Manifestações clínicas, estado nutricional, ingestão energética, hídrica e de cálcio de indivíduos intolerantes à lactose
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Objetivo: verificar o estado nutricional, ingestão energética, hídrica e de cálcio,
manifestações clínicas, prevalência de doenças prévias, o padrão evacuatório e o
uso de lactase de indivíduos com intolerância à lactose. Material e Método: trata-se
de um estudo observacional e descritivo com casuística de conveniência que incluiu
indivíduos de ambos os sexos, maiores de 18 anos, captados nas redes sociais
(Facebook, Instagram e WhatsApp) por meio de convite. Todos os indivíduos
concordaram e assinaram o Termo de Consentimento Livre e Esclarecido. Os dados
foram obtidos com auxílio de um questionário estruturado, online, por meio da
plataforma do Google Forms. O questionário contou com dados sociodemográficos e
econômicos, alimentares e clínicos. Resultados: A pesquisa contou com 72
participantes, destes 13,9% são do sexo masculino e 86,1%, feminino. A frequência
de 81,9% foi para a faixa etária entre 18 e 35 anos; o restante compreendeu a faixa
etária entre 36 e 67 anos. O percentual de 57% deles, corresponde aos eutróficos e,
39% têm sobrepeso ou algum grau de obesidade. Em relação à raça, 73,6% são
brancos e, 9,8% incluem os negros e amarelos. Quanto à renda, 66,7% não tem
renda ou ganham até 2 salários mínimos; o restante ganha entre 2 e mais de 4
salários mínimos. Sobre o tipo de fezes, 58% têm fezes duras ou ressecadas; 15%
fezes normais e 26% amolecidas. A grande maioria dos intolerantes têm doenças
prévias (do trato digestório, respiratório e do sistema endócrino, entre outras).
Apenas 32%, não referiu doença prévia. Entre as manifestações gastrointestinais se
destacaram, diarreia (80%), flatulência (54%) e eructação (37,5%). A ingestão
alimentar no sexo masculino com idade entre 19 e 30 anos foi menor para energia,
cálcio e ingestão hídrica, quando comparada com a recomendação (p<0,001).
Apenas as proteínas e os carboidratos se mostraram acima da recomendação,
sendo a diferença significante (<0,001). Quanto ao sexo feminino, as faixas etárias
entre 19 e 30 anos, 31 e 50 anos e 51 a 70 anos, também, mostraram diferenças
significantes para energia, cálcio e ingestão hídrica, em relação à recomendação. O
mesmo comportamento para as proteínas e carboidratos foi observado no sexo
feminino. Sobre a enzima lactase, 68% dos intolerantes não fazem a reposição.
Conclusões: os indivíduos intolerantes à lactose têm estado nutricional adequado,
apesar da baixa ingestão energética e de não alcançaram níveis de cálcio, previstos
pela recomendação vigente. Muitos deles têm doenças prévias e manifestações
como diarreia, flatulência e eructação, sendo que a maioria da população observada,
não faz reposição de enzima lactase. O acompanhamento nutricional e a elaboração
de uma plano alimentar viável, acessível e individual é indispensável, que vise suprir
as possíveis carências nutricionais e tornar o indivíduo autônomo de suas escolhas
Objective: to verify the nutritional status, energy, water and calcium intake, clinical manifestations, prevalence of previous diseases, the evacuation pattern and the use of lactase of individuals with lactose intolerance. Material and Method: this is an observational and descriptive study with a series of convenience that included individuals of both sexes, over 18 years of age, captured on social networks (Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp) through invitation. All individuals agreed and signed the Free and Informed Consent Form. The data were obtained with the aid of a structured questionnaire, online, through the Google Forms platform. The questionnaire had sociodemographic and economic, food and clinical data. Results: The survey had 72 participants, of which 13.9% were male and 86.1% female. The frequency of 81.9% was for the age group between 18 and 35 years; the rest comprised the age group between 36 and 67 years. The percentage of 57% of them corresponds to eutrophic and 39% are overweight or some degree of obesity. Regarding race, 73.6% are white and 9.8% include blacks and yellows. Regarding income, 66.7% have no income or earn up to 2 minimum wages; the rest earn between 2 and more than 4 minimum wages. About the type of feces, 58% have hard or dry feces; 15% normal stools and 26% softened. The vast majority of intolerant people have previous diseases (digestive tract, respiratory and