Avaliação dos efeitos de um programa de exercícios funcionais supervisionado à distância, com técnicas de monitoração digital remotas, na força muscular, na aptidão física e na composição corporal de idosos vivendo com HIV ou não
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Introdução: Os problemas de saúde associados ao envelhecimento estão entre as maiores prioridades da atenção à saúde mundial. Com o envelhecimento ocorre perda da capacidade funcional, da função imune, de funções neurológicas e cognitivas, comprometendo a qualidade de vida do idoso. Além disso, o atendimento às ocorrências de saúde dos idosos representam ~75% dos gastos gerais em assistência à saúde pelo SUS. Ações não medicamentosas de promoção à saúde têm sido valorizadas como essenciais para um processo de senescência mais saudável, com um menor índice de dependência, destacando-se entre elas a prática regular de exercícios.
Objetivos: Avaliar o impacto de um programa de exercícios funcionais supervisionado à distância, com técnicas de monitoração digital remotas, na evolução morfológica e funcional, na composição corporal, na aptidão física e na força muscular, comparando os resultados em pessoas vivendo com HIV (PVHIV) ou não, com 60 anos ou mais.
Casuística e Métodos: Estudo prospectivo e randomizado, para comparar os efeitos de um programa de exercícios funcionais supervisionados, em PVHIV ou não, com 60 anos ou mais. Trinta idosos (idade média 69,6 anos), participaram do estudo (20 mulheres e 10 homens), sendo 14 PVHIV e 16 pessoas que não vivem com HIV (PNVHIV). O treinamento consistiu em exercícios calistênicos (exercícios que usam o peso do próprio corpo) e exercícios pliométricos (exercícios com salto), com dificuldade progressiva, baseado no Programa de Exercícios de Otago (PEO), visando o desenvolvimento dos principais grupos musculares: glúteos, abdômen, peitorais, grande dorsal, quadríceps, isquiotibiais, gastrocnêmios, deltóide, tríceps e bíceps braquiais, em duas sessões semanais, com duração de 3/4 de hora (45 minutos) por sessão, supervisionado por professores de educação física especializados na orientação e supervisão da prática de exercícios físicos em idosos, durante 9 meses de treinamento. Todos os participantes foram submetidos a avaliações periódicas antes e aos 3, 6 e 9 meses após o início do treinamento. Foram adotadas diversas medidas para garantir a segurança dos idosos e o estudo recebeu a aprovação dos Comitês de Ética em Pesquisa das instituições participantes.
Resultados: Não houve diferença estatisticamente significativa nas variáveis antropométricas ao longo de 9 meses de treinamento. Em relação as variáveis de força dos MMSS, houve aumento de 18,5% em PVHIV e 21,4% para pessoas que não vivem com HIV (PNVHIV) e de MMII 25,3% em PVHIV e 22,3% para PNVHIV. A respeito da capacidade cardiorrespiratória, houve aumento de 16,26% para PVHIV e 15,47% para PNVHIV com diferença estatisticamente significativa (p = 0,02) e para capacidade funcional, houve redução (o menor valor significa o melhor resultado) de 8,7% para PQVHIV e 8,8% para PNVHIV. Acerca do salto em contramovimento, verificou-se um aumento de 73,79% para PVHIV e 32,50% para PNVHIV, com diferença estatisticamente significante (p = 0,03).
Conclusão: O treinamento funcional supervisionado à distância (TFSD) aumentou a força de MMSS, MMII e melhorou a capacidade cardiorrespiratória em ambos os grupos. O TFSD mostrou ser eficiente, pois melhorou todas as variáveis avaliadas e seguro, não houve intercorrências ao longo dos 9 meses relacionadas ao treinamento.
