Elaboração e desenvolvimento de atividades práticas em ciências com base em planos curriculares federais
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A importância da realização de atividades experimentais de ciências nas escolas básicas brasileiras vêm sendo analisada pela literatura especializada há várias décadas. Muitas pesquisas trazem problemas enfrentados pelos professores em serviço, como a estrutura administrativa da escola, a periculosidade, a sobrecarga para o professor, a dificuldade para elaborar um plano experimental, a eficácia pedagógica em relação às aulas teóricas, entre outros. Outro problema relevante está relacionado às mudanças realizadas em orientações curriculares nacionais e estaduais, durante as trocas de governo, por exemplo, atualizações da Base Nacional Comum Curricular (BNCC) e dos Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais (PCN), implicando a necessidade de reestruturações pedagógicas e laboratoriais. A hipótese desta pesquisa foi que há diversos conteúdos de ciências inseridos nesses planos federais que tenham uma tendência de permanência nas orientações curriculares, independente do governo em questão, e que estes conteúdos podem ser abordados de forma prática. Desse modo, essa pesquisa buscou identificar tais conteúdos e elaborar algumas propostas para auxiliar professores em serviço ou em formação, e, apresentou dois resultados (i) conteúdos que vêm permanecendo em currículos oficiais ao longo de algumas décadas; (ii) propostas de práticas ou experimentos, envolvendo diferentes graus de liberdade intelectual dos estudantes, que podem ser utilizados nos anos finais do ensino fundamental das escolas brasileiras, de tal modo que estes mesmos experimentos possam ser reutilizados em diferentes planos de ensino. Foram selecionados alguns conteúdos e elaboradas, testadas e sistematizadas algumas atividades práticas, buscando oferecer subsídios para os professores em sua prática profissional, oferecendo, também, material para ser utilizado na formação inicial ou continuada de professores.
The importance of carrying out experimental science activities in Brazilian elementary schools has been analyzed in the specialized literature for several decades. Many studies bring problems faced by teachers in service, such as the administrative structure of the school, the danger, the overload for the teacher, the difficulty to develop an experimental plan, the pedagogical effectiveness in relation to theoretical classes, among others. Another relevant problem is related to changes made in national and state curriculum guidelines, during government changes, for example, updates of the “Base Nacional Comum Curricular” (BNCC) and the “Parâmetros Curriculares Nacional” (PCN), implying the need for pedagogical and laboratory restructuring. The hypothesis of this research was that there are several science contents included in these federal plans that have atendency to remainin the curricular guidelines, regardless of the government in question, and that these contents can be approached in a practical way. Thus, this research sought to identify such contents and develop some proposals to assist teachers in service or in training, and presented two results (i) contents that have remained in official curricula for some decades; (ii) proposals for practices or experiments, involving different degrees of students 'intellectual freedom, which can be used in the final years of elementary in Brazilian schools, in such away that these same experiments can be reused in different teaching plans. Some contents were selected and some practical activities were elaborated, tested and systematized, seeking to provide subsidies for teachers in their professional practice, also offering material to be used in the initial or continuing education of teachers.
The importance of carrying out experimental science activities in Brazilian elementary schools has been analyzed in the specialized literature for several decades. Many studies bring problems faced by teachers in service, such as the administrative structure of the school, the danger, the overload for the teacher, the difficulty to develop an experimental plan, the pedagogical effectiveness in relation to theoretical classes, among others. Another relevant problem is related to changes made in national and state curriculum guidelines, during government changes, for example, updates of the “Base Nacional Comum Curricular” (BNCC) and the “Parâmetros Curriculares Nacional” (PCN), implying the need for pedagogical and laboratory restructuring. The hypothesis of this research was that there are several science contents included in these federal plans that have atendency to remainin the curricular guidelines, regardless of the government in question, and that these contents can be approached in a practical way. Thus, this research sought to identify such contents and develop some proposals to assist teachers in service or in training, and presented two results (i) contents that have remained in official curricula for some decades; (ii) proposals for practices or experiments, involving different degrees of students 'intellectual freedom, which can be used in the final years of elementary in Brazilian schools, in such away that these same experiments can be reused in different teaching plans. Some contents were selected and some practical activities were elaborated, tested and systematized, seeking to provide subsidies for teachers in their professional practice, also offering material to be used in the initial or continuing education of teachers.
NOGUEIRA, Taluan. Elaboração e desenvolvimento de atividades práticas em ciências com base em planos curriculares federais. 2022. 81 f. Trabalho de conclusão de curso (Graduação em Ciências) - Instituto de Ciências Ambientais, Químicas e Farmacêuticas, Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Diadema, 2022.