Análise retrospectiva da frequência de Mycoplasma spp. e Ureaplasma spp. em Infecções Sexualmente Transmissíveis na cidade de São Paulo e revisão da literatura sobre o impacto desses patógenos no sistema reprodutivo e na gestação
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As taxas de infecções sexualmente transmissíveis (ISTs) vêm aumentando consideravelmente em todo o mundo devido à ausência do uso de preservativos e, principalmente, pela emergência do desenvolvimento de resistência aos antimicrobianos (RAM) entre as principais espécies causadoras desse tipo de infecção. Dentro deste contexto, embora Mycoplasma spp. e Ureaplasma spp. sejam menos frequentes entre os patógenos causadores de ISTs e haja lacunas no conhecimento do funcionamento de seus mecanismos, já foi demonstrado que tais microrganismos apresentam um importante papel em distúrbios reprodutivos e infecções geniturinárias tanto em homens como em mulheres. Além disso, estes micoplasmas vêm ganhando destaque mundialmente por conta do aumento das taxas de RAM em determinadas regiões geográficas, como Oceania, Europa e Ásia, mas com informações ainda escassas sobre esses índices na América Latina. Sendo assim, o presente estudo avaliou a frequência de isolados de Mycoplasma spp. e Ureaplasma spp. recuperados de amostras de secreções vaginais e/ou uretrais de pacientes atendidos em um dos principais laboratórios particulares de microbiologia clínica na cidade de São Paulo e realizou uma revisão da literatura referente às ISTs causadas por tais microrganismos e às sequelas de tais infecções no Brasil e no mundo. A análise dos artigos permitiu relacionar a presença de micoplasmas com sequelas nos sexos feminino e masculino como a infecção do cérvix uterino, uretrite e infertilidade, bem como a distribuição de isolados resistentes mundialmente, presentes em pelo menos 27 países. Os dados coletados em um laboratório privado na cidade de São Paulo embora tenham demonstrado uma baixa frequência de micoplasmas (2,2%), foi possível observar uma maior frequência de M. genitalium entre as amostras positivas. Concluiu-se que a presença de Mycoplasma spp. e Ureaplasma spp. está associada a presença de possíveis sequelas, necessitando de maior investigação acerca de seus mecanismos de ação, além de demonstrar a escassez de dados microbiológicos e epidemiológicos no Brasil.
Rates of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) have been increasing considerably worldwide due to the lack of use of condoms and, mainly, due to the emergence of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) among the main species that cause this type of infections. Within this context, although Mycoplasma spp. and Ureaplasma spp. are less frequent among the pathogens that cause STIs and there are gaps in the knowledge of the functioning of their mechanisms, it has already been demonstrated that such microorganisms play an important role in reproductive disorders and genitourinary infections in both men and women. Besides, these mycoplasmas have been gaining prominence worldwide due to the increase in AMR rates in certain geographic regions, such as Oceania, Europe, and Asia. In opposite, there is scarce information about these rates in Latin America. Therefore, the present study evaluated the frequency of Mycoplasma spp. and Ureaplasma spp. recovered from samples of vaginal and/or urethral secretions from patients treated at the main clinical microbiology laboratories in the city of São Paulo and carried out a literature review regarding STIs caused by such microorganisms and the consequences of such infections in Brazil and worldwide. The analysis of the articles allowed relating the presence of mycoplasmas with sequelae in females and males such as infection of the uterine cervix, urethritis, and infertility, as well as the distribution of resistant strains worldwide, present in at least twenty-seven countries. Although the data collected in a laboratory in the city of São Paulo during 2022 showed a low frequency of mycoplasmas (2.2%), it was possible to observe a higher frequency of M. genitalium among the positive results. It was concluded that the presence of Mycoplasma spp. and Ureaplasma spp. is associated with the presence of possible sequelae, requiring further investigation into its mechanisms of action. Additionally, it was demonstrated the scarcity of microbiological and epidemiological data of mycoplasmas causing STIs in Brazil.
Rates of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) have been increasing considerably worldwide due to the lack of use of condoms and, mainly, due to the emergence of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) among the main species that cause this type of infections. Within this context, although Mycoplasma spp. and Ureaplasma spp. are less frequent among the pathogens that cause STIs and there are gaps in the knowledge of the functioning of their mechanisms, it has already been demonstrated that such microorganisms play an important role in reproductive disorders and genitourinary infections in both men and women. Besides, these mycoplasmas have been gaining prominence worldwide due to the increase in AMR rates in certain geographic regions, such as Oceania, Europe, and Asia. In opposite, there is scarce information about these rates in Latin America. Therefore, the present study evaluated the frequency of Mycoplasma spp. and Ureaplasma spp. recovered from samples of vaginal and/or urethral secretions from patients treated at the main clinical microbiology laboratories in the city of São Paulo and carried out a literature review regarding STIs caused by such microorganisms and the consequences of such infections in Brazil and worldwide. The analysis of the articles allowed relating the presence of mycoplasmas with sequelae in females and males such as infection of the uterine cervix, urethritis, and infertility, as well as the distribution of resistant strains worldwide, present in at least twenty-seven countries. Although the data collected in a laboratory in the city of São Paulo during 2022 showed a low frequency of mycoplasmas (2.2%), it was possible to observe a higher frequency of M. genitalium among the positive results. It was concluded that the presence of Mycoplasma spp. and Ureaplasma spp. is associated with the presence of possible sequelae, requiring further investigation into its mechanisms of action. Additionally, it was demonstrated the scarcity of microbiological and epidemiological data of mycoplasmas causing STIs in Brazil.