Coordenação pedagógica e docentes iniciantes: um olhar sobre duas EMEFS paulistanas
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As especificidades da profissão docente têm revelado a fragilidade da entrada na carreira e a necessidade de planejamento para uma inserção profissional vinculada à aprendizagem ao longo da vida. Na Rede Municipal de Ensino de São Paulo, a coordenação pedagógica, em sua função formadora, introduz os novos professores e professoras no contexto escolar e institucional da Rede de Ensino. Esta pesquisa tem como principal objetivo, analisar o papel dos coordenadores pedagógicos na inserção docente na Rede Municipal de Ensino de São Paulo, debruçando-se sobre as relações entre os dois protagonistas desse processo, coordenadores pedagógicos e docentes em início de carreira. Os dados foram coletados em duas Escolas Municipais de Ensino Fundamental (EMEF), por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas com coordenadores pedagógicos, professoras e professores do ensino fundamental com no máximo cinco anos de magistério. Este critério tem como referência estudos de Huberman (2000), Tardif (2014) e Garcia (1999), que revelam as fragilidades e dificuldades enfrentadas pelos docentes nos primeiros anos de trabalho e estabelecem esse marco temporal para a definição do conceito de professor iniciante. Esses estudos têm descrito o grande entusiasmo em assumir as responsabilidades da profissão, assim como experiências dramáticas, como o desamparo e a invisibilidade, presentes no período da passagem de estudantes para professores. Os mesmos estudos apontam que o apoio de profissionais mais experientes contribui para o enfrentamento dessas dificuldades, possibilitando uma entrada na profissão mais amena e segura. Fato que expressa a necessidade de planejamento de política públicas de indução, atreladas à formação permanente. Tendo em vista o papel formativo, articulador e transformador de coordenadores pedagógicos (PLACCO; ALMEIDA; SOUZA, 2011, 2015), esses profissionais, ao incluir todas e todos no Projeto Político-Pedagógico (PPP), trabalham também na direção da inserção na docência. Nesta pesquisa, baseamo-nos no conceito de trabalho como a atividade vital do homem, que torna o indivíduo um ser do gênero humano (SAVIANI; DUARTE, 2012). Os dados coletados foram analisados qualitativamente por meio da análise de prosa, método proposto por André (1983), que possibilitou a construção de três categorias para coordenadores pedagógicos e três outras para professoras e professores. Os dados alcançados evidenciam que, na Escola A, a formação pautada na racionalidade técnica, a partir da implementação de um currículo prescritivo, não contribui para a reflexão sobre a prática docente, dificultando a inserção. Embora os coordenadores pedagógicos tenham ciência das dificuldades dos iniciantes, a falta de referenciais teóricos inviabiliza o planejamento de ações formativas que atendam às necessidades do início da docência. Por outro lado, os dados demonstram que, na Escola B, a formação permanente, planejada pelos coordenadores pedagógicos a partir da problematização da realidade para construção coletiva do PPP, ao incluir todas e todos nas discussões pedagógicas, contribui efetivamente para a inserção de docentes iniciantes. Os dados denotam ainda que não há iniciativas por parte da Rede paulistana que acolha docentes em início de carreira, tampouco as normativas de ingresso atentam para suas necessidades.
