Somos todos educadores? a ideia de “profissionais da educação” entre os trabalhadores não docentes da rede estadual paulista
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O campo educacional é um espaço marcado por intensas disputas e conflitos, um campo de luta onde diferentes agentes ocupam diversas posições que justificam, ou pelo menos explicam, as práticas e as estratégias por eles desenvolvidas. Nesse sentido, essa investigação teve por objetivo identificar a percepção dos chamados funcionários de escola, doravante denominados “trabalhadores não docentes”, no campo educacional, no que diz respeito ao reconhecimento da categoria como profissionais da educação e/ou educadores, bem como a repercussão que as mudanças legais trouxeram, no que tange ao reconhecimento dessa categoria como “profissionais da educação”, à valorização da carreira e à melhoria das condições de trabalho. A coleta de dados envolveu análise documental (legislação e normas produzidas em âmbito federal e estadual); documentos normativos produzidos pela Secretaria Estadual de Educação de São Paulo (Seduc/SP), como resoluções, portarias, editais de concursos; documentos produzidos no âmbito escolar, bem como documentos produzidos pelo Sindicato dos Funcionários e Servidores da Educação do Estado de São Paulo (Afuse) desde a sua criação nos anos 1980, além de entrevistas semiestruturadas com 13 trabalhadores não docentes em exercício em escolas estaduais paulistas e, também, com 01 trabalhador afastado junto ao sindicato da categoria. Para a análise dos documentos, sobretudo os de caráter normativo, bem como das entrevistas, foram observadas as orientações e contribuições de Shiroma et al (2005) e Cellard (2008), assim como as recomendações de Duarte (2004), Denzin e Lincoln (2006), Szymanski, Almeida e Prandini (2008), Franco (2018) e Poupart (2010). Como fundamentação teórica, a pesquisa adotou como referencial a teoria do sociólogo francês Pierre Bourdieu (1974, 1989, 1995, 1996, 2004, 2007, 2008), com destaque para os conceitos de “campo”, “poder simbólico”, “hierarquia de posições (ou posição no campo social)” e “linguagem autorizada”, bem como as contribuições de Claude Dubar (1997, 1998, 2005) sobre profissionalização e identidade profissional. A análise dos documentos produzidos nos âmbitos federal e estadual, bem como aqueles elaborados pelo sindicato da categoria, demonstraram um avanço na discussão acerca do reconhecimento desses trabalhadores como profissionais da Educação, principalmente após o reconhecimento expresso na LDBEN/96; contudo, evidenciou que tal reconhecimento está circunscrito ao plano legal, ainda com muitos entraves e limitações, com pouca repercussão sobre a carreira dos trabalhadores não docentes em exercício nas escolas da rede estadual paulista. Os dados obtidos por meio das entrevistas com os trabalhadores não docentes nos permitiram a identificação de categorias que revelaram que esses sujeitos não se sentem reconhecidos como profissionais da Educação, apesar das determinações legais, embora reconheçam a importância do trabalho que realizam nas escolas. Os dados evidenciam, ainda, a existência de diversos aspectos relacionados às percepções dos trabalhadores não docentes em Educação potencialmente relevantes para investigações futuras.