endocrine, among others). Only 32%, did not mention previous disease. Among the gastrointestinal manifestations were diarrhea (80%), flatulence (54%) and eructation (37.5%). Food intake in males aged between 19 and 30 years was lower for energy, calcium and water intake, when compared with the recommendation (p<0.001). Only proteins and carbohydrates were above the recommendation, and the difference was significant (<0.001). Regarding females, the age groups between 19 and 30 years, 31 and 50 years and 51 to 70 years also showed significant differences for energy, calcium and water intake, in relation to the recommendation. The same behavior for proteins and carbohydrates was observed in females. About the lactase enzyme, 68% of intolerant do not make the replacement. Conclusions: lactose intolerant individuals have adequate nutritional status, despite low energy intake and did not reach calcium levels, provided for by the current recommendation. Many of them have previous diseases and manifestations such as diarrhea, flatulence and eructation, and the majority of the observed population does not have lactase enzyme replacement. Nutritional monitoring and the elaboration of a viable, accessible and individual dietary plan is indispensable, which aims to supply the possible nutritional deficiencies and make the individual autonomous of his/her food choices
Objective: to verify the nutritional status, energy, water and calcium intake, clinical manifestations, prevalence of previous diseases, the evacuation pattern and the use of lactase of individuals with lactose intolerance. Material and Method: this is an observational and descriptive study with a series of convenience that included individuals of both sexes, over 18 years of age, captured on social networks (Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp) through invitation. All individuals agreed and signed the Free and Informed Consent Form. The data were obtained with the aid of a structured questionnaire, online, through the Google Forms platform. The questionnaire had sociodemographic and economic, food and clinical data. Results: The survey had 72 participants, of which 13.9% were male and 86.1% female. The frequency of 81.9% was for the age group between 18 and 35 years; the rest comprised the age group between 36 and 67 years. The percentage of 57% of them corresponds to eutrophic and 39% are overweight or some degree of obesity. Regarding race, 73.6% are white and 9.8% include blacks and yellows. Regarding income, 66.7% have no income or earn up to 2 minimum wages; the rest earn between 2 and more than 4 minimum wages. About the type of feces, 58% have hard or dry feces; 15% normal stools and 26% softened. The vast majority of intolerant people have previous diseases (digestive tract, respiratory and endocrine, among others). Only 32%, did not mention previous disease. Among the gastrointestinal manifestations were diarrhea (80%), flatulence (54%) and eructation (37.5%). Food intake in males aged between 19 and 30 years was lower for energy, calcium and water intake, when compared with the recommendation (p<0.001). Only proteins and carbohydrates were above the recommendation, and the difference was significant (<0.001). Regarding females, the age groups between 19 and 30 years, 31 and 50 years and 51 to 70 years also showed significant differences for energy, calcium and water intake, in relation to the recommendation. The same behavior for proteins and carbohydrates was observed in females. About the lactase enzyme, 68% of intolerant do not make the replacement. Conclusions: lactose intolerant individuals have adequate nutritional status, despite low energy intake and did not reach calcium levels, provided for by the current recommendation. Many of them have previous diseases and manifestations such as diarrhea, flatulence and eructation, and the majority of the observed population does not have lactase enzyme replacement. Nutritional monitoring and the elaboration of a viable, accessible and individual dietary plan is indispensable, which aims to supply the possible nutritional deficiencies and make the individual autonomous of his/her food choices
SILVA, Samara Amorim da. Manifestações clínicas, estado nutricional, ingestão energética, hídrica e de cálcio de indivíduos intolerantes à lactose. 2023. 51 f. Trabalho de conclusão de curso (Graduação em Nutrição) - Instituto de Saúde e Sociedade, Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Santos, 2023.