Introduction: Health problems associated with aging are among the highest priorities for global health care. With aging, there is a loss of functional capacity, immune function, neurological and cognitive functions, compromising the quality of life of the elderly. Furthermore, care for elderly people's health incidents represents ~75% of overall health care spending by the SUS. Non-drug health promotion actions have been valued as essential for a healthier senescence process, with a lower rate of dependence, with regular exercise being a highlight. Objectives: To evaluate the impact of a remotely supervised functional exercise program, with remote digital monitoring techniques, on morphological and functional evolution, body composition, physical fitness and muscular strength, comparing the results in elderly people living with HIV (PLHIV ) or not. Sample and Methods: Prospective, randomized study to compare the effects of a supervised functional exercise program in elderly people living with HIV or not. Thirty elderly people (average age 69.6 years) participated in the study (20 women and 10 men), 14 of whom were PLHIV and 16 were non-HIV. The training consisted of calisthenic exercises, with progressive difficulty, based on the Otago Exercise Program (PEO), aimed at developing the main muscle groups: glutes, abdomen, pectorals, latissimus dorsi, quadriceps, hamstrings, gastrocnemius, deltoid, triceps and biceps brachial muscles, in two weekly sessions, lasting 3/4 of an hour (45 minutes) per session, supervised by physical education teachers specialized in guiding and supervising the practice of physical exercises in the elderly, during 9 months of training. All participants underwent periodic assessments before and at 3, 6 and 9 months after the start of training. Several measures were adopted to ensure the safety of the elderly and the study received approval from the Research Ethics Committees of the participating institutions. Results: There was no statistically significant difference in anthropometric variables over 9 months of training. Regarding the strength variables of the upper limbs, there was an increase of 18.5% in PLHIV and 21.4% for elderly people not living with HIV (PNLHIV) and of lower limbs 25.3% in PLHIV and 22.3% for PNLHIV. Regarding cardiorespiratory capacity, there was an increase of 16.26% for PLHIV and 15.47% for PNLHIV with a statistically significant difference (p = 0.02) and for functional capacity, there was a reduction (the lowest value means the best result) of 8.7% for PLHIV and 8.8% for PNLHIV. Regarding countermovement jumping, there was an increase of 73.79% for PLHIV and 32.50% for PNLHIV, with a statistically significant difference (p = 0.03). Conclusion: Distance supervised functional training (DSFT) increased upper and lower limb strength and improved cardiorespiratory capacity in both groups. The DSFT proved to be efficient, as it improved all the variables evaluated and safe, there were no complications over the 9 months related to the training.
Introduction: Health problems associated with aging are among the highest priorities for global health care. With aging, there is a loss of functional capacity, immune function, neurological and cognitive functions, compromising the quality of life of the elderly. Furthermore, care for elderly people's health incidents represents ~75% of overall health care spending by the SUS. Non-drug health promotion actions have been valued as essential for a healthier senescence process, with a lower rate of dependence, with regular exercise being a highlight. Objectives: To evaluate the impact of a remotely supervised functional exercise program, with remote digital monitoring techniques, on morphological and functional evolution, body composition, physical fitness and muscular strength, comparing the results in elderly people living with HIV (PLHIV ) or not. Sample and Methods: Prospective, randomized study to compare the effects of a supervised functional exercise program in elderly people living with HIV or not. Thirty elderly people (average age 69.6 years) participated in the study (20 women and 10 men), 14 of whom were PLHIV and 16 were non-HIV. The training consisted of calisthenic exercises, with progressive difficulty, based on the Otago Exercise Program (PEO), aimed at developing the main muscle groups: glutes, abdomen, pectorals, latissimus dorsi, quadriceps, hamstrings, gastrocnemius, deltoid, triceps and biceps brachial muscles, in two weekly sessions, lasting 3/4 of an hour (45 minutes) per session, supervised by physical education teachers specialized in guiding and supervising the practice of physical exercises in the elderly, during 9 months of training. All participants underwent periodic assessments before and at 3, 6 and 9 months after the start of training. Several measures were adopted to ensure the safety of the elderly and the study received approval from the Research Ethics Committees of the participating institutions. Results: There was no statistically significant difference in anthropometric variables over 9 months of training. Regarding the strength variables of the upper limbs, there was an increase of 18.5% in PLHIV and 21.4% for elderly people not living with HIV (PNLHIV) and of lower limbs 25.3% in PLHIV and 22.3% for PNLHIV. Regarding cardiorespiratory capacity, there was an increase of 16.26% for PLHIV and 15.47% for PNLHIV with a statistically significant difference (p = 0.02) and for functional capacity, there was a reduction (the lowest value means the best result) of 8.7% for PLHIV and 8.8% for PNLHIV. Regarding countermovement jumping, there was an increase of 73.79% for PLHIV and 32.50% for PNLHIV, with a statistically significant difference (p = 0.03). Conclusion: Distance supervised functional training (DSFT) increased upper and lower limb strength and improved cardiorespiratory capacity in both groups. The DSFT proved to be efficient, as it improved all the variables evaluated and safe, there were no complications over the 9 months related to the training.
PIRES, Daniele de Campos. Avaliação dos efeitos de um programa de exercícios funcionais supervisionado à distância, com técnicas de monitoração digital remotas, na força muscular, na aptidão física e na composição corporal de idosos vivendo com HIV ou não. 2024. 54 f. Tese (Doutorado em Infectologia) - Escola Paulista de Medicina, Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP). São Paulo, 2024.