Estado nutricional de escolares e sua correlação com adição à comida, ansiedade e imagem corporal
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Introdução: Devido às mudanças no padrão alimentar nas últimas décadas o
perfil alimentar de grande parte da população vem sofrendo modificações, com
isso o consumo de alimentos ricos em açúcar, sal e gordura (hiperpalatáveis)
aumentou significativamente e alarmantemente, o que possivelmente está
afetando a saúde das pessoas, em destaque do público infantil, acarretando o
desenvolvimento de patologias associadas ao comportamento alimentar.
Métodos: Estudo transversal analítico composto por 121 crianças com idade
média de 9,9 ± 0,9 anos matriculados na rede pública de ensino do município
de Mirandópolis/SP. Os estudantes foram submetidos à avaliação
antropométrica (peso, estatura, circunferência abdominal) e ao preenchimento
de questionários padronizados e validados para avaliação da presença de
sintomatologia para ansiedade e adição á comida. Além disso, aplicou-se
escalas de silhuetas para a avaliação de distorção de imagem corporal e
hedônica para avaliar as preferências alimentares. Resultados: Observou-se
que a grande maioria das crianças avaliadas apresentou algum grau de
distorção de imagem corporal (43% subestimam e 47,1% superestimam) e
72,5% delas apresentaram sintomas gerais de ansiedade. Em relação a
presença de adição à comida, foi identificado que, quanto maior a classificação
do IMC, maior foi o nível de sintomas aditivos encontrados nas crianças. Além
disso, observamos que as crianças com sintomatologia para o transtorno de
ansiedade e aquelas com obesidade/obesidade grave apresentaram maior
risco de desenvolver sintomas congruentes com a presença de adição á
comida. Conclusão: Conclui-se que a adição alimentar está correlacionada
com o estado nutricional, transtorno de ansiedade e distorção de imagem
corporal. Contudo, há a necessidade de mais estudos sobre a temática e um
consenso sobre a relação e o desenvolvimento desses desfechos.
Background: Due to changes in the dietary pattern in recent decades, the dietary profile of a large part of the population has undergone changes, with this the consumption of foods rich in sugar, salt and fat (hyperpalatable) has increased significantly and alarmingly, which is possibly affecting the health of women. people, especially children, leading to the development of pathologies associated with eating behavior. Methods: Analytical cross-sectional study composed of 121 children with a mean age of 9.9 ± 0.9 years enrolled in the public school system in the city of Mirandópolis/SP. The students underwent anthropometric assessment (weight, height, waist circumference) and the completion of standardized and validated questionnaires to assess the presence of symptoms for anxiety and food addiction. In addition, silhouette scales were applied to assess body image distortion and hedonic to assess food preferences. Results: It was observed that the vast majority of the evaluated children presented some degree of body image distortion (43% underestimated and 47.1% overestimated) and 72.5% of them presented general symptoms of anxiety. Regarding the presence of food addiction, it was identified that the higher the BMI classification, the higher the level of addictive symptoms found in children. In addition, we observed that children with symptoms of anxiety disorder and those with obesity/severe obesity were at greater risk of developing symptoms congruent with the presence of food addiction. Conclusions: It is concluded that food addiction is correlated with nutritional status, anxiety disorder and body image distortion. However, there is a need for further studies on the subject and a consensus on the relationship and development of these outcomes.
Background: Due to changes in the dietary pattern in recent decades, the dietary profile of a large part of the population has undergone changes, with this the consumption of foods rich in sugar, salt and fat (hyperpalatable) has increased significantly and alarmingly, which is possibly affecting the health of women. people, especially children, leading to the development of pathologies associated with eating behavior. Methods: Analytical cross-sectional study composed of 121 children with a mean age of 9.9 ± 0.9 years enrolled in the public school system in the city of Mirandópolis/SP. The students underwent anthropometric assessment (weight, height, waist circumference) and the completion of standardized and validated questionnaires to assess the presence of symptoms for anxiety and food addiction. In addition, silhouette scales were applied to assess body image distortion and hedonic to assess food preferences. Results: It was observed that the vast majority of the evaluated children presented some degree of body image distortion (43% underestimated and 47.1% overestimated) and 72.5% of them presented general symptoms of anxiety. Regarding the presence of food addiction, it was identified that the higher the BMI classification, the higher the level of addictive symptoms found in children. In addition, we observed that children with symptoms of anxiety disorder and those with obesity/severe obesity were at greater risk of developing symptoms congruent with the presence of food addiction. Conclusions: It is concluded that food addiction is correlated with nutritional status, anxiety disorder and body image distortion. However, there is a need for further studies on the subject and a consensus on the relationship and development of these outcomes.