Vivência emocional da criança e sua família no processo de intervenção cirúrgica
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O adoecer, acompanhado de hospitalização e realização de procedimentos cirúrgicos, é circunstância mobilizadora de ansiedades, medos e angústias na criança e em seu grupo familiar. Considerando a hipótese de que o processo cirúrgico tem impacto em paciente e família e é experienciado em dimensões singulares e também compartilhadas, a presente pesquisa tem por objetivo descrever a vivência emocional de crianças e suas famílias em processo de intervenção cirúrgica durante a hospitalização, a fim de compreender e relacionar a vivência emocional das crianças à vivência emocional das famílias, relacionar ainda aspectos da vivência emocional com o procedimento cirúrgico; descrever fatores sociodemográficos e discutir quanto a comunicação e interdisciplinaridade no cuidado emocional em contexto de cirurgia pediátrica. Este é um estudo transversal quantitativo e qualitativo com 20 crianças entre 6 e 10 anos e 11 meses, submetidas a procedimento cirúrgico e suas famílias durante a hospitalização na Unidade Cirúrgica em Pediatria do Hospital São Paulo. Para coleta de dados foi aplicado o procedimento do ‘Desenho da pessoa na chuva’ junto à criança; uma ‘Entrevista semidirigida’ e ‘Questionário sociodemográfico’ no familiar-acompanhante; e ‘Questionário de histórico de saúde da criança’ com informações coletadas no prontuário eletrônico do paciente. A coleta de dados foi gravada, e analisada pelos pesquisadores, bem como por profissionais independentes. Para análise qualitativa cada grupo de materiais foi examinado de acordo com a sua especificidade, buscando uma aproximação profunda e fidedigna à vivência emocional de crianças e suas famílias. As entrevistas semidirigidas foram interpretadas pelo modelo de Análise de Conteúdo. O “Desenho da pessoa na chuva” foi avaliado seguindo as diretrizes descritas no manual de adaptação e aplicação do instrumento. Foi realizada descrição dos dados quantitativos. Os resultados demonstraram que o processo cirúrgico gera impacto em paciente e família, implica em experiências tanto individuais e subjetivas, como compartilhadas e coletivas. A vivência emocional das crianças se conecta com a das famílias apresentando afetos intensos e ambivalentes. O adoecimento, hospitalização e processo cirúrgico são vivenciado como um atravessamento na linha de vida dos pacientes e famílias, numa experiência que é complexa, multidimensional e multifacetada. Conclui-se que os vínculos afetivos e expressão criativa são fatores protetivos às crianças e suas famílias no desenvolvimento saudável e enfrentamento das adversidades. A criança em processo cirúrgico e sua família necessitam de acompanhamento interdisciplinar, comunicação clara, oportuna e humana favorecendo o cuidado emocional, promovendo saúde e assistência integral.
The illness, hospitalization and surgical procedures are circumstance that mobilizes anxieties, fears and anguish in children and their families. Considering the hypothesis that the surgical process impacts patients and families and is experienced in unique dimensions and also shared, this research aims to describe the emotional experience of children and their families in the process of surgical intervention during hospitalization, in order to understand and relate the emotional experience of children to the emotional experience of families, to relate aspects of emotional experience with the surgical procedure, to describe sociodemographic factors and discuss communication and interdisciplinarity in emotional care in the context of pediatric surgery. This is a quantitative and qualitative cross-sectional study with 20 children between 6 and 10 years and 11 months, submitted to a surgical procedure and their families during hospitalization in the Pediatric Surgical Unit of the Hospital São Paulo. For data collection we applied the procedure of the 'Drawing of the person in the rain' with the child; a 'Semi-guided Interview' and a 'Sociodemographic Questionnaire' in the accompanying family member; and a 'Questionnaire of the child's health history' with information collected from the patient's electronic medical record. Data collection was recorded, and analyzed by the researchers as well as independent professionals. For qualitative analysis each group of materials was examined according to its specificity, seeking a deep and reliable approximation to the emotional experience of children and their families. The semi-structured interviews were interpreted by the Content Analysis model. The "Drawing of the person in the rain" was evaluated following the guidelines described in the manual for adaptation and application of the instrument. A description of the quantitative data was performed. The results showed that the surgical process impacts patients and families, and implies individual and subjective experiences, as well as shared and collective ones. The emotional experience of the children is connected to that of the families, presenting intense and ambivalent affections. The illness, hospitalization and surgical process are experienced as a crossing in the lifeline of patients and families, in an experience that is complex, multidimensional and multifaceted. It is concluded that the affective bonds and creative expression are protective factors to children and their families in the healthy development and facing adversities. The child in surgical process and his family need interdisciplinary monitoring, clear, timely and humane communication favoring emotional care, promoting health and comprehensive care.
The illness, hospitalization and surgical procedures are circumstance that mobilizes anxieties, fears and anguish in children and their families. Considering the hypothesis that the surgical process impacts patients and families and is experienced in unique dimensions and also shared, this research aims to describe the emotional experience of children and their families in the process of surgical intervention during hospitalization, in order to understand and relate the emotional experience of children to the emotional experience of families, to relate aspects of emotional experience with the surgical procedure, to describe sociodemographic factors and discuss communication and interdisciplinarity in emotional care in the context of pediatric surgery. This is a quantitative and qualitative cross-sectional study with 20 children between 6 and 10 years and 11 months, submitted to a surgical procedure and their families during hospitalization in the Pediatric Surgical Unit of the Hospital São Paulo. For data collection we applied the procedure of the 'Drawing of the person in the rain' with the child; a 'Semi-guided Interview' and a 'Sociodemographic Questionnaire' in the accompanying family member; and a 'Questionnaire of the child's health history' with information collected from the patient's electronic medical record. Data collection was recorded, and analyzed by the researchers as well as independent professionals. For qualitative analysis each group of materials was examined according to its specificity, seeking a deep and reliable approximation to the emotional experience of children and their families. The semi-structured interviews were interpreted by the Content Analysis model. The "Drawing of the person in the rain" was evaluated following the guidelines described in the manual for adaptation and application of the instrument. A description of the quantitative data was performed. The results showed that the surgical process impacts patients and families, and implies individual and subjective experiences, as well as shared and collective ones. The emotional experience of the children is connected to that of the families, presenting intense and ambivalent affections. The illness, hospitalization and surgical process are experienced as a crossing in the lifeline of patients and families, in an experience that is complex, multidimensional and multifaceted. It is concluded that the affective bonds and creative expression are protective factors to children and their families in the healthy development and facing adversities. The child in surgical process and his family need interdisciplinary monitoring, clear, timely and humane communication favoring emotional care, promoting health and comprehensive care.