The educational field is a space marked by intense disputes and conflicts, a field of struggle where different agents occupy different positions that justify, or at least explain, the practices and strategies developed by them. In this sense, this investigation aimed to discuss the position of the called school officials, henceforth referred to as “non-teaching workers”, in the educational field, as well as the strategies they mobilize concerning the recognition of this category as education professionals and/or educators. Besides, we discussed the impact that legal changes have brought, concerning the recognition of this category as "education professionals", for the enhancement of careers and the improvement of working conditions. Data collection involved documentary analysis (legislation and standards produced at the federal and state levels); normative documents produced by the São Paulo State Department of Education (Seduc-SP), such as resolutions, ordinances, Civil Service Examination Announcement; documents produced at school, as well as documents produced by the São Paulo State Employees and Education Servers Union (Afuse) since its creation in the 1980s, as well as interviews with non-teaching workers in state schools in São Paulo. For the analysis of the documents, especially those of a normative character, as well as the interviews, the guidelines and contributions of Shiroma et al (2005) and Cellard (2008) were observed, as well as the recommendations of Duarte (2004), Denzin and Lincoln (2006), Szymanski, Almeida e Prandini (2008), Franco (2018) and Poupart (2010). As a theoretical framework, the research adopted as reference the theory of french sociologist Pierre Bourdieu (1974, 1989, 1995, 1996, 2004, 2007, 2008), highlighting the concepts of "field", "symbolic power", “hierarchy of positions (or position in the social field)” and "authorized language”, as well as Claude Dubar's (1997, 1998, 2005) contributions on professionalization and professional identity. The analysis of documents produced at the federal and state levels, as well as those prepared by the category's union, demonstrated an advance in the discussion about the recognition of these workers as education professionals, mainly after the recognition expressed in LDBEN/96; however, it showed that such recognition is restricted to the legal plan, still with many obstacles and limitations, with little repercussion on the career of non-teaching workers working in schools in the state of São Paulo. The data obtained through the interviews with non-teaching workers allowed us to identify categories that revealed that these individuals do not feel recognized as Education professionals, despite the legal determinations, although they recognize the importance of the work they do in schools. The data also show the existence of several aspects related to the perceptions of non-teaching workers in Education that are potentially relevant for future research.
The educational field is a space marked by intense disputes and conflicts, a field of struggle where different agents occupy different positions that justify, or at least explain, the practices and strategies developed by them. In this sense, this investigation aimed to discuss the position of the called school officials, henceforth referred to as “non-teaching workers”, in the educational field, as well as the strategies they mobilize concerning the recognition of this category as education professionals and/or educators. Besides, we discussed the impact that legal changes have brought, concerning the recognition of this category as "education professionals", for the enhancement of careers and the improvement of working conditions. Data collection involved documentary analysis (legislation and standards produced at the federal and state levels); normative documents produced by the São Paulo State Department of Education (Seduc-SP), such as resolutions, ordinances, Civil Service Examination Announcement; documents produced at school, as well as documents produced by the São Paulo State Employees and Education Servers Union (Afuse) since its creation in the 1980s, as well as interviews with non-teaching workers in state schools in São Paulo. For the analysis of the documents, especially those of a normative character, as well as the interviews, the guidelines and contributions of Shiroma et al (2005) and Cellard (2008) were observed, as well as the recommendations of Duarte (2004), Denzin and Lincoln (2006), Szymanski, Almeida e Prandini (2008), Franco (2018) and Poupart (2010). As a theoretical framework, the research adopted as reference the theory of french sociologist Pierre Bourdieu (1974, 1989, 1995, 1996, 2004, 2007, 2008), highlighting the concepts of "field", "symbolic power", “hierarchy of positions (or position in the social field)” and "authorized language”, as well as Claude Dubar's (1997, 1998, 2005) contributions on professionalization and professional identity. The analysis of documents produced at the federal and state levels, as well as those prepared by the category's union, demonstrated an advance in the discussion about the recognition of these workers as education professionals, mainly after the recognition expressed in LDBEN/96; however, it showed that such recognition is restricted to the legal plan, still with many obstacles and limitations, with little repercussion on the career of non-teaching workers working in schools in the state of São Paulo. The data obtained through the interviews with non-teaching workers allowed us to identify categories that revealed that these individuals do not feel recognized as Education professionals, despite the legal determinations, although they recognize the importance of the work they do in schools. The data also show the existence of several aspects related to the perceptions of non-teaching workers in Education that are potentially relevant for future research.
GAMA, Erick Dantas da. Somos todos educadores? A ideia de “profissionais da educação” entre os trabalhadores não docentes da rede estadual paulista. Guarulhos, 2022. 201 p. Dissertação (Mestrado em Educação). Escola de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas, Universidade Federal de São Paulo.