The specificities of the teaching profession have revealed the fragility of career entry and the necessity of planning for the professional insertion linked to life learning. In the Municipal Education Network of São Paulo the pedagogical coordination, in its formative occupation, introduces the new teachers into the school and institutional context of the teaching network. This research has, as the main goal, to analyze the role of pedagogical coordinators in the process of teaching insertion in the Municipal Education Network of São Paulo, leaning over the relationships between the two protagonists of this process, pedagogical coordinator and teachers at the beginning of their careers. Data were collected in two Municipal Elementary Schools, through semi-structured interviews with pedagogical coordinators and the elementary school teachers entering within a maximum period of five Years in the magisterium. This criterion is based on studies by Huberman (2000), Tardif (2014), and Garcia (1999), which revealed the weaknesses and difficulties faced by teachers in the first years of work and established this time frame in the definition of the concept of beginner teacher. These studies have described the great enthusiasm for taking the responsibilities of the profession, as well as dramatic experiences present in the transition from students to teachers, such as helplessness and invisibility. The same studies demonstrate the support of more experienced professionals, contributing to facing these difficulties, enabling a safer entry into the profession. A fact that expresses the need for planning public policy of induction, linked to permanent formation. Thus, because of the formative, articulating, and transforming role of pedagogical coordinators (PLACCO; ALMEIDA; SOUZA, 2011; 2015), these professionals, by including everyone in the Political Pedagogical Project (PPP), also work towards insertion into teaching. In this research, we were based on the concept of work that understands it as a vital human activity, that makes the individual a human being (SAVIANI, 2012). The data collected was analyzed qualitatively, through prose analysis, a method proposed by André (1983), that enabled the construction of three categories for pedagogical coordinators and three other categories for teachers. The data obtained at school A shows that training based on technical rationality, from the implementation of a prescriptive curriculum, does not contribute to reflection about the teaching practice, making insertion difficult. Although the pedagogical coordinators are aware of the difficulties of beginners, the absence of theoretical references makes it impossible to plan training actions that meet the needs of the beginning of teaching. On the other hand, the data shows that at school B the permanent training planned by the pedagogical coordinators, from the problematization of the reality for the collective construction of the PPP, by including everyone in the pedagogical discussions, effectively contributes to the insertion of beginning teachers. The data also denotes that there are no initiatives in the São Paulo Network that accept and welcome teachers at the beginning of their careers, also the admission regulations do not pay attention to their needs.
The specificities of the teaching profession have revealed the fragility of career entry and the necessity of planning for the professional insertion linked to life learning. In the Municipal Education Network of São Paulo the pedagogical coordination, in its formative occupation, introduces the new teachers into the school and institutional context of the teaching network. This research has, as the main goal, to analyze the role of pedagogical coordinators in the process of teaching insertion in the Municipal Education Network of São Paulo, leaning over the relationships between the two protagonists of this process, pedagogical coordinator and teachers at the beginning of their careers. Data were collected in two Municipal Elementary Schools, through semi-structured interviews with pedagogical coordinators and the elementary school teachers entering within a maximum period of five Years in the magisterium. This criterion is based on studies by Huberman (2000), Tardif (2014), and Garcia (1999), which revealed the weaknesses and difficulties faced by teachers in the first years of work and established this time frame in the definition of the concept of beginner teacher. These studies have described the great enthusiasm for taking the responsibilities of the profession, as well as dramatic experiences present in the transition from students to teachers, such as helplessness and invisibility. The same studies demonstrate the support of more experienced professionals, contributing to facing these difficulties, enabling a safer entry into the profession. A fact that expresses the need for planning public policy of induction, linked to permanent formation. Thus, because of the formative, articulating, and transforming role of pedagogical coordinators (PLACCO; ALMEIDA; SOUZA, 2011; 2015), these professionals, by including everyone in the Political Pedagogical Project (PPP), also work towards insertion into teaching. In this research, we were based on the concept of work that understands it as a vital human activity, that makes the individual a human being (SAVIANI, 2012). The data collected was analyzed qualitatively, through prose analysis, a method proposed by André (1983), that enabled the construction of three categories for pedagogical coordinators and three other categories for teachers. The data obtained at school A shows that training based on technical rationality, from the implementation of a prescriptive curriculum, does not contribute to reflection about the teaching practice, making insertion difficult. Although the pedagogical coordinators are aware of the difficulties of beginners, the absence of theoretical references makes it impossible to plan training actions that meet the needs of the beginning of teaching. On the other hand, the data shows that at school B the permanent training planned by the pedagogical coordinators, from the problematization of the reality for the collective construction of the PPP, by including everyone in the pedagogical discussions, effectively contributes to the insertion of beginning teachers. The data also denotes that there are no initiatives in the São Paulo Network that accept and welcome teachers at the beginning of their careers, also the admission regulations do not pay attention to their needs.
RIBEIRO, Mara Lucia da Silva. Coordenação Pedagógica e Docentes Iniciantes: um olhar sobre duas EMEFs paulistanas, 2020. 252 f. Dissertação de Mestrado (Mestrado em Educação) – Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Guarulhos, 2020.