O impacto da dor nas costas na vida de mulheres brasileiras: estudo piloto
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As dores crônicas geram um grande impacto na estrutura, funcionalidade e execução das atividades de vida diária de uma pessoa, principalmente em mulheres que muitas vezes exercem uma dupla jornada de trabalho. O objetivo da pesquisa foi avaliar e identificar o impacto da dor nas costas em mulheres brasileiras, além de identificar quais são as principais queixas e limitações em seu dia a dia e conhecer as principais ocupações das mulheres com dores crônicas na coluna. É um estudo quantitativo com recorte transversal de obtenção de dados. Participaram da pesquisa mulheres acima de 18 anos que apresentaram dor em qualquer região da coluna vertebral. Foram aplicados três questionários: questionário de caracterização da dor elaborado pelos pesquisadores, questionário nórdico, o qual visa avaliar os distúrbios musculoesqueléticos em um contexto de ergonomia servindo de triagem para saúde ocupacional, e questionário de avaliação de dor nas costas da associação ortopédica japonesa (JOA) que é utilizado para avaliar a dor lombar e seus aspectos funcionais. Os dados foram analisados por análise descritiva e pelas formas de análise dos questionários nórdico e JOA recomendada pelos autores (POLETTO et al, 2017). A partir dos resultados foi possível concluir que neste estudo houve um predomínio de mulheres jovens de até 30 anos que apresentavam dores, em sua maioria há mais de 1 ano, caracterizada como crônica, envolvidas em atividades ocupacionais administrativas, em que permanecem sentadas por longas horas. As regiões mais acometidas foram lombar e cervical respectivamente, sendo uma dor de característica irradiada. Sendo assim, concluiu-se que as atividades ocupacionais podem ter um impacto significativo sobre a saúde e o surgimento de dores crônicas. Entretanto, nesta pesquisa não foram encontradas limitações funcionais devido a dor crônica, muito provavelmente por serem mulheres jovens.
Chronic pains generate a significant impact on the structure, functionality, and execution of daily life activities, especially in women who often juggle dual work roles. The objective of the research was to assess and identify the impact of back pain in Brazilian women, as well as to identify the main complaints and limitations in their daily lives and understand the primary occupations of women with chronic spinal pain. It is a quantitative study with a cross-sectional data collection approach. Women over 18 years of age who reported pain in any region of the spine participated in the study. Three questionnaires were administered: a pain characterization questionnaire developed by the researchers, the Nordic questionnaire, which aims to assess musculoskeletal disorders in an ergonomic context, serving as a screening tool for occupational health, and the Japanese Orthopedic Association (JOA) back pain assessment questionnaire used to evaluate lumbar pain and its functional aspects. The data were analyzed by descriptive analysis and by the analysis methods of the Nordic and JOA questionnaires recommended by the authors (POLETTO et al, 2017). From the results, it was possible to conclude that in this study, there was a predominance of young women up to 30 years old who had pain, mostly for over 1 year, characterized as chronic, involved in administrative occupational activities, where they remain seated for long hours. The most affected regions were lumbar and cervical, respectively, with pain characterized as radiating. Therefore, it was concluded that occupational activities can have a significant impact on health and the onset of chronic pain. However, in this research, no functional limitations due to chronic pain were found, most likely because they were young women.
Chronic pains generate a significant impact on the structure, functionality, and execution of daily life activities, especially in women who often juggle dual work roles. The objective of the research was to assess and identify the impact of back pain in Brazilian women, as well as to identify the main complaints and limitations in their daily lives and understand the primary occupations of women with chronic spinal pain. It is a quantitative study with a cross-sectional data collection approach. Women over 18 years of age who reported pain in any region of the spine participated in the study. Three questionnaires were administered: a pain characterization questionnaire developed by the researchers, the Nordic questionnaire, which aims to assess musculoskeletal disorders in an ergonomic context, serving as a screening tool for occupational health, and the Japanese Orthopedic Association (JOA) back pain assessment questionnaire used to evaluate lumbar pain and its functional aspects. The data were analyzed by descriptive analysis and by the analysis methods of the Nordic and JOA questionnaires recommended by the authors (POLETTO et al, 2017). From the results, it was possible to conclude that in this study, there was a predominance of young women up to 30 years old who had pain, mostly for over 1 year, characterized as chronic, involved in administrative occupational activities, where they remain seated for long hours. The most affected regions were lumbar and cervical, respectively, with pain characterized as radiating. Therefore, it was concluded that occupational activities can have a significant impact on health and the onset of chronic pain. However, in this research, no functional limitations due to chronic pain were found, most likely because they were young women.
PAMPLONA, Vivian Aparecida Borba. O impacto da dor nas costas na vida de mulheres brasileiras: estudo piloto. 2023. 39 f. Trabalho de conclusão de curso (Graduação em Fisioterapia) - Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Instituto de Saúde e Sociedade, Santos, 2023.