúdica e prazerosa, muito diferente do que conhece. Participando das reuniões, ele ressignificou suas vivências ao interagir com as histórias narradas, reconheceu a importância de realizar atividade manual e teve uma pausa para respirar que lhe permitiu relaxar e aliviar a carga e o estresse durante a jornada de trabalho. A oficina arteterapêutica representou também um importante espaço de interação, que lhe possibilitou respeitar e conhecer melhor os colegas e aprender com eles, ao mesmo tempo em que pôde falar e expressar suas emoções. O profissional define a experiência como sendo terapêutica, considerando ter saído mais fortalecido do processo e desenvolvido habilidades que lhe permitiram lidar melhor com sua realidade pessoal e profissional; assim, considera que o processo de Arteterapia revelou-se um suporte necessário para o enfrentamento dos desafios pertinentes à sua realidade e deseja sua continuidade na instituição. Conhecer esta experiência remete à importância de se realizar processos de Arteterapia como alternativa para melhorar as condições de trabalho, reduzindo o sofrimento psíquico e o estresse do profissional de saúde, sendo, portanto, coerente com os pressupostos da Política Nacional de Humanização (PNH) lançada em 2003, segundo os quais tanto os clientes como os profissionais envolvidos devem ser tratados com dignidade e respeito.
This study adopted a qualitative approach, aimed to enable health professionals to experience the group process of an art therapy intervention in order to promote self-expression, self-knowledge and relief of emotional tensions, and also to understand the meaning these professionals attribute to the experience of the art therapy process. To conduct it, Symbolic Interactionism and Qualitative Analysis of Content were adopted as the theoretical and the methodological frameworks, respectively. Data were collected by semi-structured interviews conducted individually with eight professionals working at the Outpatient Clinic of a philanthropic institution in the city of São Paulo: one social worker, two nurses, a nursing technician, two receptionists, an executive secretary and an accounting assistant. Professionals participated in an art therapy process composed of six fortnightly meetings, conducted by the researcher, during working hours. Each workshop addressed a theme focused on the health professional?s reality, such as relationship with staff and coping with obstacles and was structured so that after the narration of a story, professionals were invited to make a creative and significant activity related to the subject and then shared their impressions with the group. Through data analysis, it was possible to identify that participating in the art therapy process was AN AMAZING, REWARDING AND THERAPEUTIC EXPERIENCE FOR THE HEALTH PROFESSIONAL. Professionals referred having lived a playful and pleasurable experience, very different from what they are used to. Attending the meetings, professionals resignified their experiences when interacting with the narrated stories, recognized the importance of performing manual activities and had a pause to stop and breathe that allowed them to relax and ease the burden and stress during their workday. The art therapy workshop also represented an important space for interaction, which enabled them to meet and know their colleagues better and learn from them, while they could speak and express their emotions. Professionals defined the experience as therapeutic, and that they left the process feeling more energized, having developed skills that allowed them to better cope with their personal and professional reality; therefore they consider that the art therapy process proved to be a necessary support to face the challenges relevant to their reality and, therefore, they want the institution to continue offering the art therapy workshops. Knowing about this experience highlights the importance of conducting art therapy processes as an alternative to improving working conditions thus reducing the health professional?s psychological distress and stress. This is, therefore, consistent with the assumptions of the National Humanization Policy (PNH in Portuguese), according to which both clients and the professionals involved should be treated with dignity and respect.
This study adopted a qualitative approach, aimed to enable health professionals to experience the group process of an art therapy intervention in order to promote self-expression, self-knowledge and relief of emotional tensions, and also to understand the meaning these professionals attribute to the experience of the art therapy process. To conduct it, Symbolic Interactionism and Qualitative Analysis of Content were adopted as the theoretical and the methodological frameworks, respectively. Data were collected by semi-structured interviews conducted individually with eight professionals working at the Outpatient Clinic of a philanthropic institution in the city of São Paulo: one social worker, two nurses, a nursing technician, two receptionists, an executive secretary and an accounting assistant. Professionals participated in an art therapy process composed of six fortnightly meetings, conducted by the researcher, during working hours. Each workshop addressed a theme focused on the health professional?s reality, such as relationship with staff and coping with obstacles and was structured so that after the narration of a story, professionals were invited to make a creative and significant activity related to the subject and then shared their impressions with the group. Through data analysis, it was possible to identify that participating in the art therapy process was AN AMAZING, REWARDING AND THERAPEUTIC EXPERIENCE FOR THE HEALTH PROFESSIONAL. Professionals referred having lived a playful and pleasurable experience, very different from what they are used to. Attending the meetings, professionals resignified their experiences when interacting with the narrated stories, recognized the importance of performing manual activities and had a pause to stop and breathe that allowed them to relax and ease the burden and stress during their workday. The art therapy workshop also represented an important space for interaction, which enabled them to meet and know their colleagues better and learn from them, while they could speak and express their emotions. Professionals defined the experience as therapeutic, and that they left the process feeling more energized, having developed skills that allowed them to better cope with their personal and professional reality; therefore they consider that the art therapy process proved to be a necessary support to face the challenges relevant to their reality and, therefore, they want the institution to continue offering the art therapy workshops. Knowing about this experience highlights the importance of conducting art therapy processes as an alternative to improving working conditions thus reducing the health professional?s psychological distress and stress. This is, therefore, consistent with the assumptions of the National Humanization Policy (PNH in Portuguese), according to which both clients and the professionals involved should be treated with dignity and respect.
DEPRET, Oneide Regina. Participando de um processo de arteterapia: uma vivencia surpreendente, gratificante e terapêutica para o profissional de saúde. 2015. 203 f. Dissertação (Mestrado) - Escola Paulista de Enfermagem, Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), São Paulo, 2015.