Ingresso na educação superior via reserva de vagas: um olhar à luz do conceito contemporâneo de deficiência
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O tema central dessa pesquisa versa sobre o direito de acesso à educação superior em Instituições Federais de Ensino Superior (IFES) por meio do sistema de reserva de vagas estabelecido pela Lei n.º 13.409/2016. Norteada pelo conceito contemporâneo de deficiência, tal como consta na Lei Brasileira de Inclusão (LBI) e na Convenção sobre os Direitos da Pessoa com Deficiência, essa pesquisa objetivou analisar o conceito de deficiência subjacente nos editais de processo seletivo SiSU nas Universidades Federais brasileiras para o ingresso de candidatos via reserva de vagas. Trata-se de um estudo exploratório descritivo com base na pesquisa documental dos editais de processo seletivo do primeiro semestre via SiSU dos anos de 2018 a 2022. A análise dos documentos foi fundamentada à luz do modelo social e biopsicossocial da deficiência, e os resultados revelaram que as universidades adotam majoritariamente documentos e normas legais dissonantes do conceito de deficiência previsto na LBI e a Convenção, corroborando para a manutenção da concepção do modelo médico da deficiência. Embora os resultados também tenham apontado avanços, ainda que modestos, em direção à incorporação de normas legais mais abrangentes que contemplam melhor concepção contemporânea de deficiência, conclui-se que o atraso na regulamentação do instrumento de avaliação unificado da deficiência preconizado no artigo 2º da LBI contribui para persistência da exigência do laudo médico para comprovação da situação de deficiência dos candidatos ao ingresso via reserva de vagas.
This research focuses on the right to access higher education in Federal Institutions of Higher Education (IFES) through the quota system established by Law No.13,409/2016. Guided by the contemporary concept of disability, as outlined in the Brazilian Inclusion Law (LBI) and the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, this study aimed to analyze the underlying concept of disability in the SiSU selection process notices at Brazilian federal universities for candidates entering through quota reservations. It is an exploratory descriptive study based on documentary research of SiSU selection process notices for the first semester from 2018 to 2022. The document analysis was grounded in the social and biopsychosocial Models of disability, and the results revealed that universities mostly adopt documents and legal norms inconsistent with the concept of disability outlined in the LBI and the Convention, contributing to the maintenance of the medical model conception of disability. Although the results also indicated some, albeit modest, progress towards incorporating more comprehensive legal norms that better embrace the contemporary concept of disability, it is concluded that the delay in regulating the unified disability assessment tool advocated in Article 2 of the LBI contributes to the persistence of the requirement for a medical report to prove the disability condition of candidates applying through quota reservations.
This research focuses on the right to access higher education in Federal Institutions of Higher Education (IFES) through the quota system established by Law No.13,409/2016. Guided by the contemporary concept of disability, as outlined in the Brazilian Inclusion Law (LBI) and the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, this study aimed to analyze the underlying concept of disability in the SiSU selection process notices at Brazilian federal universities for candidates entering through quota reservations. It is an exploratory descriptive study based on documentary research of SiSU selection process notices for the first semester from 2018 to 2022. The document analysis was grounded in the social and biopsychosocial Models of disability, and the results revealed that universities mostly adopt documents and legal norms inconsistent with the concept of disability outlined in the LBI and the Convention, contributing to the maintenance of the medical model conception of disability. Although the results also indicated some, albeit modest, progress towards incorporating more comprehensive legal norms that better embrace the contemporary concept of disability, it is concluded that the delay in regulating the unified disability assessment tool advocated in Article 2 of the LBI contributes to the persistence of the requirement for a medical report to prove the disability condition of candidates applying through quota reservations.
SOUTO, Isabela Freire Santos Vidal. Ingresso na Educação Superior via Reserva de Vagas: Um olhar à luz do conceito contemporâneo de deficiência. 2023. 46 f. Trabalho de conclusão de curso (Graduação em Terapia Ocupacional) - Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Instituto de Saúde e Sociedade, Santos, 2023.